better_btree 0.2.1

A reimplementation of a btree
use std::{
	mem::{replace, ManuallyDrop, MaybeUninit},
	ptr::{copy, copy_nonoverlapping, drop_in_place},

use crate::{
	node_ref::{marker, NodeRef},

pub enum NodeInsertResult<K, V> {
	SplitLeaf {
		bubble: (K, V),
		new_node: NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafNode>,
	SplitInternal {
		bubble: (K, V),
		new_node: NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::InternalNode>,

pub enum NodeRemoveResult<K, V> {
	Removed(K, V),
	Merged(K, V),

pub enum NodeRebalanceResult {

// SAFETY: keys and values must always be initialised in the range [0..self.len)
// SAFETY: if is_internal is true, this node may be safely transmuted into an InternalNode
pub struct LeafNode<K, V> {
	len: u8,
	is_internal: bool,
	keys: [MaybeUninit<K>; (B - 1) as usize],
	values: [MaybeUninit<V>; (B - 1) as usize],

impl<K, V> LeafNode<K, V> {
	pub fn new() -> Self {
		Self {
			len: 0,
			is_internal: false,
			// SAFETY: these are sound since the underlying arrays are MaybeUninit
			keys: unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() },
			values: unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() },

	pub fn new_for_internal() -> Self {
		Self {
			len: 0,
			is_internal: true,
			// SAFETY: these are sound since the underlying arrays are MaybeUninit
			keys: unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() },
			values: unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() },

	pub fn is_internal(&self) -> bool { self.is_internal }

	pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.len as usize }

	pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> NodeInsertResult<K, V>
		K: Ord,
		let index = self.valid_keys_mut().binary_search(&key);
		match index {
			Ok(index) => {
				// Key exists already - swap value and return

				// SAFETY: index must be within the valid array subslice since it is always < self.len
				let value_in_array = unsafe { self.values.get_unchecked_mut(index) };
				// SAFETY: this value comes from the valid subslice of the array and therefore is valid
				let old_value_maybeuninit = replace(value_in_array, MaybeUninit::new(value));
				let old_value = unsafe { old_value_maybeuninit.assume_init() };

			Err(index) => {
				if self.len() != B as usize - 1 {
					// SAFETY: binary search guarantees index <= self.len
					unsafe { self.insert_unchecked(index, (key, value)) };
				else {
					let (bubble, new_node) = if index <= (B as usize - 1) / 2 {
						// SAFETY: node is full
						// SAFETY: index is on the left half of the node
						unsafe { self.split_left_unchecked((key, value), index) }
					else {
						// SAFETY: node is full
						// SAFETY: index is on the right half of the node
						unsafe { self.split_right_unchecked((key, value), index) }
					NodeInsertResult::SplitLeaf { bubble, new_node }

	pub fn remove(&mut self, key: K) -> NodeRemoveResult<K, V>
		K: Ord,
		let valid_keys = self.valid_keys();

		match valid_keys.binary_search(&key) {
			Ok(index) => {
				// SAFETY: index < self.len therefore this is sound
				let (key, value) = unsafe { self.remove_unchecked(index) };
				NodeRemoveResult::Removed(key, value)
			Err(_) => NodeRemoveResult::NotThere,

	fn valid_keys(&self) -> &[K] {
		let len = self.len();
		// SAFETY: self.keys is always valid in range [0..self.len)
		unsafe { &*(self.keys.get_unchecked(0..len) as *const _ as *const _) }

	fn valid_keys_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [K] {
		let len = self.len();
		// SAFETY: self.keys is always valid in range [0..self.len)
		unsafe { &mut *(self.keys.get_unchecked_mut(0..len) as *mut _ as *mut _) }

	fn valid_values(&self) -> &[V] {
		let len = self.len();
		// SAFETY: self.values is always valid in range [0..self.len)
		unsafe { &*(self.values.get_unchecked(0..len) as *const _ as *const _) }

	fn valid_values_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [V] {
		let len = self.len();
		// SAFETY: self.values is always valid in range [0..self.len)
		unsafe { &mut *(self.values.get_unchecked_mut(0..len) as *mut _ as *mut _) }

	// SAFETY: node must be completely full
	// SAFETY: index must be <= (B - 1) / 2
	unsafe fn split_left_unchecked(
		&mut self,
		pair: (K, V),
		index: usize,
	) -> ((K, V), NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafNode>)
		K: Ord,
		debug_assert!(self.len() == B as usize - 1);
		debug_assert!(index <= (B as usize - 1) / 2);

