bevy_crevice 0.7.0

Create GLSL-compatible versions of structs with explicitly-initialized padding (Bevy version)

macro_rules! easy_impl {
    ( $( $std_name:ident $imp_ty:ty { $($field:ident),* }, )* ) => {
            impl crate::std140::AsStd140 for $imp_ty {
                type Output = crate::std140::$std_name;

                fn as_std140(&self) -> Self::Output {
                    crate::std140::$std_name {
                            $field: self.$field.as_std140(),

                fn from_std140(value: Self::Output) -> Self {
                    Self {
                            $field: <_ as crate::std140::AsStd140>::from_std140(value.$field),

            impl crate::std430::AsStd430 for $imp_ty {
                type Output = crate::std430::$std_name;

                fn as_std430(&self) -> Self::Output {
                    crate::std430::$std_name {
                            $field: self.$field.as_std430(),

                fn from_std430(value: Self::Output) -> Self {
                    Self {
                            $field: <_ as crate::std430::AsStd430>::from_std430(value.$field),

            unsafe impl crate::glsl::Glsl for $imp_ty {
                const NAME: &'static str = crate::std140::$std_name::NAME;

macro_rules! minty_impl {
    ( $( $mint_ty:ty => $imp_ty:ty, )* ) => {
            impl crate::std140::AsStd140 for $imp_ty {
                type Output = <$mint_ty as crate::std140::AsStd140>::Output;

                fn as_std140(&self) -> Self::Output {
                    let mint: $mint_ty = (*self).into();

                fn from_std140(value: Self::Output) -> Self {

            impl crate::std430::AsStd430 for $imp_ty {
                type Output = <$mint_ty as crate::std430::AsStd430>::Output;

                fn as_std430(&self) -> Self::Output {
                    let mint: $mint_ty = (*self).into();

                fn from_std430(value: Self::Output) -> Self {

            unsafe impl crate::glsl::Glsl for $imp_ty {
                const NAME: &'static str = <$mint_ty>::NAME;