bencher 0.1.0

A port of the libtest (unstable Rust) benchmark runner to Rust stable releases. Supports running benchmarks and filtering based on the name. Benchmark execution works exactly the same way and no more (caveat: black_box is still missing!).

Simplified stable-compatible benchmark runner.

Almost all user code will only be interested in Bencher and the macros that are used to describe benchmarker functions and the benchmark runner.

WARNING: There's no working black_box yet in this stable port of the benchmark runner. This means that it easily happens that the optimizer removes too much of the computation that you tried to benchmark.

One way to use this crate is to use it as dev-dependency and define the benchmarks in an example that you compile and run using cargo. Don't forget to use --release!.

extern crate bencher;

use bencher::Bencher;

fn a(bench: &mut Bencher) {
    bench.iter(|| {
        (0..1000).fold(0, |x, y| x + y)

fn b(bench: &mut Bencher) {
    bench.iter(|| {

benchmark_group!(benches, a, b);

# #[cfg(never)]
# fn main() { }