bevy_mod_pies_spacetraders_api 0.8.0

SpaceTraders API implemented for Bevy the game engine.

Unofficial SpaceTraders API for Bevy

SpaceTraders API implemented for Bevy the game engine.

Consult official Docs for APIs explanations.

Learm more about Bevy here and about SpaceTraders here.

Issues / Pull requests / criticism / requests welcome.


  • Simple and Ergonomic API
  • Integrated rate limiter
  • Made for Bevy
  • Easily create new API (endpoints)

Simple Example

use bevy::{log::LogPlugin, prelude::*};
use bevy_mod_pies_spacetraders_api::prelude::*;

fn main() {
        // we will need this, it sets up stuff
        .add_systems(Startup, (add_token, set_status).chain())
        .add_systems(Update, get_status.run_if(/* custom run condition is provided: */response_received::<GetStatus>()))

fn add_token(mut config: ResMut<ClientConnectionConfig>) {
    // bearer token, almost every API needs it

fn set_status(status: Res<endpoints::GetStatus>) {
    // we can send request with this method, each API has it's own impl and will require different args
    status.set_request(Rates {
        // we will use Burst limiter - up to 10 requests per second over 10 seconds
        limit: RateLimit::Burst,
        // request will be queued untill wa can send it
        strategy: RateStrategy::Queued,

// each API is it's own Resource
fn get_status(status: Res<endpoints::GetStatus>) {
    for status in status.get_receiver().try_iter() {
        match status {
            Ok(status) => info!("{:?}", status),
            Err(error) => warn!("{:?}", error),

Version Compatibility Table

Bevy Crate
0.12 0.8.0
0.11 0.7.0, 0.6.1, 0.6.0, 0.5.0, 0.4.0, 0.3.0, 0.2.0
0.10 0.1.1, 0.1.0


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