bigtools 0.1.11

A library and associated tools for reading and writing bigwigs and bigbeds
//! A doubly linked list, backed by a vector.
//! This crate provides a struct, `IndexList<T>`, which is a doubly-linked
//! list. However, unlike a traditional linked list, which heap allocates
//! each of its nodes individually, all nodes are stored in a vector. Rather
//! than provide pointers to nodes, an `Index` struct can be used to access
//! a particular element in the middle of the list.
//! # Safety
//! This crate uses `#![deny(unsafe_code)]` to ensure everything is implemented
//! in 100% Safe Rust.
//! # Generational indexes
//! `Index` uses a generations scheme, so that if you hold an `Index` to a node,
//! and it's removed, and a new node is allocated in its place, you do not access
//! the new node.
//! # Performance
//! In general, performance is quite good. Benchmarks against the standard library's
//! `LinkedList<T>` are provided. But some other details:
//! * The list keeps track of its head and tail for efficient insertion.
//! * The underlying vector only grows, never shrinks. When a node is removed, its
//!   entry is marked as free for future insertions.
//! * Free entries are themselves kept as a singly-linked list, meaning that they
//!   can be re-used efficiently.
//! # Missing features
//! Right now, I've only implemented a minimal number of features; there's `iter`
//! and `into_iter` but no `iter_mut`. This is on the to-do list. PRs welcome!
//! # Examples
//! Creating a list, appending nodes, and printing them out:
//! ```
//! use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
//! let mut list = IndexList::new();
//! list.push_back(5);
//! list.push_back(10);
//! list.push_back(15);
//! // This prints 5, 10, and then 15, each on its own line
//! for element in list.iter() {
//!     println!("{}", element);
//! }
//! ```
//! Removing an item from the list:
//! ```
//! use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
//! let mut list = IndexList::new();
//! let five = list.push_back(5);
//! list.push_back(10);
//! list.remove(five);
//! // 5 is no longer in the list
//! assert!(list.get(five).is_none());
//! ```
//! Generational indexes:
//! ```
//! use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
//! let mut list = IndexList::new();
//! let five = list.push_back(5);
//! list.push_back(10);
//! list.remove(five);
//! // since we have a free spot, this will go where 5 was
//! list.push_back(15);
//! // our index is out of date, and so will not return 15 here
//! assert!(list.get(five).is_none());
//! ```

use std::marker::PhantomData;

/// A doubly linked list, backed by a vector.
/// See the crate documentation for more.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct IndexList<T> {
    contents: Vec<Entry<T>>,
    generation: usize,
    next_free: Option<usize>,
    head: Option<usize>,
    tail: Option<usize>,

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Entry<T> {
    Free { next_free: Option<usize> },

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct OccupiedEntry<T> {
    item: T,
    generation: usize,
    next: Option<usize>,
    prev: Option<usize>,

/// A reference to an element in the list.
/// If you have an `Index`, you can get or remove the item at that position in
/// the list.
/// # Generational indexes
/// `Index` employs a "generational index" scheme. A "generation" is a counter,
/// saved by the `IndexList<T>`. This counter increases whenever an item is
/// removed from the list. Each item in the list keeps track of the generation
/// it was inserted in.
/// An Index also keeps track of a generation. When you attempt to manipulate an
/// item in the list via an `Index`, the generations are compared. If the
/// `Index`'s generation is older than the item at that position, it is stale,
/// and so that item will not be returned or removed.
/// This scheme lets us re-use removed slots in the list, while ensuring that
/// you won't see bad data.
/// # Examples
/// You can get an `Index` by inserting something into the list:
/// ```
/// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
/// let mut list = IndexList::new();
/// // this is an Index
/// let index = list.push_back(5);
/// ```
/// You can also get one with `index_of`:
/// ```
/// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
/// let mut list = IndexList::new();
/// let five = list.push_back(5);
/// let index = list.index_of(&5);
/// assert_eq!(Some(five), index);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Index<T> {
    index: usize,
    generation: usize,
    _marker: PhantomData<T>,

impl<T> Clone for Index<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            index: self.index,
            generation: self.generation,
            _marker: PhantomData,
impl<T> Copy for Index<T> {}

impl<T> Index<T> {
    fn new(index: usize, generation: usize) -> Index<T> {
        Index {
            _marker: PhantomData,

impl<T> Default for IndexList<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        IndexList {
            contents: Default::default(),
            generation: Default::default(),
            next_free: Default::default(),
            head: Default::default(),
            tail: Default::default(),

impl<T> IndexList<T>
    T: PartialEq,
    T: std::fmt::Debug,
    /// Creates a new `IndexList<T>`.
    /// # Examples
    /// Making a new list:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let list: IndexList<i32> = IndexList::new();
    /// ```
    pub fn new() -> IndexList<T> {

