bigml 0.8.0

Unofficial BigML client bindings
# A unofficial, incomplete `bigml` client for Rust


An interface to the [BigML][] machine learning API, written in Rust. We use this at Faraday, so it's pretty reliable for what it does. But it omits many features that we don't need to access from Rust. In particular, we focus first on supporting WhizzML scripts, and many other parts of the API are much less complete.

What works:

- Fetching information about many different kinds of resources.
- Creating a few kinds of resources.
- Updating selected properties of a few kinds of resources.
- Uploading sources that are small enough to fit in memory.
- Executing scripts and getting the output values.

It's pretty easy to add new types and fields.  See `src/resources` for existing examples. We will happily accept PRs adding new resource types!
