bevy_silk 0.4.0

Cloth physics implementation in bevy
//! # Bevy Silk
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//! CPU driven Cloth engine for Bevy using Verlet integration.
//! by [FĂ©lix Lescaudey de Maneville](
//! ## Get started
//! ### Dependency
//! Add `bevy_silk` as a dependency in the `Cargo.toml`
//! `bevy_silk = "0.4"`
//! Or follow the main git branch
//! `bevy_silk = { git = "" }`
//! ### Supported Bevy Versions
//! | `bevy_silk` | `bevy` |
//! |-------------|--------|
//! | 0.1.0  | 0.7  |
//! | 0.2.0  | 0.7  |
//! | 0.3.0  | 0.8  |
//! | 0.4.0  | 0.9  |
//! ### Plugin
//! Add the `ClothPlugin` to your bevy app
//! ```rust no_run
//! use bevy::prelude::*;
//! use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
//! fn main() {
//!   App::new()
//!     .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins)
//!     .add_plugin(ClothPlugin)
//!     // ... Add your resources and systems
//!     .run();
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Add cloth to a mesh
//! For a mesh to be used as cloth, add the `ClothBuilder` component to any entity with a `Handle<Mesh>` component.
//! > Note: `Transform` and `GlobalTransform` are also required
//! cloth data which will be populated automatically from the associated `Handle<Mesh>`.
//! ```rust
//! use bevy::prelude::*;
//! use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
//! fn spawn(mut commands: Commands) {
//!     commands.spawn((
//!         PbrBundle {
//!             // Add your mesh, material and your custom PBR data
//!             ..Default::default()
//!         },
//!         ClothBuilder::new()
//!             // Define pinned vertices ids using an Iterator
//!             .with_pinned_vertex_ids(0..9)
//!             // Define the stick generation mode
//!             .with_stick_generation(StickGeneration::Quads)
//!             // Defines the sticks target length option
//!             .with_stick_length(StickLen::Auto)
//!             // The cloth will compute flat mesh normals
//!             .with_flat_normals()
//!             // ...
//!     ));
//! }
//! ```
//! #### Vertex anchoring
//! Specifying vertex anchors allows to pin some cloth vertices to various entities.
//! The `ClothBuilder` has multiple methods allowing to anchor vertices through their id or color.
//! For example you can pin some cloth vertices to the cloth entity's `GlobalTransform`:
//! ```rust
//! use bevy::prelude::Color;
//! use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
//! let cloth = ClothBuilder::new()
//!     // Adds pinned vertices ids using an Iterator
//!     .with_pinned_vertex_ids(0..9)
//!     // Adds a single pinned vertex id
//!     .with_pinned_vertex_id(10)
//!     // Adds pinned vertex colors using an Iterator
//!     .with_pinned_vertex_colors([Color::WHITE, Color::BLACK].into_iter())
//!     // Adds a single pinned vertex color
//!     .with_pinned_vertex_color(Color::YELLOW);
//! ```
//! For more anchoring options, for example to specify a custom entity to pin the vertices to:
//! ```rust
//! use bevy::prelude::*;
//! use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
//! fn spawn(mut commands: Commands) {
//!     // Spawn an entity and get its id
//!     let entity_a = commands
//!         .spawn((
//!             // Add your components
//!             // ...
//!         ))
//!         .id();
//!     let anchor_to_a = VertexAnchor {
//!         custom_target: Some(entity_a), // The anchor will pin the vertices to `entity_a`
//!         custom_offset: Some(Vec3::new(1.0, 1.2, 0.0)),  // Specify an extra offset from the target's `GlobalTransform`
//!         ..Default::default()
//!     };
//!     let anchor_to_self = VertexAnchor {
//!         custom_target: None,  // The anchor will pin the cloth entity
//!         custom_offset: Some(Vec3::new(-1.0, 0.0, -0.1)), // Specify an extra offset from the target's `GlobalTransform`
//!         ..Default::default()
//!     };
//!     let cloth = ClothBuilder::new()
//!         // Adds pinned vertices ids using an Iterator
//!         .with_anchored_vertex_ids(0..9, anchor_to_a)
//!         // Adds a single pinned vertex id
//!         .with_anchored_vertex_id(10, anchor_to_self)
//!         // Adds pinned vertex colors using an Iterator
//!         .with_anchored_vertex_colors([Color::WHITE, Color::BLACK].into_iter(), anchor_to_a)
//!         // Adds a single pinned vertex color
//!         .with_anchored_vertex_color(Color::YELLOW, anchor_to_self);
//! }
//! ```
//! Custom anchoring allows to :
//! - pin vertices to various entities, like skeletal mesh joints
//! - define custom offsets to customize the distance between the anchored vertices an the target
