bevy_reflect 0.13.0

Dynamically interact with rust types
use crate::{serde::Serializable, Reflect, TypeInfo, TypePath, Typed};
use bevy_ptr::{Ptr, PtrMut};
use bevy_utils::{HashMap, HashSet, TypeIdMap};
use downcast_rs::{impl_downcast, Downcast};
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::{
    sync::{Arc, PoisonError, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard},

/// A registry of [reflected] types.
/// This struct is used as the central store for type information.
/// [Registering] a type will generate a new [`TypeRegistration`] entry in this store
/// using a type's [`GetTypeRegistration`] implementation
/// (which is automatically implemented when using [`#[derive(Reflect)]`](derive@crate::Reflect)).
/// See the [crate-level documentation] for more information.
/// [reflected]: crate
/// [Registering]: TypeRegistry::register
/// [crate-level documentation]: crate
pub struct TypeRegistry {
    registrations: TypeIdMap<TypeRegistration>,
    short_path_to_id: HashMap<&'static str, TypeId>,
    type_path_to_id: HashMap<&'static str, TypeId>,
    ambiguous_names: HashSet<&'static str>,

// TODO:  remove this wrapper once we migrate to Atelier Assets and the Scene AssetLoader doesn't
// need a TypeRegistry ref
/// A synchronized wrapper around a [`TypeRegistry`].
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct TypeRegistryArc {
    pub internal: Arc<RwLock<TypeRegistry>>,

impl Debug for TypeRegistryArc {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {

/// A trait which allows a type to generate its [`TypeRegistration`]
/// for registration into the [`TypeRegistry`].
/// This trait is automatically implemented for items using [`#[derive(Reflect)]`](derive@crate::Reflect).
/// The macro also allows [`TypeData`] to be more easily registered.
/// See the [crate-level documentation] for more information on type registration.
/// [crate-level documentation]: crate
pub trait GetTypeRegistration {
    fn get_type_registration() -> TypeRegistration;

impl Default for TypeRegistry {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl TypeRegistry {
    /// Create a type registry with *no* registered types.
    pub fn empty() -> Self {
        Self {
            registrations: Default::default(),
            short_path_to_id: Default::default(),
            type_path_to_id: Default::default(),
            ambiguous_names: Default::default(),

    /// Create a type registry with default registrations for primitive types.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let mut registry = Self::empty();

    /// Registers the type `T`, adding reflect data as specified in the [`Reflect`] derive:
    /// ```ignore (Neither bevy_ecs nor serde "derive" are available.)
    /// #[derive(Component, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Reflect)]
    /// #[reflect(Component, Serialize, Deserialize)] // will register ReflectComponent, ReflectSerialize, ReflectDeserialize
    /// ```
    pub fn register<T>(&mut self)
        T: GetTypeRegistration,

    /// Registers the type described by `registration`.
    pub fn add_registration(&mut self, registration: TypeRegistration) {
        if self.registrations.contains_key(&registration.type_id()) {

        let short_name = registration.type_info().type_path_table().short_path();
        if self.short_path_to_id.contains_key(short_name)
            || self.ambiguous_names.contains(short_name)
            // name is ambiguous. fall back to long names for all ambiguous types
        } else {
                .insert(short_name, registration.type_id());
            .insert(registration.type_info().type_path(), registration.type_id());
            .insert(registration.type_id(), registration);

    /// Registers the type data `D` for type `T`.
    /// Most of the time [`TypeRegistry::register`] can be used instead to register a type you derived [`Reflect`] for.
    /// However, in cases where you want to add a piece of type data that was not included in the list of `#[reflect(...)]` type data in the derive,
    /// or where the type is generic and cannot register e.g. [`ReflectSerialize`] unconditionally without knowing the specific type parameters,
    /// this method can be used to insert additional type data.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use bevy_reflect::{TypeRegistry, ReflectSerialize, ReflectDeserialize};
    /// let mut type_registry = TypeRegistry::default();
    /// type_registry.register::<Option<String>>();
    /// type_registry.register_type_data::<Option<String>, ReflectSerialize>();
    /// type_registry.register_type_data::<Option<String>, ReflectDeserialize>();
    /// ```
    pub fn register_type_data<T: Reflect + TypePath, D: TypeData + FromType<T>>(&mut self) {
        let data = self.get_mut(TypeId::of::<T>()).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                "attempted to call `TypeRegistry::register_type_data` for type `{T}` with data `{D}` without registering `{T}` first",
                T = T::type_path(),
                D = std::any::type_name::<D>(),

