bevy-web-resizer 4.0.1

Automatically resize your Bevy app on the web (wasm) to the size of the browser window
authors = ["Corey Farwell <>"]
description = "Automatically resize your Bevy app on the web (wasm) to the size of the browser window"
edition = "2021"
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
name = "bevy-web-resizer"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "4.0.1"
[target."cfg(target_arch = \"wasm32\")".dependencies.bevy]
default-features = false
features = ["bevy_winit"]
version = "0.9"

[target."cfg(target_arch = \"wasm32\")".dependencies.crossbeam-channel]
version = "0.5"

[target."cfg(target_arch = \"wasm32\")".dependencies.wasm-bindgen]
version = "0.2"

[target."cfg(target_arch = \"wasm32\")".dependencies.web-sys]
default-features = false
version = "0.3"

[target."cfg(target_arch = \"wasm32\")".dependencies.winit]
version = "0.27"