big-brain 0.16.0

Rusty Utility AI library
//! Defines Action-related functionality. This module includes the
//! ActionBuilder trait and some Composite Actions for utility.
use std::sync::Arc;

use bevy::prelude::*;
#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
use bevy::utils::tracing::trace;

use crate::thinker::{Action, ActionSpan, Actor};

/// The current state for an Action. These states are changed by a combination
/// of the Thinker that spawned it, and the actual Action system executing the
/// Action itself.
/// Action system implementors should be mindful of taking appropriate action
/// on all of these states, and be particularly careful when ignoring
/// variants.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, Eq, PartialEq, Reflect)]
#[component(storage = "SparseSet")]
pub enum ActionState {
    /// Initial state. No action should be performed.

    /// Action requested. The Action-handling system should start executing
    /// this Action ASAP and change the status to the next state.

    /// The action has ongoing execution. The associated Thinker will try to
    /// keep executing this Action as-is until it changes state or it gets
    /// Cancelled.

    /// An ongoing Action has been cancelled. The Thinker might set this
    /// action for you, so for Actions that execute for longer than a single
    /// tick, **you must check whether the Cancelled state was set** and
    /// change do either Success or Failure. Thinkers will wait on Cancelled
    /// actions to do any necessary cleanup work, so this can hang your AI if
    /// you don't look for it.

    /// The Action was a success. This is used by Composite Actions to
    /// determine whether to continue execution.

    /// The Action failed. This is used by Composite Actions to determine
    /// whether to halt execution.

impl Default for ActionState {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl ActionState {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct ActionBuilderId;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct ActionBuilderWrapper(pub Arc<ActionBuilderId>, pub Arc<dyn ActionBuilder>);

impl ActionBuilderWrapper {
    pub fn new(builder: Arc<dyn ActionBuilder>) -> Self {
        ActionBuilderWrapper(Arc::new(ActionBuilderId), builder)

/// Trait that must be defined by types in order to be `ActionBuilder`s.
/// `ActionBuilder`s' job is to spawn new `Action` entities on demand. In
/// general, most of this is already done for you, and the only method you
/// really have to implement is `.build()`.
/// The `build()` method MUST be implemented for any `ActionBuilder`s you want
/// to define.
pub trait ActionBuilder: std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync {
    /// MUST insert your concrete Action component into the Scorer [`Entity`],
    /// using `cmd`. You _may_ use `actor`, but it's perfectly normal to just
    /// ignore it.
    /// In most cases, your `ActionBuilder` and `Action` can be the same type.
    /// The only requirement is that your struct implements `Debug`,
    /// `Component, `Clone`. You can then use the derive macro `ActionBuilder`
    /// to turn your struct into a `ActionBuilder`
    /// ### Example
    /// Using the derive macro (the easy way):
    /// ```
    /// # use bevy::prelude::*;
    /// # use big_brain::prelude::*;
    /// #[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, ActionBuilder)]
    /// #[action_label = "MyActionLabel"] // Optional. Defaults to type name.
    /// struct MyAction;
    /// ```
    /// Implementing it manually:
    /// ```
    /// # use bevy::prelude::*;
    /// # use big_brain::prelude::*;
    /// #[derive(Debug)]
    /// struct MyBuilder;
    /// #[derive(Debug, Component)]
    /// struct MyAction;
    /// impl ActionBuilder for MyBuilder {
    ///   fn build(&self, cmd: &mut Commands, action: Entity, actor: Entity) {
    ///     cmd.entity(action).insert(MyAction);
    ///   }
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn build(&self, cmd: &mut Commands, action: Entity, actor: Entity);

     * A label to display when logging using the Action's tracing span.
    fn label(&self) -> Option<&str> {

/// Spawns a new Action Component, using the given ActionBuilder. This is
/// useful when you're doing things like writing composite Actions.
pub fn spawn_action<T: ActionBuilder + ?Sized>(
    builder: &T,
    cmd: &mut Commands,
    actor: Entity,
) -> Entity {
    let action_ent = Action(cmd.spawn_empty().id());
    let span = ActionSpan::new(action_ent.entity(), ActionBuilder::label(builder));
    let _guard = span.span().enter();
    debug!("New Action spawned.");
        .insert(Actor(actor));, action_ent.entity(), actor);

