bigml 1.0.0

Unofficial BigML client bindings
//! A client connection to BigML.

use bytes::Bytes;
use futures::{prelude::*, FutureExt};
use reqwest::{self, multipart, StatusCode};
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use std::env;
use std::error;
use std::future::Future;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::fs;
use tokio_util::codec;
use tracing::debug;
use tracing::instrument;
use url::Url;

use crate::errors::*;
use crate::progress::ProgressOptions;
use crate::resource::{self, Id, Resource, Source, Updatable};
use crate::wait::{wait, BackoffType, WaitOptions, WaitStatus};

/// The default domain to use for making API requests to BigML.
pub static DEFAULT_BIGML_DOMAIN: &str = "";

/// A client connection to BigML.
pub struct Client {
    url: Url,
    username: String,
    api_key: String,

impl Client {
    /// Create a new `Client` that will connect to `DEFAULT_BIGML_DOMAIN`.
    pub fn new<S1, S2>(username: S1, api_key: S2) -> Result<Client>
        // It's unclear whether it's worthwhile to make these generic. We only
        // do it for backward-compatibility.
        S1: Into<String>,
        S2: Into<String>,
        Self::new_with_domain(DEFAULT_BIGML_DOMAIN, username, api_key)

    /// Create a new `Client`, specifying the BigML domain to connect to. Use
    /// this if you have a specially hosted BigML instance.
    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(username, api_key))]
    pub fn new_with_domain<S1, S2>(
        domain: &str,
        username: S1,
        api_key: S2,
    ) -> Result<Client>
        // It's unclear whether it's worthwhile to make these generic. We only
        // do it for consistency.
        S1: Into<String>,
        S2: Into<String>,
        let url_str = format!("https://{}/", domain);
        let url = url_str
            .map_err(|err| Error::could_not_parse_url_with_domain(domain, err))?;
        Ok(Client {
            username: username.into(),
            api_key: api_key.into(),

    /// Create a new client, using the environment variables `BIGML_USERNAME`,
    /// `BIGML_API_KEY` and optionally `BIGML_DOMAIN` to configure it.
    pub fn new_from_env() -> Result<Client> {
        let domain = env::var("BIGML_DOMAIN")
            .unwrap_or_else(|_| DEFAULT_BIGML_DOMAIN.to_owned());
        let username = env::var("BIGML_USERNAME")
            .map_err(|_| Error::missing_env_var("BIGML_USERNAME"))?;
        let api_key = env::var("BIGML_API_KEY")
            .map_err(|_| Error::missing_env_var("BIGML_API_KEY"))?;
        Self::new_with_domain(&domain, username, api_key)

    /// Format our BigML auth credentials.
    fn auth(&self) -> String {
        format!("username={}&api_key={}", self.username, self.api_key)

    /// Generate an authenticated URL with the specified path.
    fn url(&self, path: &str) -> Url {
        let mut url: Url = self.url.clone();

    /// Create a new resource.
    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, args))]
    pub async fn create<'a, Args>(&'a self, args: &'a Args) -> Result<Args::Resource>
        Args: resource::Args,
        let url = self.url(Args::Resource::create_path());
            "POST {} {:#?}",
        let client = reqwest::Client::new();
        let res = client
            .map_err(|e| Error::could_not_access_url(&url, e))?;
        self.handle_response_and_deserialize(&url, res).await

    /// Create a new resource, and wait until it is ready.
    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, args))]
    pub async fn create_and_wait<'a, Args>(
        &'a self,
        args: &'a Args,
    ) -> Result<Args::Resource>
        Args: resource::Args,
        let resource = self.create(args).await?;

    /// Create a BigML data source using data from the specified stream.  We
    /// stream the data over the network without trying to load it all into
    /// memory at once.
    #[deprecated = "This won't work until BigML fixes Transfer-Encoding: chunked"]
    pub async fn create_source_from_stream<S>(
        filename: &str,
        stream: S,
    ) -> Result<Source>
        S: TryStream + Send + Sync + 'static,
        S::Error: Into<Box<dyn error::Error + Send + Sync>>,
        Bytes: From<S::Ok>,
        debug!("uploading {} from stream", filename);

        let data = multipart::Part::stream(reqwest::Body::wrap_stream(stream))
        let form = multipart::Form::new().part("file", data);

        // Post our request.
        let url = self.url("/source");
        let client = reqwest::Client::new();
        let res = client
            .map_err(|e| Error::could_not_access_url(&url, e))?;
        self.handle_response_and_deserialize(&url, res).await