    /// Returns a reference to the [`TypeRegistration`] of the type with the
    /// given [`TypeId`].
    /// If the specified type has not been registered, returns `None`.
    pub fn get(&self, type_id: TypeId) -> Option<&TypeRegistration> {

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the [`TypeRegistration`] of the type with
    /// the given [`TypeId`].
    /// If the specified type has not been registered, returns `None`.
    pub fn get_mut(&mut self, type_id: TypeId) -> Option<&mut TypeRegistration> {

    /// Returns a reference to the [`TypeRegistration`] of the type with the
    /// given [type path].
    /// If no type with the given path has been registered, returns `None`.
    /// [type path]: TypePath::type_path
    pub fn get_with_type_path(&self, type_path: &str) -> Option<&TypeRegistration> {
            .and_then(|id| self.get(*id))

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the [`TypeRegistration`] of the type with
    /// the given [type path].
    /// If no type with the given type path has been registered, returns `None`.
    /// [type path]: TypePath::type_path
    pub fn get_with_type_path_mut(&mut self, type_path: &str) -> Option<&mut TypeRegistration> {
            .and_then(move |id| self.get_mut(id))

    /// Returns a reference to the [`TypeRegistration`] of the type with
    /// the given [short type path].
    /// If the short type path is ambiguous, or if no type with the given path
    /// has been registered, returns `None`.
    /// [type path]: TypePath::short_type_path
    pub fn get_with_short_type_path(&self, short_type_path: &str) -> Option<&TypeRegistration> {
            .and_then(|id| self.registrations.get(id))

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the [`TypeRegistration`] of the type with
    /// the given [short type path].
    /// If the short type path is ambiguous, or if no type with the given path
    /// has been registered, returns `None`.
    /// [type path]: TypePath::short_type_path
    pub fn get_with_short_type_path_mut(
        &mut self,
        short_type_path: &str,
    ) -> Option<&mut TypeRegistration> {
            .and_then(|id| self.registrations.get_mut(id))

    /// Returns a reference to the [`TypeData`] of type `T` associated with the given [`TypeId`].
    /// The returned value may be used to downcast [`Reflect`] trait objects to
    /// trait objects of the trait used to generate `T`, provided that the
    /// underlying reflected type has the proper `#[reflect(DoThing)]`
    /// attribute.
    /// If the specified type has not been registered, or if `T` is not present
    /// in its type registration, returns `None`.
    pub fn get_type_data<T: TypeData>(&self, type_id: TypeId) -> Option<&T> {

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the [`TypeData`] of type `T` associated with the given [`TypeId`].
    /// If the specified type has not been registered, or if `T` is not present
    /// in its type registration, returns `None`.
    pub fn get_type_data_mut<T: TypeData>(&mut self, type_id: TypeId) -> Option<&mut T> {
            .and_then(|registration| registration.data_mut::<T>())

    /// Returns the [`TypeInfo`] associated with the given [`TypeId`].
    /// If the specified type has not been registered, returns `None`.
    pub fn get_type_info(&self, type_id: TypeId) -> Option<&'static TypeInfo> {
            .map(|registration| registration.type_info())

    /// Returns an iterator over the [`TypeRegistration`]s of the registered
    /// types.
    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &TypeRegistration> {

    /// Returns a mutable iterator over the [`TypeRegistration`]s of the registered
    /// types.
    pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut TypeRegistration> {

impl TypeRegistryArc {
    /// Takes a read lock on the underlying [`TypeRegistry`].
    pub fn read(&self) -> RwLockReadGuard<'_, TypeRegistry> {