    /// Creates a new `IndexList<T>` with a given capacity.
    /// If you know roughly how many elements will be stored in the list,
    /// creating one with that capacity can reduce allocations, increasing
    /// performance.
    /// # Examples
    /// Making a new list:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let list: IndexList<i32> = IndexList::with_capacity(100);
    /// ```
    pub fn with_capacity(size: usize) -> IndexList<T> {
        IndexList {
            contents: Vec::with_capacity(size),
            generation: 0,
            next_free: None,
            head: None,
            tail: None,

    /// Returns a reference to the first item in the list.
    /// Will return `None` if the list is empty.
    /// # Examples
    /// The first item is often the first one that's pushed on:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// list.push_back(5);
    /// assert_eq!(list.head(), Some(&5));
    /// ```
    /// But of course, not always!
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// list.push_back(5);
    /// // this will append to the front, so it's now the head
    /// list.push_front(10);
    /// assert_eq!(list.head(), Some(&10));
    /// ```
    pub fn head(&self) -> Option<&T> {
        let index = self.head?;

        self.contents.get(index).and_then(|e| match e {
            Entry::Free { .. } => None,
            Entry::Occupied(e) => Some(&e.item),

    pub fn tail(&self) -> Option<&T> {
        let index = self.tail?;

        self.contents.get(index).and_then(|e| match e {
            Entry::Free { .. } => None,
            Entry::Occupied(e) => Some(&e.item),

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the first item in the list.
    /// Will return `None` if the list is empty.
    /// # Examples
    /// The first item is often the first one that's pushed on:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// list.push_back(5);
    /// assert_eq!(list.head_mut(), Some(&mut 5));
    /// ```
    /// But of course, not always!
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// list.push_back(5);
    /// // this will append to the front, so it's now the head
    /// list.push_front(10);
    /// assert_eq!(list.head_mut(), Some(&mut 10));
    /// ```
    pub fn head_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
        let index = self.head?;

        match &mut self.contents[index] {
            Entry::Free { .. } => None,
            Entry::Occupied(e) => Some(&mut e.item),

    pub fn head_index(&self) -> Option<Index<T>> {
        let index = self.head?;

        self.contents.get(index).and_then(|e| match e {
            Entry::Free { .. } => None,
            Entry::Occupied(e) => Some(Index::new(index, e.generation)),

    pub fn tail_index(&self) -> Option<Index<T>> {
        let index = self.tail?;

        self.contents.get(index).and_then(|e| match e {
            Entry::Free { .. } => None,
            Entry::Occupied(e) => Some(Index::new(index, e.generation)),

    /// Adds this item to the tail of the list.
    /// # Examples
    /// Pushing several numbers into a list:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// list.push_back(5);
    /// list.push_back(10);
    /// list.push_back(15);
    /// // This prints 5, 10, and then 15, each on its own line
    /// for element in list.iter() {
    ///     println!("{}", element);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn push_back(&mut self, item: T) -> Index<T> {
        // first, we need to find a suitable place to insert

        // is the head of the list empty? If so, that's easy.
        if self.head.is_none() {
            let generation = self.generation;

            let index = if let Some(index) = self.next_free {
                match self.contents[index] {
                    Entry::Occupied { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                    Entry::Free { next_free } => self.next_free = next_free,

                self.contents[index] = Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                    next: None,
                    prev: None,

            } else {
                let index = self.contents.len();

                self.contents.push(Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                    next: None,
                    prev: None,


            self.tail = Some(index);
            self.head = Some(index);

            return Index::new(index, generation);

        // if it isn't empty, then we need to check the free list and put our
        // new item in the proper place

