bevy_silk 0.4.0

Cloth physics implementation in bevy
use crate::stick::{StickGeneration, StickLen};
use crate::vertex_anchor::VertexAnchor;
use bevy::ecs::prelude::Component;
use bevy::log;
use bevy::math::{Mat4, Vec3};
use bevy::prelude::{Entity, GlobalTransform};
use bevy::utils::HashMap;

macro_rules! get_point {
    ($id:expr, $points:expr, $anchored_points:expr) => {
        match $points.get($id) {
            None => {
                log::warn!("Failed to retrieve a Cloth point at index {}", $id);
            Some(p) => (*p, $anchored_points.contains_key(&$id)),

/// Cloth component
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, Default)]
pub struct Cloth {
    /// cloth points unaffected by physics and following an anchor
    /// The key is the point index and the value is a tuple with:
    /// - 0: The [`VertexAnchor`] anchor
    /// - 1: The initial local space vertex position
    pub anchored_points: HashMap<usize, (VertexAnchor, Vec3)>,
    /// Current Cloth points 3D positions in world space
    pub current_point_positions: Vec<Vec3>,
    /// Old Cloth points 3D positions in world space
    pub previous_point_positions: Vec<Vec3>,
    /// Cloth sticks linking points
    /// * key: tuple with the connected points indexes
    /// * value: the target distance between the points
    /// Note: this field will be automatically populated from mesh data
    pub sticks: HashMap<(usize, usize), f32>,

impl Cloth {
    /// Computes the new local vertex positions of the cloth mesh
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `transform` - the `GlobalTransform` associated to the cloth entity
    pub fn compute_vertex_positions(&self, transform: &GlobalTransform) -> Vec<Vec3> {
        let matrix = transform.compute_matrix().inverse();

        // World space positions..
            // ..computed to local space
            .map(|p| matrix.transform_point3(*p))

    /// Creates a new cloth from a mesh. Points positions will be directly extracted from the given vertex positions
    /// and the sticks will be extracted from the given `indices` (triangles) according to
    /// the associated [`StickGeneration`] and [`StickLen`].
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `vertex_positions` - the mesh vertex positions
    /// * `indices` - the mesh indices
    /// * `anchored_points` - the pinned vertex position indices
    /// * `stick_generation` - The stick generation mode
    /// * `stick_len` - The stick length option
    /// * `transform_matrix` - the transform matrix of the associated `GlobalTransform`
    /// # Panics
    /// May panic if `anchored_points` contains an out of bounds vertex id.
    pub fn new(
        vertex_positions: &[Vec3],
        indices: &[u32],
        anchored_points: HashMap<usize, VertexAnchor>,
        stick_generation: StickGeneration,
        stick_len: StickLen,
        transform_matrix: &Mat4,
    ) -> Self {
        let anchored_points = anchored_points
            .map(|(i, anchor)| {
                let pos = vertex_positions
                    .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Anchored vertex id {i} is out of bounds"));
                (i, (anchor, *pos))
        let positions: Vec<Vec3> = vertex_positions
            .map(|p| transform_matrix.transform_point3(*p))
        let indices: Vec<usize> = indices.iter().map(|i| *i as usize).collect();
        if indices.len() % 3 != 0 {
            log::error!("Mesh indices count is not a multiple of 3, some indices will be skipped",);
        let mut sticks = HashMap::with_capacity(indices.len() / 3);
        for truple in indices.chunks_exact(3) {
            let [a, b, c] = [truple[0], truple[1], truple[2]];
            let (p_a, p_b, p_c) = (positions[a], positions[b], positions[c]);
            if !sticks.contains_key(&(b, a)) {
                sticks.insert((a, b), stick_len.get_stick_len(p_a, p_b));
            if !sticks.contains_key(&(c, b)) {
                sticks.insert((b, c), stick_len.get_stick_len(p_b, p_c));
            if let StickGeneration::Triangles = stick_generation {
                if !sticks.contains_key(&(a, c)) {
                    sticks.insert((c, a), stick_len.get_stick_len(p_c, p_a));
        Self {
            current_point_positions: positions.clone(),
            previous_point_positions: positions,

    /// Solves cloth points collisions, moving them outside of colliders
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `solve_point` - function taking a cloth point and returning the new solved point
    pub fn solve_collisions(&mut self, solve_point: impl Fn(&Vec3) -> Option<Vec3>) {
        for (point, new_point) in self
            .filter(|(i, _p)| !self.anchored_points.contains_key(i))
            .filter_map(|(_i, p)| solve_point(p).map(|np| (p, np)))
            *point = new_point;

    /// Updates the cloth anchored points
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `transform` - The `GlobalTransform` associated to the cloth entity
    /// * `anchor_query` - A function allowing to retrieve the `GlobalTransform` of a given entity
    pub fn update_anchored_points<'a>(
        &mut self,
        transform: &GlobalTransform,
        anchor_query: impl Fn(Entity) -> Option<&'a GlobalTransform>,
    ) {
        for (i, (anchor, inital_pos)) in &self.anchored_points {
            self.current_point_positions[*i] =
                anchor.get_position(*inital_pos, transform, &anchor_query);