/// [`ActionBuilder`] for the [`Steps`] component. Constructed through
/// `Steps::build()`.
#[derive(Debug, Reflect)]
pub struct StepsBuilder {
    label: Option<String>,
    steps_labels: Vec<String>,
    steps: Vec<Arc<dyn ActionBuilder>>,

impl StepsBuilder {
    /// Sets the logging label for the Action
    pub fn label<S: Into<String>>(mut self, label: S) -> Self {
        self.label = Some(label.into());

    /// Adds an action step. Order matters.
    pub fn step(mut self, action_builder: impl ActionBuilder + 'static) -> Self {
        if let Some(label) = action_builder.label() {
        } else {
            self.steps_labels.push("Unlabeled Action".into());

impl ActionBuilder for StepsBuilder {
    fn label(&self) -> Option<&str> {

    fn build(&self, cmd: &mut Commands, action: Entity, actor: Entity) {
        if let Some(step) = self.steps.get(0) {
            let child_action = spawn_action(step.as_ref(), cmd, actor);
                .insert(Name::new("Steps Action"))
                .insert(Steps {
                    active_step: 0,
                    active_ent: Action(child_action),
                    steps: self.steps.clone(),
                    steps_labels: self.steps_labels.clone(),

/// Composite Action that executes a series of steps in sequential order, as
/// long as each step results in a `Success`ful [`ActionState`].
/// ### Example
/// ```
/// # use bevy::prelude::*;
/// # use big_brain::prelude::*;
/// # #[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, ScorerBuilder)]
/// # struct MyScorer;
/// # #[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, ActionBuilder)]
/// # struct MyAction;
/// # #[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, ActionBuilder)]
/// # struct MyNextAction;
/// # fn main() {
/// Thinker::build()
///     .when(
///         MyScorer,
///         Steps::build()
///             .step(MyAction)
///             .step(MyNextAction)
///         )
/// # ;
/// # }
/// ```
#[derive(Component, Debug, Reflect)]
pub struct Steps {
    steps: Vec<Arc<dyn ActionBuilder>>,
    steps_labels: Vec<String>,
    active_step: usize,
    active_ent: Action,

impl Steps {
    /// Construct a new [`StepsBuilder`] to define the steps to take.
    pub fn build() -> StepsBuilder {
        StepsBuilder {
            steps: Vec::new(),
            steps_labels: Vec::new(),
            label: None,

/// System that takes care of executing any existing [`Steps`] Actions.
pub fn steps_system(
    mut cmd: Commands,
    mut steps_q: Query<(Entity, &Actor, &mut Steps, &ActionSpan)>,
    mut states: Query<&mut ActionState>,
) {
    use ActionState::*;
    for (seq_ent, Actor(actor), mut steps_action, _span) in steps_q.iter_mut() {
        let active_ent = steps_action.active_ent.entity();
        let current_state = states.get_mut(seq_ent).unwrap().clone();
        #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
        let _guard = _span.span().enter();
        match current_state {
            Requested => {
                // Begin at the beginning
                #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                    "Initializing StepsAction and requesting first step: {:?}",
                *states.get_mut(active_ent).unwrap() = Requested;
                *states.get_mut(seq_ent).unwrap() = Executing;
            Executing => {
                let mut step_state = states.get_mut(active_ent).unwrap();
                match *step_state {
                    Init => {
                        // Request it! This... should not really happen? But just in case I'm missing something... :)
                        *step_state = Requested;
                    Executing | Requested => {
                        // do nothing. Everything's running as it should.
                    Cancelled => {
                        // Wait for the step to wrap itself up, and we'll decide what to do at that point.
                    Failure => {
                        // Fail ourselves
                        #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                        trace!("Step {:?} failed. Failing entire StepsAction.", active_ent);
                        let step_state = step_state.clone();
                        let mut seq_state = states.get_mut(seq_ent).expect("idk");
                        *seq_state = step_state;
                    Success if steps_action.active_step == steps_action.steps.len() - 1 => {
                        // We're done! Let's just be successful
                        #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                        trace!("StepsAction completed all steps successfully.");
                        let step_state = step_state.clone();
                        let mut seq_state = states.get_mut(seq_ent).expect("idk");
                        *seq_state = step_state;
                    Success => {
                        #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                        trace!("Step succeeded, but there's more steps. Spawning next action.");
                        // Deactivate current step and go to the next step