        // we have a tail, so we can unwrap; we need this for appending
        let tail_index = self.tail.unwrap();

        let position = if let Some(position) = self.next_free {
            // update next_free
            match self.contents[position] {
                Entry::Occupied { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                Entry::Free { next_free } => self.next_free = next_free,

            self.contents[position] = Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                generation: self.generation,
                next: None,
                prev: Some(tail_index),

        } else {
            // we don't have any, so append to the end of the list
            let position = self.contents.len();

            self.contents.push(Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                generation: self.generation,
                next: None,
                prev: Some(tail_index),


        // and then fix up the tail to refer to it
        let new_index = Index::new(position, self.generation);

        // we found this index before so we know it exists
        match &mut self.contents[tail_index] {
            Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
            Entry::Occupied(e) => = Some(new_index.index),

        // update our tail to properly point at the newly inserted element
        self.tail = Some(position);

        // and finally, return the index associated with our new tail

    /// Adds this item to the head of the list.
    /// # Examples
    /// Pushing several numbers into a list:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// list.push_front(5);
    /// list.push_front(10);
    /// list.push_front(15);
    /// // This prints 15, 10, and then 5, each on its own line
    /// for element in list.iter() {
    ///     println!("{}", element);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn push_front(&mut self, item: T) -> Index<T> {
        // first, we need to find a suitable place to insert

        // is the head of the list empty? If so, that's easy.
        if self.head.is_none() {
            return self.push_back(item);

        // if it isn't empty, then we need to check the free list and put our
        // new item in the proper place

        // we have a head, so we can unwrap; we need this for appending
        let head_index = self.head.unwrap();

        let position = if let Some(position) = self.next_free {
            // update next_free
            match self.contents[position] {
                Entry::Occupied { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                Entry::Free { next_free } => self.next_free = next_free,

            self.contents[position] = Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                generation: self.generation,
                next: Some(head_index),
                prev: None,

        } else {
            // we don't have any, so append to the end of the list
            let position = self.contents.len();

            self.contents.push(Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                generation: self.generation,
                next: Some(head_index),
                prev: None,


        let new_index = Index::new(position, self.generation);

        // and then fix up the head to refer to it

        // we found this index before so we know it exists
        match &mut self.contents[head_index] {
            Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
            Entry::Occupied(e) => e.prev = Some(new_index.index),

        // update our head to properly point at the newly inserted element
        self.head = Some(position);

        // and finally, return the index associated with our new tail

    /// Does this list contain this element?
    /// Returns true if it does, and false if it does not.
    /// # Examples
    /// Checking both possibilities:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// list.push_back(5);
    /// // our list does contain five
    /// assert!(list.contains(&5));
    /// // our list does not contain ten
    /// assert!(!list.contains(&10));
    /// ```
    pub fn contains(&self, value: &T) -> bool {
        self.iter().any(|e| e == value)

    /// Returns the item at this index if it exists.
    /// If there's an item at this index, then this will return a reference to
    /// it. If not, returns `None`.
    /// Indexes are generational, and so this method will use the generation to
    /// determine if this element exists. For more, see [`Index`'s documentation].
    /// [`Index`'s documentation]: struct.Index.html
    /// # Examples
    /// Getting an element at an index:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// let five = list.push_back(5);
    /// assert_eq!(list.get(five), Some(&5));
    /// ```
    /// An element that doesn't exist returns `None`:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// let five = list.push_back(5);
    /// list.remove(five);
    /// assert!(list.get(five).is_none());
    /// ```
    /// Generational indexes ensure that we don't access incorrect items:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// let five = list.push_back(5);
    /// list.push_back(10);
    /// list.remove(five);
    /// // since we have a free spot, this will go where 5 was
    /// list.push_back(15);
    /// // our index is out of date, and so will not return 15 here
    /// assert!(list.get(five).is_none());
    /// ```
    pub fn get(&self, index: Index<T>) -> Option<&T> {
        match self.contents.get(index.index)? {
            Entry::Occupied(e) if e.generation == index.generation => Some(&e.item),
            _ => None,