    /// Takes a write lock on the underlying [`TypeRegistry`].
    pub fn write(&self) -> RwLockWriteGuard<'_, TypeRegistry> {

/// Runtime storage for type metadata, registered into the [`TypeRegistry`].
/// An instance of `TypeRegistration` can be created using the [`TypeRegistration::of`] method,
/// but is more often automatically generated using [`#[derive(Reflect)]`](derive@crate::Reflect) which itself generates
/// an implementation of the [`GetTypeRegistration`] trait.
/// Along with the type's [`TypeInfo`],
/// this struct also contains a type's registered [`TypeData`].
/// See the [crate-level documentation] for more information on type registration.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use bevy_reflect::{TypeRegistration, std_traits::ReflectDefault, FromType};
/// let mut registration = TypeRegistration::of::<Option<String>>();
/// assert_eq!("core::option::Option<alloc::string::String>", registration.type_info().type_path());
/// assert_eq!("Option<String>", registration.type_info().type_path_table().short_path());
/// registration.insert::<ReflectDefault>(FromType::<Option<String>>::from_type());
/// assert!(<ReflectDefault>().is_some())
/// ```
/// [crate-level documentation]: crate
pub struct TypeRegistration {
    data: TypeIdMap<Box<dyn TypeData>>,
    type_info: &'static TypeInfo,

impl Debug for TypeRegistration {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            .field("type_info", &self.type_info)

impl TypeRegistration {
    /// Returns the [`TypeId`] of the type.
    pub fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId {

    /// Returns a reference to the value of type `T` in this registration's type
    /// data.
    /// Returns `None` if no such value exists.
    pub fn data<T: TypeData>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
            .and_then(|value| value.downcast_ref())

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the value of type `T` in this
    /// registration's type data.
    /// Returns `None` if no such value exists.
    pub fn data_mut<T: TypeData>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
            .and_then(|value| value.downcast_mut())

    /// Returns a reference to the registration's [`TypeInfo`]
    pub fn type_info(&self) -> &'static TypeInfo {

    /// Inserts an instance of `T` into this registration's type data.
    /// If another instance of `T` was previously inserted, it is replaced.
    pub fn insert<T: TypeData>(&mut self, data: T) {<T>(), Box::new(data));

    /// Creates type registration information for `T`.
    pub fn of<T: Reflect + Typed + TypePath>() -> Self {
        Self {
            data: Default::default(),
            type_info: T::type_info(),

impl Clone for TypeRegistration {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        let mut data = TypeIdMap::default();
        for (id, type_data) in & {
            data.insert(*id, (*type_data).clone_type_data());

        TypeRegistration {
            type_info: self.type_info,

/// A trait used to type-erase type metadata.
/// Type data can be registered to the [`TypeRegistry`] and stored on a type's [`TypeRegistration`].
/// While type data is often generated using the [`#[reflect_trait]`](crate::reflect_trait) macro,
/// almost any type that implements [`Clone`] can be considered "type data".
/// This is because it has a blanket implementation over all `T` where `T: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static`.
/// See the [crate-level documentation] for more information on type data and type registration.
/// [crate-level documentation]: crate
pub trait TypeData: Downcast + Send + Sync {
    fn clone_type_data(&self) -> Box<dyn TypeData>;

impl<T: 'static + Send + Sync> TypeData for T
    T: Clone,
    fn clone_type_data(&self) -> Box<dyn TypeData> {

/// Trait used to generate [`TypeData`] for trait reflection.
/// This is used by the `#[derive(Reflect)]` macro to generate an implementation
/// of [`TypeData`] to pass to [`TypeRegistration::insert`].
pub trait FromType<T> {
    fn from_type() -> Self;

