pub fn is_isomorphic<G0, G1>(g0: G0, g1: G1) -> boolwhere
    G0: NodeCompactIndexable + EdgeCount + GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + IntoNeighborsDirected,
    G1: NodeCompactIndexable + EdgeCount + GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp<EdgeType = <G0 as GraphProp>::EdgeType> + IntoNeighborsDirected,
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[Generic] Return true if the graphs g0 and g1 are isomorphic.

Using the VF2 algorithm, only matching graph syntactically (graph structure).

The graphs should not be multigraphs.


  • Luigi P. Cordella, Pasquale Foggia, Carlo Sansone, Mario Vento; A (Sub)Graph Isomorphism Algorithm for Matching Large Graphs