    /// Returns the item at this index if it exists.
    /// If there's an item at this index, then this will return a mutable reference to
    /// it. If not, returns `None`.
    /// Indexes are generational, and so this method will use the generation to
    /// determine if this element exists. For more, see [`Index`'s documentation].
    /// [`Index`'s documentation]: struct.Index.html
    /// # Examples
    /// Getting an element at an index:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// let five = list.push_back(5);
    /// assert_eq!(list.get_mut(five), Some(&mut 5));
    /// ```
    /// An element that doesn't exist returns `None`:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// let five = list.push_back(5);
    /// list.remove(five);
    /// assert!(list.get_mut(five).is_none());
    /// ```
    /// Generational indexes ensure that we don't access incorrect items:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// let five = list.push_back(5);
    /// list.push_back(10);
    /// list.remove(five);
    /// // since we have a free spot, this will go where 5 was
    /// list.push_back(15);
    /// // our index is out of date, and so will not return 15 here
    /// assert!(list.get_mut(five).is_none());
    /// ```
    pub fn get_mut(&mut self, index: Index<T>) -> Option<&mut T> {
        match &mut self.contents[index.index] {
            Entry::Occupied(e) if e.generation == index.generation => Some(&mut e.item),
            _ => None,

    pub fn next_index(&self, index: Index<T>) -> Option<Index<T>> {
        match self.contents.get(index.index)? {
            Entry::Occupied(e) if e.generation == index.generation => {
                match {
                    Some(index) => match self.contents.get(index)? {
                        Entry::Occupied(e) => Some(Index::new(index, e.generation)),
                        _ => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                    _ => None, // this element was at the end of the list
            _ => None, // this was an invalid or outdated index

    pub fn prev_index(&self, index: Index<T>) -> Option<Index<T>> {
        match self.contents.get(index.index)? {
            Entry::Occupied(e) if e.generation == index.generation => {
                match e.prev {
                    Some(index) => match self.contents.get(index)? {
                        Entry::Occupied(e) => Some(Index::new(index, e.generation)),
                        _ => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                    _ => None, // this element was at the end of the list
            _ => None, // this was an invalid or outdated index

    /// Removes the item at this index, and returns the removed item.
    /// If there's an item at this index, then this will remove it from the list
    /// and return it. If there isn't, it will return `None`.
    /// Indexes are generational, and so this method will use the generation to
    /// determine if this element exists. For more, see [`Index`'s documentation].
    /// [`Index`'s documentation]: struct.Index.html
    /// # Examples
    /// Removing an element from an index:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// let five = list.push_back(5);
    /// let five = list.remove(five);
    /// assert_eq!(five, Some(5));
    /// assert!(!list.contains(&5));
    /// ```
    /// An element that doesn't exist returns `None`:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// let five = list.push_back(5);
    /// list.remove(five);
    /// assert!(list.remove(five).is_none());
    /// ```
    /// Generational indexes ensure that we don't access incorrect items:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// let five = list.push_back(5);
    /// list.push_back(10);
    /// list.remove(five);
    /// // since we have a free spot, this will go where 5 was
    /// list.push_back(15);
    /// // our index is out of date, and so will not return 15 here
    /// assert!(list.remove(five).is_none());
    /// ```
    pub fn remove(&mut self, index: Index<T>) -> Option<T> {
        // if we have no head or tail, then we have an emtpy list, so return
        let head_index = self.head?;
        let tail_index = self.tail?;

        // we want to do just get, but then we run into borrowing issues.
        // we could implement Entry, but... ugh. So let's fetch just the indexes for now.
        let (prev_index, index, next_index) = match self.contents.get(index.index)? {
            Entry::Free { .. } => return None,
            Entry::Occupied(e) => {
                // are we of the right generation?
                if index.generation != e.generation {
                    return None;

                (e.prev, index.index,

        let removed = std::mem::replace(
            &mut self.contents[index],
            Entry::Free {
                next_free: self.next_free,

        // update our free list to point to this new space
        self.next_free = Some(index);

        // when we remove a node, we need to increase the generation to invalidate
        // older indexes that may be refering to this spot
        self.generation += 1;

        // now we need to fix up any next or previous nodes. we have four cases:
        // * index is at the head and tail (only item in the list)
        // * index is at the head
        // * index is at the tail
        // * index is in the middle

        // index is at the head and tail (only item in the list)
        if (index == head_index) && (index == tail_index) {
            self.head = None;
            self.tail = None;

