binary-layout 3.1.3

The binary-layout library allows type-safe, inplace, zero-copy access to structured binary data. You define a custom data layout and give it a slice of binary data, and it will allow you to read and write the fields defined in the layout from the binary data without having to copy any of the data. It's similar to transmuting to/from a `#[repr(packed)]` struct, but much safer.
/// This macro defines a data layout. Given such a layout, the [Field](crate::Field) or [FieldView](crate::FieldView) APIs can be used to access data based on it.
/// Data layouts define
/// - a name for the layout
/// - and endianness for its fields ([BigEndian](crate::BigEndian) or [LittleEndian](crate::LittleEndian))
/// - and an ordered collection of typed fields.
/// See [supported field types](crate#supported-field-types) for a list of supported field types.
/// # API
/// ```text
/// define_layout!(<<Name>>, <<Endianness>>, {
///   <<FieldName>>: <<FieldType>>,
///   <<FieldName>>: <<FieldType>>,
///   ...
/// });
/// ```
/// ## Field names
/// Field names can be any valid Rust identifiers, but it is recommended to avoid names that contain `storage`, `into_` or `_mut`.
/// This is because the [define_layout!](crate::define_layout!) macro creates a [View class with several accessors](#struct-view) for each field that contain those identifier parts.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// use binary_layout::prelude::*;
/// define_layout!(icmp_packet, BigEndian, {
///   packet_type: u8,
///   code: u8,
///   checksum: u16,
///   rest_of_header: [u8; 4],
///   data_section: [u8], // open ended byte array, matches until the end of the packet
/// });
/// ```
/// # Generated code
/// See [icmp_packet](crate::example::icmp_packet) for an example.
/// This macro will define a module for you with several members:
/// - For each field, there will be a struct containing
///   - metadata like [OFFSET](crate::Field::OFFSET) and [SIZE](crate::Field::SIZE) as rust `const`s
///   - data accessors for the [Field](crate::Field) API
/// - The module will also contain a `View` struct that offers the [FieldView](crate::FieldView) API.
/// This macro will also generate rustdoc documentation for everything it generates. One of the best ways to figure out
/// how to use the generated layouts is to read the rustdoc documentation that was generated for them.
/// ## Metadata Example
/// ```
/// use binary_layout::prelude::*;
/// define_layout!(my_layout, LittleEndian, {
///   field1: u16,
///   field2: u32,
/// });
/// assert_eq!(2, my_layout::field2::OFFSET);
/// assert_eq!(Some(4), my_layout::field2::SIZE);
/// ```
/// ## struct View
/// See [icmp_packet::View](crate::example::icmp_packet::View) for an example.
/// You can create views over a storage by calling `View::new`. Views can be created based on
/// - Immutable borrowed storage: `&[u8]`
/// - Mutable borrowed storage: `&mut [u8]`
/// - Owning storage: impl `AsRef<u8>` (for example: `Vec<u8>`)
/// The generated `View` struct will offer
/// - `View::new(storage)` to create a `View`
/// - `View::into_storage(self)` to destroy a `View` and return the storage held
/// and it will offer the following accessors for each field
/// - `${field_name}()`: Read access. This returns a [FieldView](crate::FieldView) instance with read access.
/// - `${field_name}_mut()`: Read access. This returns a [FieldView](crate::FieldView) instance with write access.
/// - `into_${field_name}`: Extract access. This destroys the `View` and returns a [FieldView](crate::FieldView) instance owning the storage. Mostly useful for slice fields when you want to return an owning slice.
macro_rules! define_layout {
    ($name: ident, $endianness: ident, {$($field_name: ident : $field_type: ty $(as $underlying_type: ty)?),* $(,)?}) => {
            This module is autogenerated. It defines a layout using the [binary_layout] crate based on the following definition:
            define_layout!(", stringify!($name), ", ", stringify!($endianness), ", {", $("
                ", stringify!($field_name), ": ", stringify!($field_type), $(" as ", stringify!($underlying_type), )? ",", )* "
            pub mod $name {
                use super::*;

                $crate::define_layout!(@impl_fields $crate::$endianness, Some(0), {$($field_name : $field_type $(as $underlying_type)?),*});

                    The [View] struct defines the [FieldView](crate::FieldView) API.
                    An instance of [View] wraps a storage (either borrowed or owned)
                    and allows accessors for the layout fields.

