bevy_reflect 0.9.1

Dynamically interact with rust types
use std::num::ParseIntError;

use crate::{Array, Reflect, ReflectMut, ReflectRef};
use thiserror::Error;

/// An error returned from a failed path string query.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Error)]
pub enum ReflectPathError<'a> {
    #[error("expected an identifier at index {index}")]
    ExpectedIdent { index: usize },
    #[error("the current struct doesn't have a field with the name `{field}`")]
    InvalidField { index: usize, field: &'a str },
    #[error("the current tuple struct doesn't have a field with the index {tuple_struct_index}")]
    InvalidTupleStructIndex {
        index: usize,
        tuple_struct_index: usize,
    #[error("the current list doesn't have a value at the index {list_index}")]
    InvalidListIndex { index: usize, list_index: usize },
    #[error("encountered an unexpected token `{token}`")]
    UnexpectedToken { index: usize, token: &'a str },
    #[error("expected token `{token}`, but it wasn't there.")]
    ExpectedToken { index: usize, token: &'a str },
    #[error("expected a struct, but found a different reflect value")]
    ExpectedStruct { index: usize },
    #[error("expected a list, but found a different reflect value")]
    ExpectedList { index: usize },
    #[error("failed to parse a usize")]
    IndexParseError(#[from] ParseIntError),
    #[error("failed to downcast to the path result to the given type")]

/// A trait which allows nested values to be retrieved with path strings.
/// Path strings use Rust syntax:
/// - [`Struct`] items are accessed with a dot and a field name: `.field_name`
/// - [`TupleStruct`] and [`Tuple`] items are accessed with a dot and a number: `.0`
/// - [`List`] items are accessed with brackets: `[0]`
/// If the initial path element is a field of a struct, tuple struct, or tuple,
/// the initial '.' may be omitted.
/// For example, given a struct with a field `foo` which is a reflected list of
/// 2-tuples (like a `Vec<(T, U)>`), the path string `foo[3].0` would access tuple
/// element 0 of element 3 of `foo`.
/// [`Struct`]: crate::Struct
/// [`TupleStruct`]: crate::TupleStruct
/// [`Tuple`]: crate::Tuple
/// [`List`]: crate::List
pub trait GetPath {
    /// Returns a reference to the value specified by `path`.
    /// To retrieve a statically typed reference, use
    /// [`get_path`][GetPath::get_path].
    fn path<'r, 'p>(&'r self, path: &'p str) -> Result<&'r dyn Reflect, ReflectPathError<'p>>;

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the value specified by `path`.
    /// To retrieve a statically typed mutable reference, use
    /// [`get_path_mut`][GetPath::get_path_mut].
    fn path_mut<'r, 'p>(
        &'r mut self,
        path: &'p str,
    ) -> Result<&'r mut dyn Reflect, ReflectPathError<'p>>;

    /// Returns a statically typed reference to the value specified by `path`.
    fn get_path<'r, 'p, T: Reflect>(
        &'r self,
        path: &'p str,
    ) -> Result<&'r T, ReflectPathError<'p>> {
        self.path(path).and_then(|p| {

    /// Returns a statically typed mutable reference to the value specified by
    /// `path`.
    fn get_path_mut<'r, 'p, T: Reflect>(
        &'r mut self,
        path: &'p str,
    ) -> Result<&'r mut T, ReflectPathError<'p>> {
        self.path_mut(path).and_then(|p| {

impl<T: Reflect> GetPath for T {
    fn path<'r, 'p>(&'r self, path: &'p str) -> Result<&'r dyn Reflect, ReflectPathError<'p>> {
        (self as &dyn Reflect).path(path)

    fn path_mut<'r, 'p>(
        &'r mut self,
        path: &'p str,
    ) -> Result<&'r mut dyn Reflect, ReflectPathError<'p>> {
        (self as &mut dyn Reflect).path_mut(path)