        // index is at the head
        } else if index == head_index {
            let next = match &mut self.contents[next_index.unwrap()] {
                Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                Entry::Occupied(e) => e,

            next.prev = None;
            self.head = next_index;

        // index is at the tail
        } else if index == tail_index {
            let prev = match &mut self.contents[prev_index.unwrap()] {
                Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                Entry::Occupied(e) => e,

   = None;
            self.tail = prev_index;

        // index is in the middle
        } else if index != head_index && index != tail_index {
            // fix up next
                let next = match &mut self.contents[next_index.unwrap()] {
                    Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                    Entry::Occupied(e) => e,

                next.prev = prev_index;

            // fix up prev
                let prev = match &mut self.contents[prev_index.unwrap()] {
                    Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                    Entry::Occupied(e) => e,
       = next_index;

        match removed {
            Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
            Entry::Occupied(e) => Some(e.item),

    /// Inserts an element immediately before the provided index. Returns `None`
    /// if the element at the provided index was removed.
    pub fn insert_before(&mut self, index: Index<T>, item: T) -> Option<Index<T>> {
        // Get the current index
        let (prev_index, index, _next_index) = match self.contents.get(index.index)? {
            Entry::Free { .. } => return None,
            Entry::Occupied(e) => {
                // are we of the right generation?
                if index.generation != e.generation {
                    return None;

                (e.prev, index.index,

        let entry = Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
            generation: self.generation,
            next: Some(index),
            prev: prev_index,

        // Insert the item
        let position = if let Some(position) = self.next_free {
            // update next_free
            match self.contents[position] {
                Entry::Occupied { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                Entry::Free { next_free } => self.next_free = next_free,

            self.contents[position] = entry;

        } else {
            // we don't have any, so append to the end of the list
            let position = self.contents.len();



        match &mut self.contents[index] {
            Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
            Entry::Occupied(e) => {
                e.prev = Some(position);

        // Now, we need to update the prev node, if there was one, as well as
        // the head, if there wasn't
        match prev_index {
            Some(index) => match &mut self.contents[index] {
                Entry::Occupied(e) => {
           = Some(position);
                _ => panic!("Corrupted list"),
            None => {
                self.head = Some(position);

        Some(Index::new(position, self.generation))

    /// Inserts an element immediately after the provided index. Returns `None`
    /// if the element at the provided index was removed.
    pub fn insert_after(&mut self, index: Index<T>, item: T) -> Option<Index<T>> {
        // Get the current index
        let (_prev_index, index, next_index) = match self.contents.get(index.index)? {
            Entry::Free { .. } => return None,
            Entry::Occupied(e) => {
                // are we of the right generation?
                if index.generation != e.generation {
                    return None;

                (e.prev, index.index,

        let entry = Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
            generation: self.generation,
            next: next_index,
            prev: Some(index),

        // Insert the item
        let position = if let Some(position) = self.next_free {
            // update next_free
            match self.contents[position] {
                Entry::Occupied { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                Entry::Free { next_free } => self.next_free = next_free,

            self.contents[position] = entry;

        } else {
            // we don't have any, so append to the end of the list
            let position = self.contents.len();



        match &mut self.contents[index] {
            Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
            Entry::Occupied(e) => {
       = Some(position);

        // Now, we need to update the prev node, if there was one, as well as
        // the head, if there wasn't
        match next_index {
            Some(index) => match &mut self.contents[index] {
                Entry::Occupied(e) => {
                    e.prev = Some(position);
                _ => panic!("Corrupted list"),
            None => {
                self.tail = Some(position);

        Some(Index::new(position, self.generation))

    /// Returns an iterator of references to the items in the list.
    /// # Examples
    /// Using an iterator to print out all of the items in a list:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// list.push_back(5);
    /// list.push_back(10);
    /// list.push_back(15);
    /// // This prints 5, 10, and then 15, each on its own line
    /// for element in list.iter() {
    ///     println!("{}", element);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> {
        Iter {
            list: self,
            next_index: self.head,

    /// Returns an `Index` to this item.
    /// If this item is not in the list, returns `None`.
    /// # Examples
    /// Finding an item:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// let five = list.push_back(5);
    /// let index = list.index_of(&5);
    /// assert_eq!(Some(five), index);
    /// ```
    pub fn index_of(&self, item: &T) -> Option<Index<T>> {
        let mut next = self.head;