    /// Updates the cloth points according to their own velocity and external friction and acceleration
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `friction` - Friction to apply to the points velocity
    /// * `acceleration` - Global acceleration force (gravity, wind, etc)
    pub fn update_points(&mut self, friction: f32, acceleration: Vec3) {
        let position_cache = self.current_point_positions.clone();
        for (i, point) in self.current_point_positions.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            if !self.anchored_points.contains_key(&i) {
                let velocity = self
                    .map_or(Vec3::ZERO, |prev| *point - *prev);
                *point += velocity * friction + acceleration;
        self.previous_point_positions = position_cache;

    /// Applies the cloth sticks constraints
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `depth` - Number of sticks constraint iterations
    pub fn update_sticks(&mut self, depth: u8) {
        for _ in 0..depth {
            for ((id_a, id_b), target_len) in &self.sticks {
                let (position_a, fixed_a) =
                    get_point!(*id_a, self.current_point_positions, self.anchored_points);
                let (position_b, fixed_b) =
                    get_point!(*id_b, self.current_point_positions, self.anchored_points);
                if fixed_a && fixed_b {
                let center = (position_b + position_a) / 2.0;
                let direction = match (position_b - position_a).try_normalize() {
                    None => {
                        log::warn!("Failed handle stick between points {} and {} which are too close to each other", *id_a, *id_b);
                    Some(dir) => dir * *target_len / 2.0,
                if !fixed_a {
                    self.current_point_positions[*id_a] = if fixed_b {
                        position_b - direction * 2.0
                    } else {
                        center - direction
                if !fixed_b {
                    self.current_point_positions[*id_b] = if fixed_a {
                        position_a + direction * 2.0
                    } else {
                        center + direction

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::mesh::rectangle_mesh;

    mod init_from_mesh {
        use super::*;
        use crate::components::cloth_rendering::ClothRendering;
        use bevy::transform::prelude::Transform;

        fn expected_stick_len(
            len: usize,
            generation: StickGeneration,
            (size_x, size_y): (usize, usize),
        ) {
            match generation {
                StickGeneration::Quads => {
                    assert_eq!(len, (size_x - 1) * size_y + (size_y - 1) * size_x);
                StickGeneration::Triangles => {
                        (size_x - 1) * size_y + (size_y - 1) * size_x + (size_x - 1) * (size_y - 1)

        fn works_with_quads() {
            let mesh = rectangle_mesh((100, 100), (Vec3::X, -Vec3::Y), Vec3::Z);
            let matrix = Transform::default().compute_matrix();
            let cloth_rendering = ClothRendering::init(&mesh, Default::default()).unwrap();
            let cloth = Cloth::new(
            assert_eq!(cloth.current_point_positions.len(), 100 * 100);
            assert_eq!(cloth.previous_point_positions.len(), 100 * 100);
            expected_stick_len(cloth.sticks.len(), StickGeneration::Quads, (100, 100));

        fn works_with_quads_2() {
            let mesh = rectangle_mesh((66, 42), (Vec3::X, -Vec3::Y), Vec3::Z);
            let matrix = Transform::default().compute_matrix();
            let cloth_rendering = ClothRendering::init(&mesh, Default::default()).unwrap();
            let cloth = Cloth::new(
            assert_eq!(cloth.current_point_positions.len(), 66 * 42);
            assert_eq!(cloth.previous_point_positions.len(), 66 * 42);
            expected_stick_len(cloth.sticks.len(), StickGeneration::Quads, (66, 42));

        fn works_with_triangles() {
            let mesh = rectangle_mesh((100, 100), (Vec3::X, -Vec3::Y), Vec3::Z);
            let matrix = Transform::default().compute_matrix();
            let cloth_rendering = ClothRendering::init(&mesh, Default::default()).unwrap();
            let cloth = Cloth::new(
            assert_eq!(cloth.current_point_positions.len(), 100 * 100);
            assert_eq!(cloth.previous_point_positions.len(), 100 * 100);
            expected_stick_len(cloth.sticks.len(), StickGeneration::Triangles, (100, 100));

        fn works_with_triangles_2() {
            let mesh = rectangle_mesh((66, 42), (Vec3::X, -Vec3::Y), Vec3::Z);
            let matrix = Transform::default().compute_matrix();
            let cloth_rendering = ClothRendering::init(&mesh, Default::default()).unwrap();
            let cloth = Cloth::new(
            assert_eq!(cloth.current_point_positions.len(), 66 * 42);
            assert_eq!(cloth.previous_point_positions.len(), 66 * 42);
            expected_stick_len(cloth.sticks.len(), StickGeneration::Triangles, (66, 42));