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§Deferred Raycasting API

See the minimal_deferred example for reference.

This API requires you add a RaycastSource to the entity that will be generating rays, and a RaycastMesh to all meshes that you want to raycast against. The RaycastSource has some built in modes for common use cases. You can set this entity to cast based on where it is pointing, using RaycastMethod::Transform, or you can use RaycastMethod::Screenspace along with a screenspace coordinate if the entity is a camera and you want to shoot out of a reticle, or you can use RaycastMethod::Cursor if you want to automatically use the cursor to build rays.

These components are both generic, and raycasts will only happen between entities with the same generic parameter. For example, RaycastSource<Foo> can cast rays against meshes with RaycastMesh<Foo>, but not against meshes that instead only have a RaycastMesh<Bar> component.



  • Marks an entity as pickable, with type T.
  • Global plugin state used to enable or disable all ray casting for a given type T.
  • The RaycastSource component is used to generate rays with the specified cast_method. A ray is generated when the RaycastSource is initialized, either by waiting for update_raycast system to process the ray, or by using a with_ray function.`