/// A struct used to serialize reflected instances of a type.
/// A `ReflectSerialize` for type `T` can be obtained via
/// [`FromType::from_type`].
pub struct ReflectSerialize {
    get_serializable: for<'a> fn(value: &'a dyn Reflect) -> Serializable,

impl<T: Reflect + erased_serde::Serialize> FromType<T> for ReflectSerialize {
    fn from_type() -> Self {
        ReflectSerialize {
            get_serializable: |value| {
                let value = value.downcast_ref::<T>().unwrap_or_else(|| {
                    panic!("ReflectSerialize::get_serialize called with type `{}`, even though it was created for `{}`", value.reflect_type_path(), std::any::type_name::<T>())

impl ReflectSerialize {
    /// Turn the value into a serializable representation
    pub fn get_serializable<'a>(&self, value: &'a dyn Reflect) -> Serializable<'a> {

/// A struct used to deserialize reflected instances of a type.
/// A `ReflectDeserialize` for type `T` can be obtained via
/// [`FromType::from_type`].
pub struct ReflectDeserialize {
    pub func: fn(
        deserializer: &mut dyn erased_serde::Deserializer,
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn Reflect>, erased_serde::Error>,

impl ReflectDeserialize {
    /// Deserializes a reflected value.
    /// The underlying type of the reflected value, and thus the expected
    /// structure of the serialized data, is determined by the type used to
    /// construct this `ReflectDeserialize` value.
    pub fn deserialize<'de, D>(&self, deserializer: D) -> Result<Box<dyn Reflect>, D::Error>
        D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
        let mut erased = <dyn erased_serde::Deserializer>::erase(deserializer);
        (self.func)(&mut erased)
            .map_err(<<D as serde::Deserializer<'de>>::Error as serde::de::Error>::custom)

impl<T: for<'a> Deserialize<'a> + Reflect> FromType<T> for ReflectDeserialize {
    fn from_type() -> Self {
        ReflectDeserialize {
            func: |deserializer| Ok(Box::new(T::deserialize(deserializer)?)),

/// [`Reflect`] values are commonly used in situations where the actual types of values
/// are not known at runtime. In such situations you might have access to a `*const ()` pointer
/// that you know implements [`Reflect`], but have no way of turning it into a `&dyn Reflect`.
/// This is where [`ReflectFromPtr`] comes in, when creating a [`ReflectFromPtr`] for a given type `T: Reflect`.
/// Internally, this saves a concrete function `*const T -> const dyn Reflect` which lets you create a trait object of [`Reflect`]
/// from a pointer.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use bevy_reflect::{TypeRegistry, Reflect, ReflectFromPtr};
/// use bevy_ptr::Ptr;
/// use std::ptr::NonNull;
/// #[derive(Reflect)]
/// struct Reflected(String);
/// let mut type_registry = TypeRegistry::default();
/// type_registry.register::<Reflected>();
/// let mut value = Reflected("Hello world!".to_string());
/// let value = Ptr::from(&value);
/// let reflect_data = type_registry.get(std::any::TypeId::of::<Reflected>()).unwrap();
/// let reflect_from_ptr =<ReflectFromPtr>().unwrap();
/// // SAFE: `value` is of type `Reflected`, which the `ReflectFromPtr` was created for
/// let value = unsafe { reflect_from_ptr.as_reflect(value) };
/// assert_eq!(value.downcast_ref::<Reflected>().unwrap().0, "Hello world!");
/// ```
pub struct ReflectFromPtr {
    type_id: TypeId,
    from_ptr: unsafe fn(Ptr) -> &dyn Reflect,
    from_ptr_mut: unsafe fn(PtrMut) -> &mut dyn Reflect,

impl ReflectFromPtr {
    /// Returns the [`TypeId`] that the [`ReflectFromPtr`] was constructed for.
    pub fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId {

    /// Convert `Ptr` into `&dyn Reflect`.
    /// # Safety
    /// `val` must be a pointer to value of the type that the [`ReflectFromPtr`] was constructed for.
    /// This can be verified by checking that the type id returned by [`ReflectFromPtr::type_id`] is the expected one.
    pub unsafe fn as_reflect<'a>(&self, val: Ptr<'a>) -> &'a dyn Reflect {
        // SAFETY: contract uphold by the caller.
        unsafe { (self.from_ptr)(val) }

