Module bevy_internal::window

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Configuration, creation, and management of one or more windows.



  • Stores data about the window’s cursor.
  • An event that is sent whenever the user’s cursor enters a window.
  • An event that is sent whenever the user’s cursor leaves a window.
  • An event reporting that the mouse cursor has moved inside a window.
  • Stores internal state that isn’t directly accessible.
  • A flattened representation of a window reference for equality/hashing purposes.
  • Marker component for the window considered the primary window.
  • A wrapper over [RawWindowHandle] and [RawDisplayHandle] that allows us to safely pass it across threads.
  • An event that is sent whenever a window receives a character from the OS or underlying system.
  • An event that indicates the window should redraw, even if its control flow is set to Wait and there have been no window events.
  • A RawHandleWrapper that cannot be sent across threads.
  • Define how a window will be created and how it will behave.
  • An event that indicates a window’s OS-reported scale factor has changed.
  • An event that is sent whenever the operating systems requests that a window be closed. This will be sent when the close button of the window is pressed.
  • An event that is sent whenever a window is closed. This will be sent when the window entity loses its Window component or is despawned.
  • An event that is sent whenever a new window is created.
  • An event that indicates a window has received or lost focus.
  • An event that is sent when a window is repositioned in physical pixels.
  • A Plugin that defines an interface for windowing support in Bevy.
  • The size limits on a window.
  • A window event that is sent whenever a window’s logical size has changed.
  • Window Sizes
  • An event that indicates a window’s scale factor has changed.


  • Specifies how the alpha channel of the textures should be handled during compositing.
  • Defines if and how the cursor is grabbed.
  • The icon to display for a window’s cursor.
  • Defines the specific conditions the application should exit on
  • Events related to files being dragged and dropped on a window.
  • A Input Method Editor event.
  • Defines which monitor to use.
  • Presentation mode for a window.
  • A window level groups windows with respect to their z-position.
  • Defines the way a window is displayed
  • Defines where window should be placed at on creation.
  • Reference to a window, whether it be a direct link to a specific entity or a more vague defaulting choice.