    /// Create a BigML data source using data from the specified path.  We
    /// stream the data over the network without trying to load it all into
    /// memory at once.
    #[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes, deprecated)]
    #[deprecated = "This won't work until BigML fixes Transfer-Encoding: chunked"]
    pub async fn create_source_from_path(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Result<Source> {
        // Convert our path to a stream of `Bytes`.
        let file = fs::File::open(&path)
            .map_err(|err| Error::could_not_read_file(&path, err))?;
        let err_path = path.clone();
        let stream = codec::FramedRead::new(file, codec::BytesCodec::new())
            .map_ok(|bytes| bytes.freeze())
            .map_err(move |err| Error::could_not_read_file(&err_path, err));

        // Create our source.
        let filename = path.to_string_lossy();
        self.create_source_from_stream(&filename, stream).await

    /// Create a BigML data source using data from the specified path.  We
    /// stream the data over the network without trying to load it all into
    /// memory.
    #[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes, deprecated)]
    #[deprecated = "This won't work until BigML fixes Transfer-Encoding: chunked"]
    pub async fn create_source_from_path_and_wait(
        path: PathBuf,
    ) -> Result<Source> {
        let source = self.create_source_from_path(path).await?;
        // Only wait 2 hours for a source to be created
        let options = WaitOptions::default().timeout(Duration::from_secs(2 * 60 * 60));
        let mut progress_options = ProgressOptions::default();
        self.wait_opt(, &options, &mut progress_options)

    /// Update the specified `resource` using `update`. We do not return the
    /// updated resource because of peculiarities with BigML's API, but you
    /// can always use `Client::fetch` if you need the updated version.
    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))]
    pub async fn update<'a, R: Resource + Updatable>(
        &'a self,
        resource: &'a Id<R>,
        update: &'a <R as Updatable>::Update,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let url = self.url(resource.as_str());
        debug!("PUT {}: {:?}", url, update);
        let client = reqwest::Client::new();
        let res = client
            .request(reqwest::Method::PUT, url.clone())
            .map_err(|e| Error::could_not_access_url(&url, e))?;
        // Parse our result as JSON, because it often seems to be missing
        // fields like `name` for `Source`. It's not always a complete,
        // valid resource.
        let _json: serde_json::Value =
            self.handle_response_and_deserialize(&url, res).await?;


    /// Fetch an existing resource.
    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))]
    pub async fn fetch<'a, R: Resource>(&'a self, resource: &'a Id<R>) -> Result<R> {
        let url = self.url(resource.as_str());
        let client = reqwest::Client::new();
        let res = client
            .map_err(|e| Error::could_not_access_url(&url, e))?;
        self.handle_response_and_deserialize(&url, res).await

    /// Poll an existing resource, returning it once it's ready.
    /// If an underlying BigML error occurs, it can be accessed using
    /// [`Error::original_bigml_error`].
    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))]
    pub async fn wait<'a, R: Resource>(&'a self, resource: &'a Id<R>) -> Result<R> {
        let options = WaitOptions::default()
        let mut progress_options = ProgressOptions::default();
        self.wait_opt(resource, &options, &mut progress_options)

    /// Poll an existing resource, returning it once it's ready, and honoring
    /// wait and progress options.
    /// If an underlying BigML error occurs, it can be accessed using
    /// [`Error::original_bigml_error`].
    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, wait_options, progress_options))]
    pub async fn wait_opt<'a, 'b, R: Resource>(
        resource: &'a Id<R>,
        wait_options: &'a WaitOptions,
        progress_options: &'a mut ProgressOptions<'b, R>,
    ) -> Result<R> {
        let url = self.url(resource.as_str());
        debug!("Waiting for {}", url_without_api_key(&url));

        // We actually want to pass an `aync || { ... }` to `wait`, below, but
        // async closures are going to stablize later than the rest of
        // `async_await`. So we need to use `|| { async { ... } }`, which is a
        // regular closure that returns a future. Except that this doesn't
        // _quite_ work, because the `async { ... }` would contain a mutable
        // reference `progress_options`, which can't be allowed to escape the
        // outer `|| { ... }` block. So we cheat, and wrap our mutable state in
        // a lock. When `async || { ... }` stablizes, we can just delete this
        // line.
        let progress_options = Arc::new(RwLock::new(progress_options));

        wait(wait_options, || {
            let progress_options = progress_options.clone();
            async move {
                // TODO: Consider replacing `try_with_temporary_failure!`
                // and `try_with_permanent_failure!` with `try_wait!` and
                // appropriate error wrapping.
                let res = try_with_temporary_failure!(self.fetch(resource).await);
                if let Some(ref mut callback) =
                if res.status().code().is_ready() {
                } else if res.status().code().is_err() {
                    let message = res.status().message();
                    let err = Error::WaitFailed {
                        id: resource.to_string(),
                        message: message.to_owned(),
                    // In general, we want to fail for good here, because even
                    // if this error could be fixed, it's going to have to be
                    // fixed at a higher level than this call to `wait_opt`.
                    // Most likely, the underlying BigML resource will need to
                    // be recreated from scratch and waited on again.
                    // DO NOT USE `Error::might_be_temporary` here, because we
                    // know that `Error::WaitFailed` represents an error that
                    // won't get fixed by waiting more.
                } else {
        .map_err(|e| Error::could_not_access_url(&url, e))