		// Create new right node
		let mut right_node = Self::new();

		let pivot = (B as usize - 1) / 2;

		let right_len = B as usize - 1 - pivot;

		// Copy half of keys
		let src = self.keys.as_ptr().add(pivot);
		let dest = right_node.keys.as_mut_ptr();
		copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, right_len);

		// Copy half of values
		let src = self.values.as_ptr().add(pivot);
		let dest = right_node.values.as_mut_ptr();
		copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, right_len);

		self.len = pivot as u8;

		self.insert_unchecked(index, pair);

		let (bubble_key, bubble_value) = self.remove_unchecked(pivot);

		right_node.len = right_len as u8;

		let right_node = NodeRef::from_boxed_leaf(Box::new(right_node));
		((bubble_key, bubble_value), right_node)

	// SAFETY: node must be completely full
	// SAFETY: index must be < (B - 1)
	// SAFETY: index must be > (B - 1) / 2
	unsafe fn split_right_unchecked(
		&mut self,
		pair: (K, V),
		index: usize,
	) -> ((K, V), NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafNode>)
		K: Ord,
		debug_assert!(self.len() == B as usize - 1);
		debug_assert!(index <= B as usize - 1);
		debug_assert!(index >= (B as usize - 1) / 2);

		// Create new right node
		let mut right_node = Self::new();

		let pivot = (B as usize - 1) / 2 + 1;

		let right_len = B as usize - 1 - pivot;

		// Copy half of keys
		let src = self.keys.as_ptr().add(pivot);
		let dest = right_node.keys.as_mut_ptr();
		copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, right_len);

		// Copy half of values
		let src = self.values.as_ptr().add(pivot);
		let dest = right_node.values.as_mut_ptr();
		copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, right_len);

		right_node.len = right_len as u8;

		right_node.insert_unchecked(index - pivot, pair);

		let bubble_key = self.keys.get_unchecked(pivot - 1).as_ptr().read();
		let bubble_value = self.values.get_unchecked(pivot - 1).as_ptr().read();

		self.len = pivot as u8 - 1;

		let right_node = NodeRef::from_boxed_leaf(Box::new(right_node));
		((bubble_key, bubble_value), right_node)

	unsafe fn swap_with_left_leaf(&mut self, key_hole: *mut K, value_hole: *mut V) {
		let len = self.len();

		let (key, value) = self.remove_unchecked(len - 1);
		*key_hole = key;
		*value_hole = value;

	// SAFETY: index must be <= self.len
	// SAFETY: self.len must be < B - 1
	unsafe fn insert_unchecked(&mut self, index: usize, (key, value): (K, V)) {
		debug_assert!(index <= self.len());
		debug_assert!(self.len() < B as usize - 1);

		let copy_len = self.len() - index;

		// copy keys forward
		let keys_ptr = self.keys.as_mut_ptr();
		let copy_src = keys_ptr.add(index);
		let copy_dst = keys_ptr.add(index + 1);
		copy(copy_src, copy_dst, copy_len);

		// copy values forward
		let values_ptr = self.values.as_mut_ptr();
		let copy_src = values_ptr.add(index);
		let copy_dst = values_ptr.add(index + 1);
		copy(copy_src, copy_dst, copy_len);

		// Insert new key / value
		*self.keys.get_unchecked_mut(index) = MaybeUninit::new(key);
		*self.values.get_unchecked_mut(index) = MaybeUninit::new(value);

		self.len += 1;

	// SAFETY: index must be < self.len
	// SAFETY: self.len must be > 0
	unsafe fn remove_unchecked(&mut self, index: usize) -> (K, V) {
		debug_assert!(index < self.len());

		// copy key and value out of the array
		let output_key = self.keys.get_unchecked(index).as_ptr().read();
		let output_value = self.values.get_unchecked(index).as_ptr().read();

		let copy_len = self.len() - index - 1;

		// copy keys backwards from removal spot
		let keys_ptr = self.keys.as_mut_ptr();
		let copy_src = keys_ptr.add(index + 1);
		let copy_dst = keys_ptr.add(index);
		copy(copy_src, copy_dst, copy_len);

		// copy values backwards from removal spot
		let values_ptr = self.values.as_mut_ptr();
		let copy_src = values_ptr.add(index + 1);
		let copy_dst = values_ptr.add(index);
		copy(copy_src, copy_dst, copy_len);

		self.len -= 1;

