Expand description

Methods for displaying bevy resources, assets and entities


use bevy_inspector_egui::bevy_inspector;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Reflect)]
enum AppState { A, B, C }

fn show_ui(world: &mut World, ui: &mut egui::Ui) {
    let mut any_reflect_value = Vec3::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
    bevy_inspector::ui_for_value(&mut any_reflect_value, ui, world);

    ui.heading("Msaa resource");
    bevy_inspector::ui_for_resource::<Msaa>(world, ui);

    ui.heading("App State");
    bevy_inspector::ui_for_state::<AppState>(world, ui);

        .show(ui, |ui| {
            bevy_inspector::ui_for_world_entities(world, ui);
    egui::CollapsingHeader::new("Resources").show(ui, |ui| {
        bevy_inspector::ui_for_resources(world, ui);
    egui::CollapsingHeader::new("Assets").show(ui, |ui| {
        bevy_inspector::ui_for_all_assets(world, ui);


UI for displaying the entity hierarchy
Short circuiting methods for the InspectorUi to enable it to display Handles


Display all reflectable assets
Display all assets of the specified asset type A
Display the given entity with all its components and children
Display the given entity with all its components and children
Display the resource R
Display all reflectable resources in the world
Display state T and change state on edit
Display Entities, Resources and Assets using their respective functions inside headers
Display all entities and their components