impl GetPath for dyn Reflect {
    fn path<'r, 'p>(&'r self, path: &'p str) -> Result<&'r dyn Reflect, ReflectPathError<'p>> {
        let mut index = 0;
        let mut current: &dyn Reflect = self;
        while let Some(token) = next_token(path, &mut index) {
            let current_index = index;
            match token {
                Token::Dot => {
                    if let Some(Token::Ident(value)) = next_token(path, &mut index) {
                        current = read_field(current, value, current_index)?;
                    } else {
                        return Err(ReflectPathError::ExpectedIdent {
                            index: current_index,
                Token::OpenBracket => {
                    if let Some(Token::Ident(value)) = next_token(path, &mut index) {
                        match current.reflect_ref() {
                            ReflectRef::List(reflect_list) => {
                                current = read_array_entry(reflect_list, value, current_index)?;
                            ReflectRef::Array(reflect_arr) => {
                                current = read_array_entry(reflect_arr, value, current_index)?;
                            _ => {
                                return Err(ReflectPathError::ExpectedList {
                                    index: current_index,
                    } else {
                        return Err(ReflectPathError::ExpectedIdent {
                            index: current_index,

                    if let Some(Token::CloseBracket) = next_token(path, &mut index) {
                    } else {
                        return Err(ReflectPathError::ExpectedToken {
                            index: current_index,
                            token: "]",
                Token::CloseBracket => {
                    return Err(ReflectPathError::UnexpectedToken {
                        index: current_index,
                        token: "]",
                Token::Ident(value) => {
                    current = read_field(current, value, current_index)?;


    fn path_mut<'r, 'p>(
        &'r mut self,
        path: &'p str,
    ) -> Result<&'r mut dyn Reflect, ReflectPathError<'p>> {
        let mut index = 0;
        let mut current: &mut dyn Reflect = self;
        while let Some(token) = next_token(path, &mut index) {
            let current_index = index;
            match token {
                Token::Dot => {
                    if let Some(Token::Ident(value)) = next_token(path, &mut index) {
                        current = read_field_mut(current, value, current_index)?;
                    } else {
                        return Err(ReflectPathError::ExpectedIdent {
                            index: current_index,
                Token::OpenBracket => {
                    if let Some(Token::Ident(value)) = next_token(path, &mut index) {
                        match current.reflect_mut() {
                            ReflectMut::List(reflect_list) => {
                                current = read_array_entry_mut(reflect_list, value, current_index)?;
                            ReflectMut::Array(reflect_arr) => {
                                current = read_array_entry_mut(reflect_arr, value, current_index)?;
                            _ => {
                                return Err(ReflectPathError::ExpectedStruct {
                                    index: current_index,
                    } else {
                        return Err(ReflectPathError::ExpectedIdent {
                            index: current_index,

                    if let Some(Token::CloseBracket) = next_token(path, &mut index) {
                    } else {
                        return Err(ReflectPathError::ExpectedToken {
                            index: current_index,
                            token: "]",
                Token::CloseBracket => {
                    return Err(ReflectPathError::UnexpectedToken {
                        index: current_index,
                        token: "]",
                Token::Ident(value) => {
                    current = read_field_mut(current, value, current_index)?;


fn read_array_entry<'r, 'p, T>(
    list: &'r T,
    value: &'p str,
    current_index: usize,
) -> Result<&'r dyn Reflect, ReflectPathError<'p>>
    T: Array + ?Sized,
    let list_index = value.parse::<usize>()?;
        .ok_or(ReflectPathError::InvalidListIndex {
            index: current_index,

fn read_array_entry_mut<'r, 'p, T>(
    list: &'r mut T,
    value: &'p str,
    current_index: usize,
) -> Result<&'r mut dyn Reflect, ReflectPathError<'p>>
    T: Array + ?Sized,
    let list_index = value.parse::<usize>()?;
        .ok_or(ReflectPathError::InvalidListIndex {
            index: current_index,

fn read_field<'r, 'p>(
    current: &'r dyn Reflect,
    field: &'p str,
    current_index: usize,
) -> Result<&'r dyn Reflect, ReflectPathError<'p>> {
    match current.reflect_ref() {
        ReflectRef::Struct(reflect_struct) => {
                .ok_or(ReflectPathError::InvalidField {
                    index: current_index,
        ReflectRef::TupleStruct(reflect_struct) => {
            let tuple_index = field.parse::<usize>()?;
                ReflectPathError::InvalidTupleStructIndex {
                    index: current_index,
                    tuple_struct_index: tuple_index,
        _ => Err(ReflectPathError::ExpectedStruct {
            index: current_index,