                    This view is based on the following layout definition:
                    define_layout!(", stringify!($name), ", ", stringify!($endianness), ", {", $("
                        ", stringify!($field_name), ": ", stringify!($field_type), $(" as ", stringify!($underlying_type), )? ",",)* "
                    pub struct View<S: AsRef<[u8]>> {
                        storage: S,
                impl <S: AsRef<[u8]>> View<S> {
                    /// You can create views over a storage by calling [View::new].
                    /// `S` is the type of underlying storage. It can be
                    /// - Immutable borrowed storage: `&[u8]`
                    /// - Mutable borrowed storage: `&mut [u8]`
                    /// - Owning storage: impl `AsRef<u8>` (for example: `Vec<u8>`)
                    pub fn new(storage: S) -> Self {
                        Self {storage}

                    /// This destroys the view and returns the underlying storage back to you.
                    /// This is useful if you created an owning view (e.g. based on `Vec<u8>`)
                    /// and now need the underlying `Vec<u8>` back.
                    pub fn into_storage(self) -> S {

                    $crate::define_layout!(@impl_view_into {$($field_name),*});
                impl <S: AsRef<[u8]>> View<S> {
                    $crate::define_layout!(@impl_view_asref {$($field_name),*});
                impl <S: AsRef<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]>> View<S> {
                    $crate::define_layout!(@impl_view_asmut {$($field_name),*});

                /// Use this as a marker type for using this layout as a nested field within another layout.
                /// # Example
                /// ```
                /// use binary_layout::prelude::*;
                /// define_layout!(icmp_header, BigEndian, {
                ///   packet_type: u8,
                ///   code: u8,
                ///   checksum: u16,
                ///   rest_of_header: [u8; 4],
                /// });
                /// define_layout!(icmp_packet, BigEndian, {
                ///   header: icmp_header::NestedView,
                ///   data_section: [u8], // open ended byte array, matches until the end of the packet
                /// });
                /// # fn main() {}
                /// ```
                pub struct NestedView;
                impl <S: AsRef<[u8]>> $crate::internal::OwningNestedView<$crate::Data<S>> for NestedView where S: AsRef<[u8]> {
                    type View = View<$crate::Data<S>>;

                    fn into_view(storage: $crate::Data<S>) -> Self::View {
                        Self::View {storage}
                impl <S: AsRef<[u8]>> $crate::internal::BorrowingNestedView<S> for NestedView {
                    type View = View<S>;

                    fn view(storage: S) -> Self::View {
                        Self::View {storage: storage.into()}

                impl $crate::internal::NestedViewInfo for NestedView {
                    const SIZE: Option<usize> = SIZE;

    (@impl_fields $endianness: ty, $offset_accumulator: expr, {}) => {
        /// Total size of the layout in number of bytes.
        /// This can be None if the layout ends with an open ended field like a byte slice.
        pub const SIZE: Option<usize> = $offset_accumulator;
    (@impl_fields $endianness: ty, $offset_accumulator: expr, {$name: ident : $type: ty as $underlying_type: ty $(, $($tail:tt)*)?}) => {
            concat!("Metadata and [Field](crate::Field) API accessors for the `", stringify!($name), "` field"),
            pub type $name = $crate::WrappedField::<$underlying_type, $type, $crate::PrimitiveField::<$underlying_type, $endianness, {$crate::internal::unwrap_field_size($offset_accumulator)}>>;
        $crate::define_layout!(@impl_fields $endianness, ($crate::internal::option_usize_add(<$name as $crate::Field>::OFFSET, <$name as $crate::Field>::SIZE)), {$($($tail)*)?});
    (@impl_fields $endianness: ty, $offset_accumulator: expr, {$name: ident : $type: ty $(, $($tail:tt)*)?}) => {
            concat!("Metadata and [Field](crate::Field) API accessors for the `", stringify!($name), "` field"),
            pub type $name = $crate::PrimitiveField::<$type, $endianness, {$crate::internal::unwrap_field_size($offset_accumulator)}>;
        $crate::define_layout!(@impl_fields $endianness, ($crate::internal::option_usize_add(<$name as $crate::Field>::OFFSET, <$name as $crate::Field>::SIZE)), {$($($tail)*)?});