		(output_key, output_value)

impl<K, V> Debug for LeafNode<K, V>
	K: Debug,
	V: Debug,
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
			.field("len", &self.len())
			// Taking the valid array subslice
			.field("keys", &self.valid_keys())
			// Taking the valid array subslice
			.field("values", &self.valid_values())

impl<K, V> Drop for LeafNode<K, V> {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		// drop keys
		unsafe { drop_in_place(self.valid_keys_mut()) }
		// drop values
		unsafe { drop_in_place(self.valid_values_mut()) }

// SAFETY: len should always be >= 1
// SAFETY: children must always be initialised in the range [ + 1)
// SAFETY: struct is #[repr(C)] to ensure that LeafNode may be soundly transmuted into an InternalNode
pub struct InternalNode<K, V> {
	data: LeafNode<K, V>,
	children: [MaybeUninit<NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafOrInternal>>; B as usize],

impl<K, V> InternalNode<K, V> {
	pub fn new() -> Self {
		Self {
			data: LeafNode::new_for_internal(),
			// SAFETY: this is sound since the underlying array is MaybeUninit
			children: unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() },

	pub fn is_internal(&self) -> bool { }

	pub fn len(&self) -> usize { }

	pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> NodeInsertResult<K, V>
		K: Ord,
		let index = self.valid_keys_mut().binary_search(&key);
		match index {
			Ok(index) => {
				// Key exists already - swap value and return

				// SAFETY: index must be within the valid array subslice since it is always < self.len
				let value_in_array = unsafe { };
				// SAFETY: this value comes from the valid subslice of the array and therefore is valid
				let old_value_maybeuninit = replace(value_in_array, MaybeUninit::new(value));
				let old_value = unsafe { old_value_maybeuninit.assume_init() };

			Err(index) => {
				let child = self.valid_children_mut()[index].as_mut();
				let child_result = match child.is_internal() {
					false => {
						// SAFETY: we have just checked the type of the child ref so typecasting is sound
						unsafe { child.into_leaf().insert(key, value) }
					true => {
						// SAFETY: we have just checked the type of the child ref so typecasting is sound
						unsafe { child.into_internal().insert(key, value) }

				let (bubble, new_node) = match child_result {
					NodeInsertResult::Existed(x) => return NodeInsertResult::Existed(x),
					NodeInsertResult::Ok => return NodeInsertResult::Ok,
					NodeInsertResult::SplitLeaf { bubble, new_node } => {
						(bubble, new_node.into_type_erased())

					NodeInsertResult::SplitInternal { bubble, new_node } => {
						(bubble, new_node.into_type_erased())

				if self.len() != B as usize - 1 {
					// SAFETY: binary search guarantees index <= self.len
					unsafe { self.insert_unchecked_right(index, bubble, new_node) };
				else {
					let (bubble, new_node) = if index <= (B as usize - 1) / 2 {
						// SAFETY: node is full
						// SAFETY: index is on the left half of the node
						unsafe { self.split_left_unchecked(bubble, new_node, index) }
					else {
						// SAFETY: node is full
						// SAFETY: index is on the right half of the node
						unsafe { self.split_right_unchecked(bubble, new_node, index) }
					NodeInsertResult::SplitInternal { bubble, new_node }

	pub fn remove(&mut self, key: K) -> NodeRemoveResult<K, V>
		K: Ord,
		let valid_keys = self.valid_keys();

		match valid_keys.binary_search(&key) {
			Ok(index) => {
				let indexed_key_ptr = &mut self.valid_keys_mut()[index] as *mut K;
				let indexed_value_ptr = &mut self.valid_values_mut()[index] as *mut V;

				// SAFETY: sound since we will be overwriting this key with a key from a leaf node
				let key = unsafe { };

				// SAFETY: sound since we will be overwriting this value with a value from a leaf node
				let value = unsafe { };

				let left_child = &mut self.valid_children_mut()[index];

				match left_child.is_internal() {
					// SAFETY: we have just checked the type of the child ref so typecasting is sound
					false => unsafe {
							.swap_with_left_leaf(indexed_key_ptr, indexed_value_ptr)
					// SAFETY: we have just checked the type of the child ref so typecasting is sound
					true => unsafe {
							.swap_with_left_leaf(indexed_key_ptr, indexed_value_ptr)

