bevy_interact_2d 0.9.0

A Bevy plugin for 2d mouse interactions
# Bevy Interact 2D

**Work in progress**

Plugin library for the Bevy game engine to easily add mouse interactions to 2d games.

Can help you with:
- Hovering
- Clicking
- Dragging & Droppings

![Progress bar example](examples/trash_cleanup.gif)

## Using Interact2D

Add the interaction plugin, or use the `InteractionDebugPlugin` instead when debugging.

Spawn a camera with an interaction source with a number of interaction groups.
  .insert(InteractionSource {
    groups: vec![Group(0), Group(1)],

Spawn an interactable entity
  .insert(Interactable {
    groups: vec![Group(0)],
    bounding_box: (Vec2::new(0., 0.), Vec2::new(10., 10.)),

Now you can create a system that uses the interaction state
fn interaction_system(
  mouse_button_input: Res<Input<MouseButton>>,
  interaction_state: Res<InteractionState>,
) {
  if !mouse_button_input.just_released(MouseButton::Left) {

  for (entity, coords) in interaction_state.get_group(Group(0)).iter() {
    // Do something