Crate biblatex

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A crate for parsing Bib(La)TeX files.

The main API entrypoint is the Bibliography struct.


Finding out the author of a work.

let src = "@book{tolkien1937, author = {J. R. R. Tolkien}}";
let bibliography = Bibliography::parse(src).unwrap();
let entry = bibliography.get("tolkien1937").unwrap();
let author =;
assert_eq!(author[0].name, "Tolkien");


  • A fully parsed bibliography.
  • A date or a range of dates and their certainty and exactness.
  • Timezone-unaware date and time.
  • A bibliography entry containing chunk fields, which can be parsed into more specific types on demand.
  • The keys for fields and their values.
  • An error that might occur during initial parsing of the bibliography.
  • An author, editor, or some other person affiliated with a cited work.
  • A literal representation of a bibliography file, with abbreviations not yet resolved.
  • A raw extracted entry, with abbreviations not yet resolved.
  • A report of the validity of an Entry. Can be obtained by calling Entry::verify.
  • A value with the span it corresponds to in the source code.
  • A potentially timezone aware time.
  • An error that may occur while parsing the chunks in a field into a specific Type.


  • Represents one part of a field value.
  • A single date or a range of dates.
  • Which role the according editor had.
  • Describes the type of a bibliographical entry.
  • Gender of the author or editor (if no author was specified).
  • Defines the pagination scheme to use for formatting purposes.
  • Error conditions that might occur during initial parsing of the bibliography.
  • A value that could be either a typed value or a literal string.
  • A literal representation of a bibliography entry field.
  • Errors that can occur when retrieving a field of an Entry.
  • A timezone offset.
  • A token that can be encountered during parsing.
  • Error conditions that might occur while parsing the chunks in a field into a specific Type.


  • Additional methods for chunk slices.
  • Convert Bib(La)TeX data types from and to chunk slices.


Type Aliases§