bevy_smud 0.4.0

2d sdf shape renderer plugin for Bevy
use bevy::prelude::*;

use crate::SmudShape;

#[derive(Bundle, Default, Clone, Debug)]
/// Bundle with all the components needed for drawing an sdf shape in 2d world space
pub struct ShapeBundle {
    /// The shape, which describes the geometry, color and fill
    pub shape: SmudShape,
    /// A transform, set this to set the position, orientation and scale of the shape
    /// note: scaling the shape with the transform will also scale the fill, including any outlines etc.
    pub transform: Transform,
    /// A compute transform
    pub global_transform: GlobalTransform,
    /// User indication of whether an entity is visible
    pub visibility: Visibility,
    /// Algorithmically-computed indication of whether an entity is visible and should be extracted for rendering
    pub computed_visibility: ComputedVisibility,

// #[derive(Bundle, Default, Clone, Debug)]
// /// Bundle with all the components used for drawing an sdf shape as a bevy UI node
// pub struct UiShapeBundle {
//     /// Describes the size of the node
//     pub node: Node,
//     /// Describes the style including flexbox settings
//     pub style: Style,
//     /// Describes the actual shape and its fill
//     pub shape: SmudShape,
//     /// The transform of the node
//     pub transform: Transform,
//     /// The global transform of the node
//     pub global_transform: GlobalTransform,
//     /// Describes the visibility properties of the node
//     pub visibility: Visibility,
//     /// Describes the color of the node, will be multiplied with the shape color
//     pub color: BackgroundColor,
// }