benimator 4.1.2

A sprite animation library for rust game development
set dotenv-load

	just --choose --unsorted

# Perform all verifications (compile, test, lint, etc.)
verify: test lint doc check-msrv
	cargo deny check licenses

# Watch the source files and run `just verify` when source changes
	cargo watch --delay 0.1 --clear --why -- just verify

# Run the tests
	cargo hack test --feature-powerset --optional-deps

# Run the static code analysis
	cargo fmt -- --check
	cargo hack clippy --feature-powerset --all-targets --optional-deps

# Build the documentation
doc *args:
	cargo doc --all-features --no-deps {{args}}

# Open the documentation page
doc-open: (doc "--open")

# Make sure the MSRV is satisfiable
	cargo msrv verify

# Clean up compilation output
	rm -rf target
	rm -f Cargo.lock
	rm -rf node_modules

# Install cargo dev-tools used by the `verify` recipe (requires rustup to be already installed)
	rustup install stable
	rustup override set stable
	cargo install cargo-hack cargo-watch cargo-msrv

# Install a git hook to run tests before every commits
	echo '#!/usr/bin/env sh' > .git/hooks/pre-commit
	echo 'just verify' >> .git/hooks/pre-commit
	chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

# run the release process in dry run mode (requires npm and a `GITHUB_TOKEN`)
release-dry-run: (release "--dry-run")

# Run the release process (requires `npm`, a `GITHUB_TOKEN` and a `CARGO_REGISTRY_TOKEN`)
release *args:
	npm install --no-save conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits@5 @semantic-release/exec@6 @semantic-release/changelog@6 @semantic-release/git@10
	npx semantic-release@20 {{args}}