//! - use world space pinning and ignore the target's rotation for example
//! - override the vertex positions, using only the offset
//! ### Configuration
//! You can customize the global cloth physics by inserting the `ClothConfig` resource to your app:
//! ```rust no_run
//! use bevy::prelude::*;
//! use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
//! fn main() {
//!   App::new()
//!     .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins)
//!     .insert_resource(ClothConfig {
//!         gravity: Vec3::new(0.0, -9.81, 0.0),
//!         friction: 0.02,
//!         sticks_computation_depth: 5,
//!         acceleration_smoothing: AccelerationSmoothing::default()
//!     })
//!     .add_plugin(ClothPlugin)
//!     // ... Add your resources and systems
//!     .run();
//! }
//! ```
//! `ClothConfig` can also be used as a *component* to override the global configuration.
//! ## Wind
//! You may add wind forces to the simulation for a more dynamic clothing effect, for each force you may choose from:
//! - `Wind::Constant` for constant wind force
//! - `Wind::SinWave` for a sin wave following wind intensity with custom force and frequency.
//! `Wind` forces can be added as a resource to your app through the `Winds` container:
//! ```rust no_run
//! use bevy::prelude::*;
//! use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
//! fn main() {
//!   App::new()
//!     .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins)
//!     .insert_resource(Winds {
//!         wind_forces: vec![Wind::SinWave {
//!             max_velocity: Vec3::new(10.0, 15.0, -5.0),
//!             frequency: 3.0,
//!             normalize: false,
//!             abs: false
//!         }]
//!     })
//!     .add_plugin(ClothPlugin)
//!     // ... Add your resources and systems
//!     .run();
//! }
//! ```
//! > Check the flag example for simple wind effect.
//! ## Collisions
//! Enabling the `rapier_collisions` features enable cloth interaction with other colliders. Add a `ClothCollider` to your entity to enable collisions:
//! ```rust
//! use bevy::prelude::*;
//! use bevy_silk::prelude::*;
//! fn spawn(mut commands: Commands) {
//!     commands.spawn((
//!         PbrBundle {
//!             // Add your mesh, material and your custom PBR data
//!             ..Default::default()
//!         },
//!         ClothBuilder::new(),
//!         ClothCollider::default()
//!     ));
//! }
//! ```
//! Three [`bevy_rapier`]( components will be automatically inserted:
//! - a `RigidBody::KinematicPositionBased`
//! - a `Collider` which will be updated every frame to follow the cloth bounds (AABB)
//! - a `SolverGroup` set to 0 (`Group::NONE`) in everything, avoiding default collision solving.
//! You can customize what collisions will be checked through a `CollisionGroups` (See the [rapier docs](
//! > Note: Collision support is still experimental for now and is not suited for production use. Feedback is welcome !
//! ## Mesh utils
//! `bevy_silk` provides a plane mesh generation function `rectangle_mesh` useful for classic cloth uses like flags or capes
//! ## Q&A
//! - `My mesh falls immediately and infinitely when I add a Cloth component, how to fix it?`
//! You probably didn't specify any *pinned points*, meaning there are no vertices anchored to your entity's `GlobalTransform`.
//! - `My cloth jitters a lot/ suddenly falls down/ has strange sudden behaviour`
//! Gravity and winds are by default smoothed out by the framerate, if the framerate drops suddenly gravity and wind get much stronger.
//! If your simulation suffers from this you can specify a custom smooth value in `ClothConfig::acceleration_smoothing`.
/// components module
pub mod components;
/// config module
pub mod config;
/// error module
pub mod error;
/// mesh module
pub mod mesh;
/// stick module
pub mod stick;
/// systems module
mod systems;
/// vertex anchor module
pub mod vertex_anchor;
/// wind module
pub mod wind;

use crate::prelude::*;
use bevy::app::{App, Plugin};
use bevy::prelude::IntoSystemDescriptor;

/// Prelude module, providing every public type of the lib
pub mod prelude {
    #[cfg(feature = "rapier_collisions")]
    pub use crate::components::collider::ClothCollider;
    pub use crate::{
        config::{AccelerationSmoothing, ClothConfig},
        stick::{StickGeneration, StickLen},
        wind::{Wind, Winds},

/// Plugin for cloth physics
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct ClothPlugin;

impl Plugin for ClothPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
        #[cfg(feature = "rapier_collisions")]
        bevy::log::info!("Loaded Cloth Plugin");