bevy_adventure 0.0.0

A framework for building adventure games in Bevy.


A framework for building 3d adventure games in Bevy.


  • Interactive trait is the backbone of the framework, allowing you to create powerful, dynamic objects in your world that can be interacted with and can affect other objects or global state.
  • Scene trait exposes a Plugin-like interface for managing GLTF scenes and assigning components to entities (based on bevy_scene_hook)
  • WorldState resource, a stringly-typed storage for tracking progression
  • Inventory resource allows you to track held items and create recipes for combining them
  • Automatic camera animation and state management, Component-based interface
  • Support for multiple scenes (built on top of iyes_loopless)


Save States

bevy_adventure intentionally omits implementing save state functionality, as different games will have different requirements.

If you want to implement this, here is what you need to keep track of:

  • AtSpot camera component, which determines your current spot in the scene
  • CurrentState<State> resource, (from iyes_loopless) which determines what scene is currently loaded
  • Inventory resource, which tracks what items the player is holding
  • WorldState resource, the global game state storage

You will also have to enable the serde feature to allow serialization and deserialization of these resources.

Using WorldState

When you are building interactives, you have the ability to store information in the component itself or the WorldState.

The component should only hold temporary state information - like which drawer is open on a dresser or if an entity has been spawned.

If you want to store any other kind of information, it should be done in the WorldState resource. This is so other interactives in your scene can access this state (for example, you'd flip a switch and the lights would go out) and so you are storing state information in a single place.

Triggering multiple actions

The Interactive trait only allows you to return a single Action when an object is interacted with. This is done for ergonomics,


  • Audio
  • Documentation
  • Examples
  • Gamepad support