				// SAFETY: index is < self.len therefore this is sound
				match unsafe { self.rebalance(index) } {
					NodeRebalanceResult::None => NodeRemoveResult::Removed(key, value),
					NodeRebalanceResult::Rotated => NodeRemoveResult::Removed(key, value),
					NodeRebalanceResult::Merged => NodeRemoveResult::Merged(key, value),
			Err(index) => {
				let child = self.valid_children_mut()[index].as_mut();
				match child.is_internal() {
					false => {
						let mut child = unsafe { child.into_leaf() };
						match child.remove(key) {
							NodeRemoveResult::NotThere => NodeRemoveResult::NotThere,
							NodeRemoveResult::Removed(k, v) | NodeRemoveResult::Merged(k, v) => {
								// SAFETY: index is < self.len therefore this is sound
								match unsafe { self.rebalance(index) } {
									NodeRebalanceResult::None | NodeRebalanceResult::Rotated => {
										NodeRemoveResult::Removed(k, v)
									NodeRebalanceResult::Merged => NodeRemoveResult::Merged(k, v),
					true => {
						let mut child = unsafe { child.into_internal() };
						match child.remove(key) {
							NodeRemoveResult::NotThere => NodeRemoveResult::NotThere,
							NodeRemoveResult::Removed(k, v) | NodeRemoveResult::Merged(k, v) => {
								// SAFETY: index is < self.len therefore this is sound
								match unsafe { self.rebalance(index) } {
									NodeRebalanceResult::None | NodeRebalanceResult::Rotated => {
										NodeRemoveResult::Removed(k, v)
									NodeRebalanceResult::Merged => NodeRemoveResult::Merged(k, v),

	fn valid_keys(&self) -> &[K] { }

	fn valid_keys_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [K] { }

	fn valid_values(&self) -> &[V] { }

	fn valid_values_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [V] { }

	fn valid_children(&self) -> &[NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafOrInternal>] {
		let len = self.len();
		debug_assert!(len != 0);
		// SAFETY: self.children is always valid in range [0..self.len + 1)
		unsafe { &*(self.children.get_unchecked(0..len + 1) as *const _ as *const _) }

	fn valid_children_mut(
		&mut self,
	) -> &mut [NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafOrInternal>] {
		let len = self.len();
		debug_assert!(len != 0);
		// SAFETY: self.children is always valid in range [0..self.len + 1)
		unsafe { &mut *(self.children.get_unchecked_mut(0..len + 1) as *mut _ as *mut _) }

	// SAFETY: node must be completely full
	// SAFETY: index must be <= (B - 1) / 2
	unsafe fn split_left_unchecked(
		&mut self,
		bubble: (K, V),
		bubbled_right_node: NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafOrInternal>,
		index: usize,
	) -> ((K, V), NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::InternalNode>)
		K: Ord,
		debug_assert!(self.len() == B as usize - 1);
		debug_assert!(index <= (B as usize - 1) / 2);

		// Create new right node
		let mut right_node = Self::new();

		let pivot = (B as usize - 1) / 2;

		let right_len = B as usize - 1 - pivot;

		// Copy half of keys
		let src =;
		let dest =;
		copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, right_len);

		// Copy half of values
		let src =;
		let dest =;
		copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, right_len);

		// Copy half of child values to the right node - leaving a space on the left side for later copying from the left node
		let copy_len = B as usize - 1 - pivot;
		let src = self.children.as_ptr().add(pivot + 1);
		let dest = right_node.children.as_mut_ptr().add(1);
		copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, copy_len); = pivot as u8;

		self.insert_unchecked_right(index, bubble, bubbled_right_node);

		let ((bubble_key, bubble_value), orphan_node) = self.remove_unchecked_right(pivot);

		// Move child from end of right side of left node to left side of right node
		*right_node.children.get_unchecked_mut(0).as_mut_ptr() = orphan_node; = right_len as u8;

		let right_node = NodeRef::from_boxed_internal(Box::new(right_node));
		((bubble_key, bubble_value), right_node)

	// SAFETY: node must be completely full
	// SAFETY: index must be < (B - 1)
	// SAFETY: index must be > (B - 1) / 2
	unsafe fn split_right_unchecked(
		&mut self,
		bubble: (K, V),
		bubbled_right_node: NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafOrInternal>,
		index: usize,
	) -> ((K, V), NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::InternalNode>)
		K: Ord,
		debug_assert!(self.len() == B as usize - 1);
		debug_assert!(index <= B as usize - 1);
		debug_assert!(index >= (B as usize - 1) / 2);