fn read_field_mut<'r, 'p>(
    current: &'r mut dyn Reflect,
    field: &'p str,
    current_index: usize,
) -> Result<&'r mut dyn Reflect, ReflectPathError<'p>> {
    match current.reflect_mut() {
        ReflectMut::Struct(reflect_struct) => {
                .ok_or(ReflectPathError::InvalidField {
                    index: current_index,
        ReflectMut::TupleStruct(reflect_struct) => {
            let tuple_index = field.parse::<usize>()?;
                ReflectPathError::InvalidTupleStructIndex {
                    index: current_index,
                    tuple_struct_index: tuple_index,
        _ => Err(ReflectPathError::ExpectedStruct {
            index: current_index,

enum Token<'a> {
    Ident(&'a str),

fn next_token<'a>(path: &'a str, index: &mut usize) -> Option<Token<'a>> {
    if *index >= path.len() {
        return None;

    match path[*index..].chars().next().unwrap() {
        '.' => {
            *index += 1;
            return Some(Token::Dot);
        '[' => {
            *index += 1;
            return Some(Token::OpenBracket);
        ']' => {
            *index += 1;
            return Some(Token::CloseBracket);
        _ => {}

    // we can assume we are parsing an ident now
    for (char_index, character) in path[*index..].chars().enumerate() {
        match character {
            '.' | '[' | ']' => {
                let ident = Token::Ident(&path[*index..*index + char_index]);
                *index += char_index;
                return Some(ident);
            _ => {}
    let ident = Token::Ident(&path[*index..]);
    *index = path.len();

#[allow(clippy::float_cmp, clippy::approx_constant)]
mod tests {
    use super::GetPath;
    use crate as bevy_reflect;
    use crate::*;

    fn reflect_array_behaves_like_list() {
        struct A {
            list: Vec<u8>,
            array: [u8; 10],

        let a = A {
            list: vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
            array: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],

        assert_eq!(*a.get_path::<u8>("list[5]").unwrap(), 5);
        assert_eq!(*a.get_path::<u8>("array[5]").unwrap(), 5);
        assert_eq!(*a.get_path::<u8>("list[0]").unwrap(), 0);
        assert_eq!(*a.get_path::<u8>("array[0]").unwrap(), 0);

    fn reflect_array_behaves_like_list_mut() {
        struct A {
            list: Vec<u8>,
            array: [u8; 10],

        let mut a = A {
            list: vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
            array: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],

        assert_eq!(*a.get_path_mut::<u8>("list[5]").unwrap(), 5);
        assert_eq!(*a.get_path_mut::<u8>("array[5]").unwrap(), 5);

        *a.get_path_mut::<u8>("list[5]").unwrap() = 10;
        *a.get_path_mut::<u8>("array[5]").unwrap() = 10;

        assert_eq!(*a.get_path_mut::<u8>("list[5]").unwrap(), 10);
        assert_eq!(*a.get_path_mut::<u8>("array[5]").unwrap(), 10);

    fn reflect_path() {
        struct A {
            w: usize,
            x: B,
            y: Vec<C>,
            z: D,

        struct B {
            foo: usize,
            bar: C,

        #[derive(Reflect, FromReflect)]
        struct C {
            baz: f32,

        struct D(E);

        struct E(f32, usize);

        let mut a = A {
            w: 1,
            x: B {
                foo: 10,
                bar: C { baz: 3.14 },
            y: vec![C { baz: 1.0 }, C { baz: 2.0 }],
            z: D(E(10.0, 42)),

        assert_eq!(*a.get_path::<usize>("w").unwrap(), 1);
        assert_eq!(*a.get_path::<usize>("").unwrap(), 10);
        assert_eq!(*a.get_path::<f32>("").unwrap(), 3.14);
        assert_eq!(*a.get_path::<f32>("y[1].baz").unwrap(), 2.0);
        assert_eq!(*a.get_path::<usize>("z.0.1").unwrap(), 42);

        *a.get_path_mut::<f32>("y[1].baz").unwrap() = 3.0;
        assert_eq!(a.y[1].baz, 3.0);

            ReflectPathError::InvalidField {
                index: 2,
                field: "notreal"

            ReflectPathError::ExpectedIdent { index: 2 }

            ReflectPathError::ExpectedList { index: 2 }

            ReflectPathError::ExpectedStruct { index: 2 }
