bigbit 0.0.0

Implements the BigBig format, allowing for compact storage of arbitrarily large numbers.

bigbit link

BigBit — compact storage of arbitrarily large numbers

This is an implementation of the BigBit standard, used for representing arbitrarily large numbers and strings in a compact way. The only implementation provided by the author is a Node.js implementation — this crate aims to implement the functionality presented there with idiomatic Rust code.

Since this is a format parser, #![no_std] is enabled by default, meaning that alloc is the only dependency, allowing you to use this in a freestanding environment.


Currently, not the entire BigBit standard is implemented. Here's a list of what's already done:

  • Head Byte number storage
  • Linked Bytes number storage
  • Linked Bytes addition (both Add and AddAssign)

And here's a list of what's not finished just yet:

  • Creating HB/LB numbers from primitive integers and f32/f64 (most likely will be added in 0.1.0)
  • The Extended Header Byte format (will be added in 0.0.1)
  • Arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are all defined by the BigBit standard), except for LB addition, which is already implemented; the main issue is dealing with the exponents (will mark the 1.0.0 release, might be partially added over the course of 0.x.x releases)
  • Strings encoded using Linked Bytes (will be added in 0.0.1)
  • Debug and Display formatting (i.e. converting the numbers either into a debugging-friendly representation as an array of bytes or a string representing the number in decimal scientific notation or full notation, as well as other numeric notations; simple Debug and Display decimal formatting will be added in 0.1.0 while the rest is planned for 1.0.0)
  • Tests (planned for 0.1.0 but might be partially added earlier)