bevy_networking_turbulence 0.1.0

Networking plugin for Bevy engine running on naia-socket and turbulence libraries


Networking plugin for Bevy engine running on naia-socket and turbulence libraries.

Combination of naia-socket and turbulence allows for exchange of raw messages over UDP or UDP-like connection (over WebRTC), or building unreliable/reliable channels of structured messages over such UDP/UDP-like messages.

This plugin works both in native (Linux, Windows, MacOS) over UDP packets and in Browser/WASM over UDP-like messages in WebRTC channel.

Still unfinished, but main features are working. For details see Milestones.



On one terminal run:

$ env RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --example simple -- --server

On other terminal run:

$ env RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --example simple -- --client

Observe PING/PONG exchange between server and client. You can run more clients in more terminals.


On one terminal run:

$ env RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --example simple --no-default-features --features use-webrtc -- --server

Change IP address in examples/ / startup() function to point to your local machine, and run:

$ cargo build --example simple --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --no-default-features --features use-webrtc
$ wasm-bindgen --out-dir target --target web target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/examples/simple.wasm

Serve project directory over HTTP. For example (cargo install basic-http-server):

$ basic-http-server .

Open and watch Browser's console in Developer Tools. You will see the same PING/PONG exchange as in the Native mode.


On one terminal run:

$ env RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --example channels --features use-udp,bevy/default -- --server

On second terminal run:

$ env RUST_LOG=warn cargo run --example channels --features use-udp,bevy/default -- --client

On third (and fourth, and more...) terminal run:

$ env RUST_LOG=warn cargo run --example channels --features use-udp,bevy/default -- --client

You can focus any of client windows and use Arrow-Left/Arrow-Right cursor keys to change "ball" trajectory. Observe your controlled ball gets synchronized to all other clients.