		// Create new right node
		let mut right_node = Self::new();

		let pivot = (B as usize - 1) / 2 + 1;

		let right_len = B as usize - 1 - pivot;

		// Copy half of keys
		let src =;
		let dest =;
		copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, right_len);

		// Copy half of values
		let src =;
		let dest =;
		copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, right_len);

		// Copy half of child values to the right node
		let copy_len = B as usize - pivot;
		let src = self.children.as_ptr().add(pivot);
		let dest = right_node.children.as_mut_ptr();
		copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, copy_len); = right_len as u8;

		right_node.insert_unchecked_right(index - pivot, bubble, bubbled_right_node);

		let bubble_key = - 1).as_ptr().read();
		let bubble_value = - 1).as_ptr().read(); = pivot as u8 - 1;

		let right_node = NodeRef::from_boxed_internal(Box::new(right_node));
		((bubble_key, bubble_value), right_node)

	unsafe fn swap_with_left_leaf(&mut self, key_hole: *mut K, value_hole: *mut V) {
		let len = self.len();
		let rightmost_child = (&mut *self.children.get_unchecked_mut(len).as_mut_ptr()).as_mut();

		match rightmost_child.is_internal() {
			false => rightmost_child
				.swap_with_left_leaf(key_hole, value_hole),
			true => rightmost_child
				.swap_with_left_leaf(key_hole, value_hole),


	// SAFETY: child_index must be <= self.len + 1
	unsafe fn rebalance(&mut self, child_index: usize) -> NodeRebalanceResult {
		debug_assert!(child_index <= self.len() + 1);

		let child = (&mut *self.children.get_unchecked_mut(child_index).as_mut_ptr()).as_mut();

		if child.len() >= (B as usize - 1) / 2 {
			// No rebalancing needed - early exit
			return NodeRebalanceResult::None;

		let children_are_internal = child.is_internal();

		let (pivot_index, selected_sibling_index, child_is_left) = match child_index {
			0 => (child_index, child_index + 1, true),
			_ => (child_index - 1, child_index - 1, false),

		let sibling = (&mut *self

		let sibling_len = sibling.len();

		if sibling_len > B as usize / 2 {
			// Do rotation
			match (children_are_internal, child_is_left) {
				(false, false) => self.rotate_right_leaf(pivot_index),
				(false, true) => self.rotate_left_leaf(pivot_index),
				(true, false) => self.rotate_right_internal(pivot_index),
				(true, true) => self.rotate_left_internal(pivot_index),
		else {
			// Do merge
			match children_are_internal {
				false => self.merge_leaf(pivot_index),
				true => self.merge_internal(pivot_index),

	// SAFETY: pivot_index must be < self.len
	// SAFETY: the children of this node must be internal nodes
	unsafe fn rotate_left_internal(&mut self, pivot_index: usize) {
		debug_assert!(pivot_index < self.len());

		let mut child = (&mut *self.children.get_unchecked_mut(pivot_index).as_mut_ptr())
		let mut sibling = (&mut *self
			.get_unchecked_mut(pivot_index + 1)

		let child_len = child.len();

		// Copy key / value out of parent
		let parent_key =;
		let parent_value =;

		// Remove from the left side of the sibling node
		let ((sibling_key, sibling_value), sibling_child) = sibling.remove_unchecked_left(0);

		// Add to the right side of the child node
		child.insert_unchecked_right(child_len, (parent_key, parent_value), sibling_child);

		// Copy key / value in to replace the ones copied out earlier
		* = MaybeUninit::new(sibling_key);
		* = MaybeUninit::new(sibling_value);

	// SAFETY: pivot_index must be < self.len
	// SAFETY: the children of this node must be internal nodes
	unsafe fn rotate_right_internal(&mut self, pivot_index: usize) {
		debug_assert!(pivot_index < self.len());

		let mut child = (&mut *self
			.get_unchecked_mut(pivot_index + 1)
		let mut sibling = (&mut *self.children.get_unchecked_mut(pivot_index).as_mut_ptr())

		let sibling_len = sibling.len();

		// Copy key / value out of parent
		let parent_key =;
		let parent_value =;

		// Remove from the right side of the sibling node
		let ((sibling_key, sibling_value), sibling_child) =
			sibling.remove_unchecked_right(sibling_len - 1);

