bellperson 0.24.1

zk-SNARK library
use crate::LinearCombination;
use ff::PrimeField;

pub mod bench_cs;
pub mod metric_cs;
pub mod test_cs;

pub type Constraint<Scalar> = (

pub trait Comparable<Scalar: PrimeField> {
    /// The `Comparable` trait allows comparison of two constraint systems which
    /// implement the trait. The only non-trivial method, `delta`, has a default
    /// implementation which supplies the desired behavior.
    /// Use `delta` to compare constraint systems. If they are not identical, the
    /// returned `Delta` enum contains fine-grained information about how they
    /// differ. This can be especially useful when debugging the situation in which
    /// a constraint system is satisfied, but the corresponding Groth16 proof does
    /// not verify.
    /// If `ignore_counts` is  true, count mismatches will be ignored, and any constraint
    /// mismatch will be returned. This is useful in pinpointing the source of a mismatch.
    /// Example usage:
    /// ```norun
    /// let delta =, false);
    /// assert!(delta == Delta::Equal);
    /// ```
    fn num_inputs(&self) -> usize;
    fn num_constraints(&self) -> usize;
    fn inputs(&self) -> Vec<String>;
    fn aux(&self) -> Vec<String>;
    fn constraints(&self) -> &[Constraint<Scalar>];

    fn delta<C: Comparable<Scalar>>(&self, other: &C, ignore_counts: bool) -> Delta<Scalar>
        Scalar: PrimeField,
        let input_count_matches = self.num_inputs() == other.num_inputs();
        let constraint_count_matches = self.num_constraints() == other.num_constraints();

        let inputs_match = self.inputs() == other.inputs();
        let constraints_match = self.constraints() == other.constraints();

        let equal =
            input_count_matches && constraint_count_matches && inputs_match && constraints_match;

        if !ignore_counts && !input_count_matches {
            Delta::InputCountMismatch(self.num_inputs(), other.num_inputs())
        } else if !ignore_counts && !constraint_count_matches {
            Delta::ConstraintCountMismatch(self.num_constraints(), other.num_constraints())
        } else if !constraints_match {
            let c = self.constraints();
            let o = other.constraints();

            let mismatch = c
                .filter(|(_, (a, b))| a != b)
                .map(|(i, (a, b))| (i, a, b))

            let m = mismatch.unwrap();

            Delta::ConstraintMismatch(m.0, m.1.clone(), m.2.clone())
        } else if equal {
        } else {

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Delta<Scalar: PrimeField> {
    InputCountMismatch(usize, usize),
    ConstraintCountMismatch(usize, usize),
    ConstraintMismatch(usize, Constraint<Scalar>, Constraint<Scalar>),