        // iterate through entries from the front of the list
        while let Some(index) = next {
            // this should always be occupied because the index comes from a previous list items `next` field
            let entry = match &self.contents[index] {
                Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupt list"),
                Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry,
            // if we find the item, return the index, otherwise check the next list item
            if &entry.item == item {
                return Some(Index::new(index, entry.generation));
            } else {
                next =;


    /// Removes the head of the list.
    /// If an item was removed, this will also return it.
    /// If this list is empty, returns `None`.
    /// # Examples
    /// Removing the head:
    /// ```
    /// use bigtools::utils::indexlist::IndexList;
    /// let mut list = IndexList::new();
    /// list.push_back(5);
    /// assert_eq!(list.pop_front(), Some(5));
    /// assert_eq!(list.iter().count(), 0);
    /// ```
    pub fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        // if we have no head, then we have an empty list, so return
        let head_index = self.head?;

        // we want to do just get, but then we run into borrowing issues.
        // we could implement Entry, but... ugh. So let's fetch just the indexes for now.
        let (head_index, next_index) = match self.contents.get(head_index)? {
            Entry::Free { .. } => return None,
            Entry::Occupied(e) => (head_index,,

        let removed = std::mem::replace(
            &mut self.contents[head_index],
            Entry::Free {
                next_free: self.next_free,

        // update our free list to point to this new space
        self.next_free = Some(head_index);

        // when we remove a node, we need to increase the generation to invalidate
        // older indexes that may be refering to this spot
        self.generation += 1;

        // now we need to fix up any next or previous nodes. we have two cases:
        // * index is at the head and tail (only item in the list)
        // * index is at the head

        // index is at the head and tail (only item in the list)
        if Some(head_index) == self.tail {
            self.head = None;
            self.tail = None;

        // index is at the head
        } else {
            let next = match &mut self.contents[next_index.unwrap()] {
                Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
                Entry::Occupied(e) => e,

            next.prev = None;
            self.head = next_index;

        match removed {
            Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
            Entry::Occupied(e) => Some(e.item),

impl<T> IntoIterator for IndexList<T> {
    type Item = T;
    type IntoIter = IntoIter<T>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
        let next_index = self.head;

        IntoIter {
            list: self,

pub struct IntoIter<T> {
    list: IndexList<T>,
    next_index: Option<usize>,

impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T> {
    type Item = T;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let next_index = self.next_index?;
        let entry = std::mem::replace(
            &mut self.list.contents[next_index],
            Entry::Free { next_free: None },

        match entry {
            Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
            Entry::Occupied(e) => {
                self.next_index =;


struct Iter<'a, T>
    T: 'a,
    list: &'a IndexList<T>,
    next_index: Option<usize>,

impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T> {
    type Item = &'a T;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        // do we have a next thing?
        let next_index = self.next_index?;

        // what is it?
        match &self.list.contents[next_index] {
            Entry::Free { .. } => panic!("Corrupted list"),
            Entry::Occupied(e) => {
                // set up our next iteration
                self.next_index =;


impl<T> std::ops::Index<Index<T>> for IndexList<T>
    T: PartialEq,
    T: std::fmt::Debug,
    type Output = T;

    fn index(&self, index: Index<T>) -> &Self::Output {

impl<T> std::ops::IndexMut<Index<T>> for IndexList<T>
    T: PartialEq,
    T: std::fmt::Debug,
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Index<T>) -> &mut Self::Output {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn create_index() {
        let index: Index<i32> = Index::new(1, 2);

        assert_eq!(index.index, 1);
        assert_eq!(index.generation, 2);

    fn create_list() {
        let _list: IndexList<i32> = IndexList::new();

    fn insert() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();