		// Add to the right side of the child node
		child.insert_unchecked_left(0, (parent_key, parent_value), sibling_child);

		// Copy key / value in to replace the ones copied out earlier
		* = MaybeUninit::new(sibling_key);
		* = MaybeUninit::new(sibling_value);

	// SAFETY: pivot_index must be < self.len
	// SAFETY: the children of this node must be leaf nodes
	unsafe fn rotate_left_leaf(&mut self, pivot_index: usize) {
		debug_assert!(pivot_index < self.len());

		let mut child = (&mut *self.children.get_unchecked_mut(pivot_index).as_mut_ptr())
		let mut sibling = (&mut *self
			.get_unchecked_mut(pivot_index + 1)

		let child_len = child.len();

		// Copy key / value out of parent
		let parent_key =;
		let parent_value =;

		// Remove from the left side of the sibling node
		let (sibling_key, sibling_value) = sibling.remove_unchecked(0);

		// Add to the right side of the child node
		child.insert_unchecked(child_len, (parent_key, parent_value));

		// Copy key / value in to replace the ones copied out earlier
		* = MaybeUninit::new(sibling_key);
		* = MaybeUninit::new(sibling_value);

	// SAFETY: pivot_index must be < self.len
	// SAFETY: the children of this node must be leaf nodes
	unsafe fn rotate_right_leaf(&mut self, pivot_index: usize) {
		debug_assert!(pivot_index < self.len());

		let mut child = (&mut *self
			.get_unchecked_mut(pivot_index + 1)
		let mut sibling = (&mut *self.children.get_unchecked_mut(pivot_index).as_mut_ptr())

		let sibling_len = sibling.len();

		// Copy key / value out of parent
		let parent_key =;
		let parent_value =;

		// Remove from the right side of the sibling node
		let (sibling_key, sibling_value) = sibling.remove_unchecked(sibling_len - 1);

		// Add to the right side of the child node
		child.insert_unchecked(0, (parent_key, parent_value));

		// Copy key / value in to replace the ones copied out earlier
		* = MaybeUninit::new(sibling_key);
		* = MaybeUninit::new(sibling_value);

	// SAFETY: pivot_index must be < self.len
	// SAFETY: the children of this node must be internal nodes
	unsafe fn merge_internal(&mut self, pivot_index: usize) {
		debug_assert!(pivot_index < self.len());

		let mut left_node = (&mut *self.children.get_unchecked_mut(pivot_index).as_mut_ptr())

		let ((parent_key, parent_value), right_node) = self.remove_unchecked_right(pivot_index);

		let mut right_node = right_node.into_internal().into_boxed_internal();

		let left_len = left_node.len();
		let right_len = right_node.len();

		// Copy orphaned key and value into the left node
		* = parent_key;
			.as_mut_ptr() = parent_value;

		// Copy keys from right node to left node
		let copy_src =;
		let copy_dst = left_node
			.get_unchecked_mut(left_len + 1)
		copy_nonoverlapping(copy_src, copy_dst, right_len);

		// Copy values from right node to left node
		let copy_src =;
		let copy_dst = left_node
			.get_unchecked_mut(left_len + 1)
		copy_nonoverlapping(copy_src, copy_dst, right_len);

		// Copy children from right node to left node
		let copy_src = right_node.children.get_unchecked(0).as_ptr();
		let copy_dst = left_node
			.get_unchecked_mut(left_len + 1)
		copy_nonoverlapping(copy_src, copy_dst, right_len + 1);

		// Set node lengths += (right_len + 1) as u8; = 0;

	// SAFETY: pivot_index must be < self.len
	// SAFETY: the children of this node must be leaf nodes
	unsafe fn merge_leaf(&mut self, pivot_index: usize) {
		debug_assert!(pivot_index < self.len());

		let mut left_node = (&mut *self.children.get_unchecked_mut(pivot_index).as_mut_ptr())

		let ((parent_key, parent_value), right_node) = self.remove_unchecked_right(pivot_index);

		let mut right_node = right_node.into_leaf().into_boxed_leaf();

		let left_len = left_node.len();
		let right_len = right_node.len();

		// Copy orphaned key and value into the left node
		*left_node.keys.get_unchecked_mut(left_len).as_mut_ptr() = parent_key;
		*left_node.values.get_unchecked_mut(left_len).as_mut_ptr() = parent_value;