    /// Convert `PtrMut` into `&mut dyn Reflect`.
    /// # Safety
    /// `val` must be a pointer to a value of the type that the [`ReflectFromPtr`] was constructed for
    /// This can be verified by checking that the type id returned by [`ReflectFromPtr::type_id`] is the expected one.
    pub unsafe fn as_reflect_mut<'a>(&self, val: PtrMut<'a>) -> &'a mut dyn Reflect {
        // SAFETY: contract uphold by the caller.
        unsafe { (self.from_ptr_mut)(val) }
    /// Get a function pointer to turn a `Ptr` into `&dyn Reflect` for
    /// the type this [`ReflectFromPtr`] was constructed for.
    /// # Safety
    /// When calling the unsafe function returned by this method you must ensure that:
    /// - The input `Ptr` points to the `Reflect` type this `ReflectFromPtr`
    ///   was constructed for.
    pub fn from_ptr(&self) -> unsafe fn(Ptr) -> &dyn Reflect {
    /// Get a function pointer to turn a `PtrMut` into `&mut dyn Reflect` for
    /// the type this [`ReflectFromPtr`] was constructed for.
    /// # Safety
    /// When calling the unsafe function returned by this method you must ensure that:
    /// - The input `PtrMut` points to the `Reflect` type this `ReflectFromPtr`
    ///   was constructed for.
    pub fn from_ptr_mut(&self) -> unsafe fn(PtrMut) -> &mut dyn Reflect {

impl<T: Reflect> FromType<T> for ReflectFromPtr {
    fn from_type() -> Self {
        ReflectFromPtr {
            type_id: TypeId::of::<T>(),
            from_ptr: |ptr| {
                // SAFETY: `from_ptr_mut` is either called in `ReflectFromPtr::as_reflect`
                // or returned by `ReflectFromPtr::from_ptr`, both lay out the invariants
                // required by `deref`
                unsafe { ptr.deref::<T>() as &dyn Reflect }
            from_ptr_mut: |ptr| {
                // SAFETY: same as above, but for `as_reflect_mut`, `from_ptr_mut` and `deref_mut`.
                unsafe { ptr.deref_mut::<T>() as &mut dyn Reflect }

mod test {
    use crate::{GetTypeRegistration, ReflectFromPtr};
    use bevy_ptr::{Ptr, PtrMut};

    use crate as bevy_reflect;
    use crate::Reflect;

    fn test_reflect_from_ptr() {
        struct Foo {
            a: f32,

        let foo_registration = <Foo as GetTypeRegistration>::get_type_registration();
        let reflect_from_ptr =<ReflectFromPtr>().unwrap();

        // not required in this situation because we no nobody messed with the TypeRegistry,
        // but in the general case somebody could have replaced the ReflectFromPtr with an
        // instance for another type, so then we'd need to check that the type is the expected one
        assert_eq!(reflect_from_ptr.type_id(), std::any::TypeId::of::<Foo>());

        let mut value = Foo { a: 1.0 };
            let value = PtrMut::from(&mut value);
            // SAFETY: reflect_from_ptr was constructed for the correct type
            let dyn_reflect = unsafe { reflect_from_ptr.as_reflect_mut(value) };
            match dyn_reflect.reflect_mut() {
                bevy_reflect::ReflectMut::Struct(strukt) => {
                _ => panic!("invalid reflection"),

            // SAFETY: reflect_from_ptr was constructed for the correct type
            let dyn_reflect = unsafe { reflect_from_ptr.as_reflect(Ptr::from(&value)) };
            match dyn_reflect.reflect_ref() {
                bevy_reflect::ReflectRef::Struct(strukt) => {
                    let a = strukt.field("a").unwrap().downcast_ref::<f32>().unwrap();
                    assert_eq!(*a, 2.0);
                _ => panic!("invalid reflection"),