    (@impl_view_asref {}) => {};
    (@impl_view_asref {$name: ident $(, $name_tail: ident)*}) => {
            concat!("Return a [FieldView](crate::FieldView) with read access to the `", stringify!($name), "` field"),
            pub fn $name(&self) -> <$name as $crate::internal::StorageToFieldView<&[u8]>>::View {
                <$name as $crate::internal::StorageToFieldView<&[u8]>>::view(
        $crate::define_layout!(@impl_view_asref {$($name_tail),*});

    (@impl_view_asmut {}) => {};
    (@impl_view_asmut {$name: ident $(, $name_tail: ident)*}) => {
                concat!("Return a [FieldView](crate::FieldView) with write access to the `", stringify!($name), "` field"),
                pub fn [<$name _mut>](&mut self) -> <$name as $crate::internal::StorageToFieldView<&mut [u8]>>::View {
                    <$name as $crate::internal::StorageToFieldView<&mut [u8]>>::view(
        $crate::define_layout!(@impl_view_asmut {$($name_tail),*});

    (@impl_view_into {}) => {};
    (@impl_view_into {$name: ident $(, $name_tail: ident)*}) => {
                concat!("Destroy the [View] and return a field accessor to the `", stringify!($name), "` field owning the storage. This is mostly useful for [FieldView::extract](crate::FieldView::extract)"),
                pub fn [<into_ $name>](self) -> <$name as $crate::internal::StorageIntoFieldView<S>>::View {
                    <$name as $crate::internal::StorageIntoFieldView<S>>::into_view(
        $crate::define_layout!(@impl_view_into {$($name_tail),*});

// TODO This only exists because Option<usize>::unwrap() isn't const. Remove this once it is.
/// Internal function, don't use!
/// Unwraps an option<usize>
pub const fn unwrap_field_size(opt: Option<usize>) -> usize {
    match opt {
        Some(x) => x,
        None => {
            ["Error: Fields without a static size (e.g. open-ended byte arrays) can only be used at the end of a layout"][10];
            loop {}

/// Internal function, don't use!
pub const fn option_usize_add(lhs: usize, rhs: Option<usize>) -> Option<usize> {
    match (lhs, rhs) {
        (lhs, Some(rhs)) => Some(lhs + rhs),
        (_, None) => None,

mod tests {
    use crate::prelude::*;

    use rand::{rngs::StdRng, RngCore, SeedableRng};

    fn data_region(size: usize, seed: u64) -> Vec<u8> {
        let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
        let mut res = vec![0; size];
        rng.fill_bytes(&mut res);

    define_layout!(module_level_layout, LittleEndian, {
        first: i8,
        second: i64,
        third: u16,

    fn layouts_can_be_defined_at_module_level() {
        let storage: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
        let view = module_level_layout::View::new(storage);
        assert_eq!(0, view.third().read());

    fn layouts_can_be_defined_at_function_level() {
        define_layout!(function_level_layout, LittleEndian, {
            first: i8,
            second: i64,
            third: u16,

        let storage: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
        let view = function_level_layout::View::new(storage);
        assert_eq!(0, view.third().read());

    fn can_be_created_with_and_without_trailing_comma() {
        define_layout!(first, LittleEndian, { field: u8 });
        define_layout!(second, LittleEndian, {
            field: u8,
            second: u16
        define_layout!(third, LittleEndian, {
            field: u8,
        define_layout!(fourth, LittleEndian, {
            field: u8,
            second: u16,

    fn there_can_be_multiple_views_if_readonly() {
        define_layout!(my_layout, BigEndian, {
            field1: u16,
            field2: i64,

        let storage = data_region(1024, 0);
        let view1 = my_layout::View::new(&storage);
        let view2 = my_layout::View::new(&storage);

    fn size_of_sized_layout() {
        define_layout!(my_layout, LittleEndian, {
            field1: u16,
            field2: i64,
        assert_eq!(Some(10), my_layout::SIZE);

    fn size_of_unsized_layout() {
        define_layout!(my_layout, LittleEndian, {
            field: u16,
            tail: [u8],
        assert_eq!(None, my_layout::SIZE);