		// Copy keys from right node to left node
		let copy_src = right_node.keys.get_unchecked(0).as_ptr();
		let copy_dst = left_node.keys.get_unchecked_mut(left_len + 1).as_mut_ptr();
		copy_nonoverlapping(copy_src, copy_dst, right_len);

		// Copy values from right node to left node
		let copy_src = right_node.values.get_unchecked(0).as_ptr();
		let copy_dst = left_node
			.get_unchecked_mut(left_len + 1)
		copy_nonoverlapping(copy_src, copy_dst, right_len);

		// Set node lengths
		left_node.len += (right_len + 1) as u8;
		right_node.len = 0;

	// SAFETY: index must be <= self.len
	// SAFETY: self.len must be < B - 1
	unsafe fn insert_unchecked_left(
		&mut self,
		index: usize,
		(key, value): (K, V),
		child: NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafOrInternal>,
	) {
		debug_assert!(index <= self.len());
		debug_assert!(self.len() < B as usize - 1);

		let copy_len = self.len() + 1 - index;

		// copy children forward
		let keys_ptr = self.children.as_mut_ptr();
		let copy_src = keys_ptr.add(index);
		let copy_dst = keys_ptr.add(index + 1);
		copy(copy_src, copy_dst, copy_len);

		// Insert new key / value
		*self.children.get_unchecked_mut(index) = MaybeUninit::new(child);, (key, value))

	// SAFETY: index must be <= self.len
	// SAFETY: self.len must be > 0
	unsafe fn insert_unchecked_right(
		&mut self,
		index: usize,
		(key, value): (K, V),
		child: NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafOrInternal>,
	) {
		debug_assert!(index <= self.len());
		debug_assert!(self.len() < B as usize - 1);

		let copy_len = self.len() - index;

		// copy children forward
		let keys_ptr = self.children.as_mut_ptr();
		let copy_src = keys_ptr.add(index + 1);
		let copy_dst = keys_ptr.add(index + 2);
		copy(copy_src, copy_dst, copy_len);

		// Insert new key / value
		*self.children.get_unchecked_mut(index + 1) = MaybeUninit::new(child);, (key, value))

	// SAFETY: index must be < self.len
	// SAFETY: self.len must be > 0
	unsafe fn remove_unchecked_left(
		&mut self,
		index: usize,
	) -> ((K, V), NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafOrInternal>) {
		debug_assert!(index < self.len());

		// copy child out of the array
		let child = self.children.get_unchecked(index).as_ptr().read();

		let copy_len = self.len() - index;

		// copy children backwards from removal spot
		let keys_ptr = self.children.as_mut_ptr();
		let copy_src = keys_ptr.add(index + 1);
		let copy_dst = keys_ptr.add(index);
		copy(copy_src, copy_dst, copy_len);

		let (key, value) =;
		((key, value), child)

	// SAFETY: index must be < self.len
	// SAFETY: self.len must be > 0
	unsafe fn remove_unchecked_right(
		&mut self,
		index: usize,
	) -> ((K, V), NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafOrInternal>) {
		debug_assert!(index < self.len());

		// copy child out of the array
		let child = self.children.get_unchecked(index + 1).as_ptr().read();

		let copy_len = self.len() - index - 1;

		// copy children backwards from removal spot
		let keys_ptr = self.children.as_mut_ptr();
		let copy_src = keys_ptr.add(index + 2);
		let copy_dst = keys_ptr.add(index + 1);

		copy(copy_src, copy_dst, copy_len);

		let (key, value) =;
		((key, value), child)

impl<K, V> Debug for InternalNode<K, V>
	K: Debug,
	V: Debug,
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
		let children = self
			.map(|c| c.as_ref())
			.field("len", &self.len())
			// Taking the valid array subslice
			.field("keys", &self.valid_keys())
			// Taking the valid array subslice
			.field("values", &self.valid_values())
			.field("children", &children)

impl<K, V> Drop for InternalNode<K, V> {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		// drop internal data
		unsafe { drop_in_place(&mut }
		// drop children
		if self.len() != 0 {
			for child in self.valid_children_mut() {
				let is_internal = child.is_internal();

				let child = child as *mut NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafOrInternal>;

				let copied_out = unsafe {
					(child as *mut NodeRef<K, V, marker::Owned, marker::LeafOrInternal>).read()

				match is_internal {
					// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
					false => unsafe {
					// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
					true => unsafe {

pub union RootNode<K, V> {
	leaf: ManuallyDrop<LeafNode<K, V>>,
	internal: ManuallyDrop<InternalNode<K, V>>,