                        steps_action.active_step += 1;
                        let step_builder = steps_action.steps[steps_action.active_step].clone();
                        let step_ent = spawn_action(step_builder.as_ref(), &mut cmd, *actor);
                        #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                        trace!("Spawned next step: {:?}", step_ent);
                        steps_action.active_ent = Action(step_ent);
            Cancelled => {
                // Cancel current action
                #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                trace!("StepsAction has been cancelled. Cancelling current step {:?} before finalizing.", active_ent);
                let mut step_state = states.get_mut(active_ent).expect("oops");
                if *step_state == Requested || *step_state == Executing {
                    *step_state = Cancelled;
                } else if *step_state == Failure || *step_state == Success {
                    *states.get_mut(seq_ent).unwrap() = step_state.clone();
            Init | Success | Failure => {
                // Do nothing.

/// Configures what mode the [`Concurrently`] action will run in.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Reflect)]
pub enum ConcurrentMode {
    /// Reaches success when any of the concurrent actions reaches [`ActionState::Success`].
    /// Reaches success when all of the concurrent actions reach [`ActionState::Success`].

/// [`ActionBuilder`] for the [`Concurrently`] component. Constructed through
/// `Concurrently::build()`.
#[derive(Debug, Reflect)]
pub struct ConcurrentlyBuilder {
    mode: ConcurrentMode,
    actions: Vec<Arc<dyn ActionBuilder>>,
    action_labels: Vec<String>,
    label: Option<String>,

impl ConcurrentlyBuilder {
    /// Sets the logging label for the Action
    pub fn label<S: Into<String>>(mut self, label: S) -> Self {
        self.label = Some(label.into());

    /// Add an action to execute. Order does not matter.
    pub fn push(mut self, action_builder: impl ActionBuilder + 'static) -> Self {
        if let Some(label) = action_builder.label() {
        } else {
            self.action_labels.push("Unnamed Action".into());

    /// Sets the [`ConcurrentMode`] for this action.
    pub fn mode(mut self, mode: ConcurrentMode) -> Self {
        self.mode = mode;

impl ActionBuilder for ConcurrentlyBuilder {
    fn label(&self) -> Option<&str> {

    fn build(&self, cmd: &mut Commands, action: Entity, actor: Entity) {
        let children: Vec<Entity> = self
            .map(|action| spawn_action(action.as_ref(), cmd, actor))
            .insert(Name::new("Concurrent Action"))
            .insert(Concurrently {
                actions: children.into_iter().map(Action).collect(),
                action_labels: self.action_labels.clone(),
                mode: self.mode,

/// Composite Action that executes a number of Actions concurrently. Whether
/// this action succeeds depends on its [`ConcurrentMode`]:
/// * [`ConcurrentMode::Join`] (default) succeeds when **all** of the actions
///   succeed.
/// * [`ConcurrentMode::Race`] succeeds when **any** of the actions succeed.
/// ### Example
/// ```
/// # use bevy::prelude::*;
/// # use big_brain::prelude::*;
/// # #[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, ScorerBuilder)]
/// # struct MyScorer;
/// # #[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, ActionBuilder)]
/// # struct MyAction;
/// # #[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, ActionBuilder)]
/// # struct MyOtherAction;
/// # fn main() {
/// Thinker::build()
///     .when(
///         MyScorer,
///         Concurrently::build()
///             .push(MyAction)
///             .push(MyOtherAction)
///         )
/// # ;
/// # }
/// ```
#[derive(Component, Debug, Reflect)]
pub struct Concurrently {
    mode: ConcurrentMode,
    actions: Vec<Action>,
    action_labels: Vec<String>,

impl Concurrently {
    /// Construct a new [`ConcurrentlyBuilder`] to define the actions to take.
    pub fn build() -> ConcurrentlyBuilder {
        ConcurrentlyBuilder {
            actions: Vec::new(),
            action_labels: Vec::new(),
            mode: ConcurrentMode::Join,
            label: None,

