bevy_egui 0.23.0

A plugin for Egui integration into Bevy
[![Stand With Ukraine](](

**Hey!** I'm the author of the crate, and I was born in Mariupol, Ukraine. When russians started the war in 2014, I moved to Kyiv. My parents, who had been staying in Mariupol till the start of the full-scale invasion, barely escaped the city alive. By the moment of writing (November 5th, 2023), we had [874 air raid alerts in Kyiv, and russians managed to bomb the city 132 times](

**If you are using this crate, please consider donating to any of the listed funds (see the banner above), that will mean a lot to me.**

# `bevy_egui`


This crate provides an [Egui]( integration for the [Bevy]( game engine.

**Trying out:**

An example WASM project is live at []( [[source](].

- Desktop and web platforms support
- Clipboard (web support is limited to the same window, see [rust-windowing/winit#1829]
- Opening URLs
- Multiple windows support (see [./examples/]

`bevy_egui` can be compiled with using only `bevy` and `egui` as dependencies: `manage_clipboard` and `open_url` features,
that require additional crates, can be disabled.


## Dependencies

On Linux, this crate requires certain parts of [XCB]( to be installed on your system. On Debian-based systems, these can be installed with the following command:

$ sudo apt install libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev

## Usage

Here's a minimal usage example:
# Cargo.toml
bevy = "0.11"
bevy_egui = "0.23"

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_egui::{egui, EguiContexts, EguiPlugin};

fn main() {
        // Systems that create Egui widgets should be run during the `CoreSet::Update` set,
        // or after the `EguiSet::BeginFrame` system (which belongs to the `CoreSet::PreUpdate` set).
        .add_systems(Update, ui_example_system)

fn ui_example_system(mut contexts: EguiContexts) {
    egui::Window::new("Hello").show(contexts.ctx_mut(), |ui| {


For a more advanced example, see [examples/](

cargo run --example ui

## See also

- [`jakobhellermann/bevy-inspector-egui`]

## Bevy support table

**Note:** if you're looking for a `bevy_egui` version that supports `main` branch of Bevy, check out [open PRs](, there's a great chance we've already started working on the future Bevy release support.

| bevy | bevy_egui |
| 0.12 | 0.23      |
| 0.11 | 0.21-0.22 |
| 0.10 | 0.20      |
| 0.9  | 0.17-0.19 |
| 0.8  | 0.15-0.16 |
| 0.7  | 0.13-0.14 |
| 0.6  | 0.10-0.12 |
| 0.5  | 0.4-0.9   |
| 0.4  | 0.1-0.3   |