            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 5,
                next: None,
                prev: None,
                generation: 0,

    fn contains() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();



    fn get() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let five = list.push_back(5);

        let entry = list.get(five);


        assert_eq!(entry.unwrap(), &5);

    fn get_mut() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let five = list.push_back(5);

        let entry = list.get_mut(five);


        assert_eq!(entry.unwrap(), &mut 5);

    fn next_index() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let five = list.push_back(5);
        let _ten = list.push_back(10);

        let ten_index = list.next_index(five).unwrap();

        let ten_value = list.get(ten_index);

        assert_eq!(ten_value.unwrap(), &10);
        assert_eq!(None, list.next_index(ten_index));

    fn prev_index() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let _five = list.push_back(5);
        let ten = list.push_back(10);

        let five_index = list.prev_index(ten).unwrap();

        let five_value = list.get(five_index);

        assert_eq!(five_value.unwrap(), &5);
        assert_eq!(None, list.prev_index(five_index));

    fn index() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let five = list.push_back(5);

        let entry = list[five];

        assert_eq!(entry, 5);

    fn index_mut() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let five = list.push_back(5);

        let mut entry = list[five];

        entry += 1;

        let six = list.push_back(entry);

        let new_entry = list[six];

        assert_eq!(new_entry, 6);

    fn insert_thrice() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();


            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 5,
                next: Some(1),
                prev: None,
                generation: 0,

            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 10,
                next: Some(2),
                prev: Some(0),
                generation: 0,

            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 15,
                next: None,
                prev: Some(1),
                generation: 0,

    fn remove_middle() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let ten = list.push_back(10);

        let removed = list.remove(ten).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(removed, 10);

            IndexList {
                contents: vec![
                    Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                        item: 5,
                        next: Some(2),
                        prev: None,
                        generation: 0,
                    Entry::Free { next_free: None },
                    Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                        item: 15,
                        next: None,
                        prev: Some(0),
                        generation: 0,
                generation: 1,
                next_free: Some(1),
                head: Some(0),
                tail: Some(2),

    fn remove_head() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let five = list.push_back(5);

        let removed = list.remove(five).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(removed, 5);

            IndexList {
                contents: vec![
                    Entry::Free { next_free: None },
                    Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                        item: 10,
                        next: Some(2),
                        prev: None,
                        generation: 0,
                    Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                        item: 15,
                        next: None,
                        prev: Some(1),
                        generation: 0,
                generation: 1,
                next_free: Some(0),
                head: Some(1),
                tail: Some(2),

    fn remove_tail() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let fifteen = list.push_back(15);

        let removed = list.remove(fifteen).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(removed, 15);

            IndexList {
                contents: vec![
                    Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                        item: 5,
                        next: Some(1),
                        prev: None,
                        generation: 0,
                    Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                        item: 10,
                        next: None,
                        prev: Some(0),
                        generation: 0,
                    Entry::Free { next_free: None },
                generation: 1,
                next_free: Some(2),
                head: Some(0),
                tail: Some(1),

    fn remove_only() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let five = list.push_back(5);

        let removed = list.remove(five).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(removed, 5);

            IndexList {
                contents: vec![Entry::Free { next_free: None },],
                generation: 1,
                next_free: Some(0),
                head: None,
                tail: None,

    fn remove_returns_none_when_not_there() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let five_index = list.push_back(5);

        let five_entry = list.remove(five_index).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(list.contents[0], Entry::Free { next_free: None });

        assert_eq!(five_entry, 5);


    fn into_iter() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let ten = list.push_back(10);


        let mut iter = list.into_iter();

        assert_eq!(, 5);
        assert_eq!(, 15);


    fn iter() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let ten = list.push_back(10);


        let mut iter = list.iter();

        assert_eq!(, &5);
        assert_eq!(, &15);


    fn reallocation() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let ten = list.push_back(10);

        let ten = list.remove(ten).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(ten, 10);


            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 5,
                next: Some(2),
                prev: None,
                generation: 0,

            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 20,
                next: None,
                prev: Some(2),
                generation: 1,

            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 15,
                next: Some(1),
                prev: Some(0),
                generation: 0,

    fn generations() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let five = list.push_back(5);
        let ten = list.push_back(10);


        let twenty = list.push_back(20);

        // since we reallocate, that twenty should have gone where the ten was.
        // this means that ten should now be invalid.

        // however, five should be fine!