    /// Download a resource as a CSV file.  This only makes sense for
    /// certain kinds of resources.
    pub async fn download<'a, R: Resource>(
        &'a self,
        resource: &'a Id<R>,
    ) -> Result<reqwest::Response> {
        // This timeout needs to be set fairly high, because when we first try
        // to download a dataset, even one which has been `wait`ed on, we get
        // back a JSON message informing us that the dataset isn't ready for
        // download yet. We've definitely seen this process take longer than 3
        // minutes, so let's try this.
        let options = WaitOptions::default().timeout(Duration::from_secs(10 * 60));
        self.download_opt(resource, &options).await

    /// Download a resource as a CSV file.  This only makes sense for
    /// certain kinds of resources.
    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))]
    pub async fn download_opt<'a, R: Resource>(
        &'a self,
        resource: &'a Id<R>,
        options: &'a WaitOptions,
    ) -> Result<reqwest::Response> {
        let url = self.url(&format!("{}/download", &resource));
        debug!("Downloading {}", url_without_api_key(&url));
        let client = reqwest::Client::new();
            || -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = WaitStatus<_, Error>> + Send>> {
                async {
                    // TODO: Consider replacing `try_with_temporary_failure!`
                    // and `try_with_permanent_failure!` with `try_wait!` and
                    // appropriate error wrapping.
                    let res = try_with_temporary_failure!(
                    if res.status().is_success() {
                        // Sometimes "/download" returns JSON instead of CSV, which
                        // is generally a sign that we need to wait.
                        let headers = res.headers().to_owned();
                        if let Some(ct) = headers.get("Content-Type") {
                            if ct.as_bytes().starts_with(b"application/json") {
                                let body =
                                debug!("Got JSON when downloading CSV: {}", body);
                                return WaitStatus::Waiting;
                    } else {
                            self.response_to_err(&url, res).await
                        // The above always returns `Err` and bails out, so we can't get
                        // here.
        .map_err(|e| Error::could_not_access_url(&url, e))

    /// Delete the specified resource.
    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))]
    pub async fn delete<'a, R: Resource>(&'a self, resource: &'a Id<R>) -> Result<()> {
        let url = self.url(resource.as_str());
        let client = reqwest::Client::new();
        let res = client
            .request(reqwest::Method::DELETE, url.clone())
            .map_err(|e| Error::could_not_access_url(&url, e))?;
        if res.status().is_success() {
            debug!("Deleted {}", &resource);
        } else {
            self.response_to_err(&url, res).await

    /// Handle a response from the server, deserializing it as the
    /// appropriate type.
    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, url, res))]
    async fn handle_response_and_deserialize<'a, T>(
        &'a self,
        url: &'a Url,
        res: reqwest::Response,
    ) -> Result<T>
        T: DeserializeOwned,
        if res.status().is_success() {
            let body = res
                .map_err(|e| Error::could_not_access_url(url, e))?;
            debug!("Success body: {}", &body);
            let properties = serde_json::from_str(&body)
                .map_err(|e| Error::could_not_access_url(url, e))?;
        } else {
            self.response_to_err(url, res).await

    async fn response_to_err<'a, T>(
        &'a self,
        url: &'a Url,
        res: reqwest::Response,
    ) -> Result<T> {
        let url = url.to_owned();
        let status: StatusCode = res.status().to_owned();
        let body = res.text().await?;
        debug!("Error status: {} body: {}", status, body);
        match status {
            StatusCode::PAYMENT_REQUIRED => Err(Error::PaymentRequired { url, body }),
            _ => Err(Error::UnexpectedHttpStatus { url, status, body }),

fn client_url_is_sanitizable() {
    let client = Client::new("example", "secret").unwrap();
    let err_msg = Error::Other {
        source: "Details".into(),
    let err = Error::could_not_access_url(&client.url("/test"), err_msg);
    let err_str = format!("{}", err);
    println!("err_str = {:?}", err_str);