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(Bi)directional (Coro)utines

This is a simple pure library to model a bidirectional coroutine in rust. This allows a coroutine to be defined abstracted away from the actual IO implementations.

The main motivation is writing unit testable coroutines, that respond to inputs, and generate outputs. This is a more generic form of Future.


use bicoro::*;
use bicoro::iterator::*;
use ::do_notation::m;
// The coroutine in dot-notation
let co : Coroutine<i32,String,()> =
        m! {
            value_1 <- receive();
            value_2 <- receive();
            let sum = i32::wrapping_add(value_1,value_2);
            let output = sum.to_string();
// Arrange inputs and an store outputs in a vec
let inputs = vec![1,2];

// creates an interator of outputs, fed via the inputs
let mut it = as_iterator(co,inputs.into_iter());

// By ref so we don't consume the iterator (important if
// we want to get the remaining inputs or coroutine)
let outputs = it.by_ref().collect::<Vec<_>>();
// Verify output values
assert_eq!(outputs, vec!["3"]); 

// Consume the iterator, so that we can check results
let (result,mut remaining_inputs) = it.finish();
// We return the result from the coroutine.
// All the inputs from the iterator were consumed


The coroutine just describes what to do, it won’t actually do anything. You need to run it through an executor. One that works on an iterator is provided, but you may also want to create your own to implement with different contexts.


Implementation is compatible with https://github.com/phaazon/do-notation allowing for a syntax ‘similar in feel’ to using .await on futures.

This helps a bit with the callback hell, but is not strictly necessary.


A sample executor that consumes an iterator


A structure describing a co-routine supporting sends (inputs), yields (outputs), and a final termination (result)


Represents the result of running the left and right coroutines Returns whichever coroutine finished first
A selection for which coroutine to route to
A step wise evalution of the coroutine


Chain outputs together.
Sends inputs to both coroutines, and will emit outputs together
Sends inputs to both coroutines, and will emit outputs together
Run two co-routines, sharing inputs depending on selector.
Runs a routine before the second routine
Map the inner type of the coroutine
Suspend this coroutine until an input arrives
Runs recieve until f returns some
Return/unit. Creates a result of the supplied value
Runs a routine before the second routine
Runs a subroutine and converts it to the hosted type
Runs a single step in the coroutine.
Yields a value to the executor
Suspend this coroutine until an input arrives with a function
Transforms the input of coroutine A into B
Transforms the output of coroutine A into B
Runs two coroutines sequentially
Run two co-routines, sharing inputs depending on selector.
Unicast until both routines are completed
Converts the return result to the unit type