/// System that takes care of executing any existing [`Concurrently`] Actions.
pub fn concurrent_system(
    concurrent_q: Query<(Entity, &Concurrently, &ActionSpan)>,
    mut states_q: Query<&mut ActionState>,
) {
    use ActionState::*;
    for (seq_ent, concurrent_action, _span) in concurrent_q.iter() {
        let current_state = states_q.get_mut(seq_ent).expect("uh oh").clone();
        #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
        let _guard = _span.span.enter();
        match current_state {
            Requested => {
                #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                    "Initializing Concurrently action with {} children.",
                // Begin at the beginning
                let mut current_state = states_q.get_mut(seq_ent).expect("uh oh");
                *current_state = Executing;
                for action in concurrent_action.actions.iter() {
                    let child_ent = action.entity();
                    let mut child_state = states_q.get_mut(child_ent).expect("uh oh");
                    *child_state = Requested;
            Executing => match concurrent_action.mode {
                ConcurrentMode::Join => {
                    let mut all_success = true;
                    let mut failed_idx = None;
                    for (idx, action) in concurrent_action.actions.iter().enumerate() {
                        let child_ent = action.entity();
                        let mut child_state = states_q.get_mut(child_ent).expect("uh oh");
                        match *child_state {
                            Failure => {
                                failed_idx = Some(idx);
                                all_success = false;
                                #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                                trace!("Join action has failed. Cancelling all other actions that haven't completed yet.");
                            Success => {}
                            _ => {
                                all_success = false;
                                if failed_idx.is_some() {
                                    *child_state = Cancelled;
                    if all_success {
                        let mut state_var = states_q.get_mut(seq_ent).expect("uh oh");
                        *state_var = Success;
                    } else if let Some(idx) = failed_idx {
                        for action in concurrent_action.actions.iter().take(idx) {
                            let child_ent = action.entity();
                            let mut child_state = states_q.get_mut(child_ent).expect("uh oh");
                            match *child_state {
                                Failure | Success => {}
                                _ => {
                                    *child_state = Cancelled;
                        let mut state_var = states_q.get_mut(seq_ent).expect("uh oh");
                        *state_var = Failure;
                ConcurrentMode::Race => {
                    let mut all_failure = true;
                    let mut succeed_idx = None;
                    for (idx, action) in concurrent_action.actions.iter().enumerate() {
                        let child_ent = action.entity();
                        let mut child_state = states_q.get_mut(child_ent).expect("uh oh");
                        match *child_state {
                            Failure => {}
                            Success => {
                                succeed_idx = Some(idx);
                                all_failure = false;
                                #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                                trace!("Race action has succeeded. Cancelling all other actions that haven't completed yet.");
                            _ => {
                                all_failure = false;
                                if succeed_idx.is_some() {
                                    *child_state = Cancelled;
                    if all_failure {
                        let mut state_var = states_q.get_mut(seq_ent).expect("uh oh");
                        *state_var = Failure;
                    } else if let Some(idx) = succeed_idx {
                        for action in concurrent_action.actions.iter().take(idx) {
                            let child_ent = action.entity();
                            let mut child_state = states_q.get_mut(child_ent).expect("uh oh");
                            match *child_state {
                                Failure | Success => {}
                                _ => {
                                    *child_state = Cancelled;
                        let mut state_var = states_q.get_mut(seq_ent).expect("uh oh");
                        *state_var = Success;
            Cancelled => {
                // Cancel all actions
                let mut all_done = true;
                let mut any_failed = false;
                let mut any_success = false;
                for action in concurrent_action.actions.iter() {
                    let child_ent = action.entity();
                    let mut child_state = states_q.get_mut(child_ent).expect("uh oh");
                    match *child_state {
                        Init => {}
                        Success => {
                            any_success = true;
                        Failure => {
                            any_failed = true;
                        _ => {
                            all_done = false;
                            *child_state = Cancelled;
                if all_done {
                    let mut state_var = states_q.get_mut(seq_ent).expect("uh oh");
                    match concurrent_action.mode {
                        ConcurrentMode::Race => {
                            if any_success {
                                #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                                trace!("Race action has succeeded due to succeeded children.");
                                *state_var = Success;
                            } else {
                                #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                                trace!("No race children has completed Successfully.");
                                *state_var = Failure;
                        ConcurrentMode::Join => {
                            if any_failed {
                                #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                                trace!("Join action has failed due to failed children.");
                                *state_var = Failure;
                            } else {
                                #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
                                trace!("All Join children have completed Successfully.");
                                *state_var = Success;
            Init | Success | Failure => {
                // Do nothing.