bevy_interact_2d 0.5.1

A Bevy plugin for 2d mouse interactions

Bevy Interact 2D

Work in progress

Plugin library for the Bevy game engine to easily add mouse interactions to 2d games.

Can help you with:

  • Hovering
  • Clicking
  • Dragging & Droppings

Using Interact2D

Add the interaction plugin, or use the InteractionDebugPlugin instead when debugging.


Spawn a camera with an interaction source with a number of interaction groups.

  .insert(InteractionSource {
    groups: vec![Group(0), Group(1)],

Spawn an interactable entity

  .insert(Interactable {
    groups: vec![Group(0)],
    bounding_box: (Vec2::new(0., 0.), Vec2::new(10., 10.)),

Now you can create a system that uses the interaction state

fn interaction_system(
  mut commands: Commands,
  mouse_button_input: Res<Input<MouseButton>>,
  interaction_state: Res<InteractionState>,
) {
  if !mouse_button_input.just_released(MouseButton::Left) {

  for (entity, coords) in interaction_state.get_group(Group(0)).iter() {
    // Do something