        // as should twenty!

    fn head() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();


        let five = list.push_back(5);

        assert_eq!(list.head().unwrap(), &5);



        assert_eq!(list.head().unwrap(), &10);

        assert_eq!(list.contents[0], Entry::Free { next_free: None });

        assert_eq!(list.head, Some(1));

            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 10,
                next: None,
                prev: None,
                generation: 0,

    fn head_mut() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();


        let five = list.push_back(5);

        assert_eq!(list.head_mut().unwrap(), &mut 5);



        assert_eq!(list.head_mut().unwrap(), &mut 10);

        assert_eq!(list.contents[0], Entry::Free { next_free: None });

        assert_eq!(list.head, Some(1));

            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 10,
                next: None,
                prev: None,
                generation: 0,

    fn head_index() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();


        let five = list.push_back(5);

        assert_eq!(list.head_index().unwrap(), five);

    fn tail_index() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();


        let _five = list.push_back(5);
        let ten = list.push_back(10);

        assert_eq!(list.tail_index().unwrap(), ten);

    fn push_front() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();


            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 5,
                next: None,
                prev: Some(1),
                generation: 0,

            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 10,
                next: Some(0),
                prev: Some(2),
                generation: 0,

            Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                item: 15,
                next: Some(1),
                prev: None,
                generation: 0,

    fn index_of() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();


        assert_eq!(list.index_of(&10).unwrap(), Index::new(1, 0));


    fn index_of_get_correct_generation() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let ten = list.push_back(10);

            Index {
                index: 0,
                generation: 0,
                _marker: PhantomData

    fn index_of_get_first_occurrence() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let six = list.push_back(6);
        let first_nine = list.push_back(9);


        let _second_nine = list.push_back(9);

        assert_eq!(list.index_of(&9).unwrap(), first_nine);

    fn pop_front() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();


        assert_eq!(list.pop_front().unwrap(), 5);
        assert_eq!(list.pop_front().unwrap(), 10);
        assert_eq!(list.pop_front().unwrap(), 15);

            IndexList {
                contents: vec![
                    Entry::Free { next_free: None },
                    Entry::Free { next_free: Some(0) },
                    Entry::Free { next_free: Some(1) },
                generation: 3,
                next_free: Some(2),
                head: None,
                tail: None,

    fn push_and_pop() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();


        assert_eq!(list.pop_front().unwrap(), 5);
        assert_eq!(list.pop_front().unwrap(), 10);
        assert_eq!(list.pop_front().unwrap(), 15);


        assert_eq!(list.pop_front().unwrap(), 5);
        assert_eq!(list.pop_front().unwrap(), 10);
        assert_eq!(list.pop_front().unwrap(), 15);

            IndexList {
                contents: vec![
                    Entry::Free { next_free: Some(1) },
                    Entry::Free { next_free: Some(2) },
                    Entry::Free { next_free: None },
                generation: 6,
                next_free: Some(0),
                head: None,
                tail: None,

    fn push_front_next_free() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();



            IndexList {
                contents: vec![
                    Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                        item: 0,
                        next: None,
                        prev: Some(1),
                        generation: 0
                    Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                        item: 1,
                        next: Some(0),
                        prev: Some(2),
                        generation: 1
                    Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
                        item: 2,
                        next: Some(1),
                        prev: None,
                        generation: 1
                generation: 1,
                next_free: None,
                head: Some(2),
                tail: Some(0),

    fn insert_before() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let index = list.push_front(2);
        list.insert_before(index, 0);

        assert_eq!(list.iter().copied().collect::<Vec<usize>>(), vec![0, 2]);
        assert_eq!(*list.get(list.prev_index(index).unwrap()).unwrap(), 0);

        list.insert_before(index, 1);

        assert_eq!(list.iter().copied().collect::<Vec<usize>>(), vec![0, 1, 2]);
        assert_eq!(*list.get(list.prev_index(index).unwrap()).unwrap(), 1);

    fn insert_after() {
        let mut list = IndexList::new();

        let index = list.push_front(0);
        list.insert_after(index, 2);

        assert_eq!(list.iter().copied().collect::<Vec<usize>>(), vec![0, 2]);
        assert_eq!(*list.get(list.next_index(index).unwrap()).unwrap(), 2);

        list.insert_after(index, 1);

        assert_eq!(list.iter().copied().collect::<Vec<usize>>(), vec![0, 1, 2]);
        assert_eq!(*list.get(list.next_index(index).unwrap()).unwrap(), 1);