bevy_text_mode 0.3.0

Bevy plugin adding a texture atlas sprite with configurable background and foreground colors.



bevy_text_mode adds a TextModeSprite component with configurable background and foreground colors. It makes it easy to use text mode tilesets such as MRMOTEXT.

pub struct TextModeSprite {
    pub bg: Color,
    pub fg: Color,
    pub alpha: f32,
    pub flip_x: bool,
    pub flip_y: bool,
    pub rotation: u8,
    pub custom_size: Option<Vec2>,
    pub rect: Option<Rect>,
    pub anchor: Anchor,


Spawn a TextModeSpriteBundle with desired background and foreground colors.

Compatible Bevy versions

bevy_text_mode bevy
0.3.0 0.13
0.2.0 0.11
0.1.1 0.10