bendy 0.4.0-beta.2

A rust library for encoding and decoding bencode with enforced canonicalization rules.
name = "bendy"
version = "0.4.0-beta.2"
edition = "2018"

authors = [
    "P3KI <>",
    "TQ Hirsch <>",
    "Bruno Kirschner <>",

description = """
A rust library for encoding and decoding bencode with enforced canonicalization rules.

repository = ""
license = "BSD-3-Clause"
readme = ""

keywords = ["bencode", "serialization", "deserialization", "bittorent"]
categories = ["encoding", "no-std"]

maintenance = {status = "actively-developed"}
travis-ci = { repository = "P3KI/bendy" }

lto = true
opt-level = 3
codegen-units = 1

### DEPENDENCIES ###############################################################

rustversion = "1.0.4"
serde_ = { version = "^1.0" ,  optional = true, package = "serde" }
serde_bytes = { version = "^0.11.3", optional = true }
snafu = { version = "^0.7.1", default_features = false }

doc-comment = "0.3.3"
regex = "^1.0"
serde_derive = "^1.0"

### FEATURES ###################################################################

default = ["std"]

# Provide implementations for common standard library types like `Vec<T>` and
# `HashMap<K, V>`. Requires a dependency on the Rust standard library.
std = ["snafu/std"]

# Support serde serialization to and deserialization from bencode
serde = ["serde_", "serde_bytes"]

### Targets ####################################################################

name = "core_test"
required-features = ["std"]

name = "encode_torrent"
required-features = ["std"]

### DOCS.RS ####################################################################

# Enable all features so docs are comprehensive
all-features = true