impl<K, V> RootNode<K, V> {
	pub fn new() -> Self {
		RootNode {
			leaf: ManuallyDrop::new(LeafNode::new()),

	pub fn is_internal(&self) -> bool {
		// SAFETY: both variants are repr(c) and may be soundly transmuted between each other
		unsafe { self.leaf.is_internal() }

	pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
		// SAFETY: both variants are repr(c) and may be soundly transmuted between each other
		unsafe { self.leaf.len() }

	pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Option<V>
		K: Ord,
		let is_internal = self.is_internal();

		let result = match is_internal {
			// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
			false => unsafe { self.leaf.insert(key, value) },
			// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
			true => unsafe { self.internal.insert(key, value) },

		let (bubble, new_node) = match result {
			NodeInsertResult::Existed(old) => return Some(old),
			NodeInsertResult::Ok => return None,
			NodeInsertResult::SplitLeaf { bubble, new_node } => {
				(bubble, new_node.into_type_erased())
			NodeInsertResult::SplitInternal { bubble, new_node } => {
				(bubble, new_node.into_type_erased())

		// We have split - replace the root with a new root

		let old_root_owned = match is_internal {
			false => {
				let old_root = replace(
					RootNode {
						internal: ManuallyDrop::new(InternalNode::new()),
				// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that this is a leaf node
				let old_root_leaf = unsafe { old_root.destructure_leaf() };
				let boxed = Box::new(old_root_leaf);
			true => {
				let old_root = replace(
					RootNode {
						internal: ManuallyDrop::new(InternalNode::new()),
				// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that this is an internal node
				let old_root_internal = unsafe { old_root.destructure_internal() };
				let boxed = Box::new(old_root_internal);

		// SAFETY: root is currently a completely empty InternalNode - we are not corrupting any existing information
		unsafe {
			*self.internal.children.get_unchecked_mut(0) = MaybeUninit::new(old_root_owned);

		// SAFETY: function will leave child[0] untouched and insert key/value + child[1] then increment len to 1
		unsafe {
			self.internal.insert_unchecked_right(0, bubble, new_node);


	pub fn remove(&mut self, key: K) -> Option<V>
		K: Ord,
		let is_internal = self.is_internal();

		let result = match is_internal {
			// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
			false => unsafe { self.leaf.remove(key) },
			// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
			true => unsafe { self.internal.remove(key) },

		let (_, value) = match result {
			NodeRemoveResult::NotThere => return None,
			NodeRemoveResult::Removed(_, value) => return Some(value),
			NodeRemoveResult::Merged(key, value) => (key, value),

		if is_internal && self.len() == 0 {
			let new_root = unsafe { self.internal.children.get_unchecked(0).as_ptr().read() };
			match new_root.is_internal() {
				false => {
					// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
					let new_root_leaf = unsafe { new_root.into_leaf().into_boxed_leaf() };

					// Move the node out of the box and into the root node
					*self = RootNode {
						leaf: ManuallyDrop::new(*new_root_leaf),
				true => {
					// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
					let new_root_internal =
						unsafe { new_root.into_internal().into_boxed_internal() };

					// Move the node out of the box and into the root node
					*self = RootNode {
						internal: ManuallyDrop::new(*new_root_internal),


	// SAFETY: this node must be a leaf node
	unsafe fn destructure_leaf(self) -> LeafNode<K, V> {

		// Prevent self from having drop called on it
		let nodrop = ManuallyDrop::new(self);

		(nodrop.leaf.deref() as *const LeafNode<_, _>).read()

	// SAFETY: this node must be a leaf node
	unsafe fn destructure_internal(self) -> InternalNode<K, V> {

		// Prevent self from having drop called on it
		let nodrop = ManuallyDrop::new(self);

		(nodrop.internal.deref() as *const InternalNode<_, _>).read()

impl<K, V> Debug for RootNode<K, V>
	K: Debug,
	V: Debug,
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
		let is_internal = self.is_internal();

		match is_internal {
			// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
			false => unsafe { self.leaf.fmt(f) },
			// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
			true => unsafe { self.internal.fmt(f) },

impl<K, V> Drop for RootNode<K, V> {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		let is_internal = self.is_internal();

		match is_internal {
			// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
			false => unsafe {
				ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.leaf);
			// SAFETY: we have already checked to make sure that the variant is correct
			true => unsafe {
				ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.internal);