bellperson 0.22.0

zk-SNARK library
use std::ops::{Add, Sub};

use ff::PrimeField;

use ec_gpu_gen::multiexp_cpu::DensityTracker;

/// Represents a variable in our constraint system.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Variable(pub Index);

impl Variable {
    /// This constructs a variable with an arbitrary index.
    /// Circuit implementations are not recommended to use this.
    pub fn new_unchecked(idx: Index) -> Variable {

    /// This returns the index underlying the variable.
    /// Circuit implementations are not recommended to use this.
    pub fn get_unchecked(&self) -> Index {

/// Represents the index of either an input variable or
/// auxiliary variable.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Index {

/// This represents a linear combination of some variables, with coefficients
/// in the scalar field of a pairing-friendly elliptic curve group.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct LinearCombination<Scalar: PrimeField> {
    inputs: Indexer<Scalar>,
    aux: Indexer<Scalar>,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Indexer<T> {
    /// Stores a list of `T` indexed by the number in the first slot of the tuple.
    values: Vec<(usize, T)>,
    /// `(index, key)` of the last insertion operation. Used to optimize consecutive operations
    last_inserted: Option<(usize, usize)>,

impl<T> Default for Indexer<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Indexer {
            values: Vec::new(),
            last_inserted: None,

impl<T> Indexer<T> {
    pub fn from_value(index: usize, value: T) -> Self {
        Indexer {
            values: vec![(index, value)],
            last_inserted: Some((0, index)),

    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&usize, &T)> + '_ {
        self.values.iter().map(|(key, value)| (key, value))

    pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&mut usize, &mut T)> + '_ {
        self.values.iter_mut().map(|(key, value)| (key, value))

    pub fn insert_or_update<F, G>(&mut self, key: usize, insert: F, update: G)
        F: FnOnce() -> T,
        G: FnOnce(&mut T),
        if let Some((last_index, last_key)) = self.last_inserted {
            // Optimization to avoid doing binary search on inserts & updates that are linear, meaning
            // they are adding a consecutive values.
            if last_key == key {
                // update the same key again
                update(&mut self.values[last_index].1);
            } else if last_key + 1 == key {
                // optimization for follow on updates
                let i = last_index + 1;
                if i >= self.values.len() {
                    // insert at the end
                    self.values.push((key, insert()));
                    self.last_inserted = Some((i, key));
                } else if self.values[i].0 == key {
                    // update
                    update(&mut self.values[i].1);
                } else {
                    // insert
                    self.values.insert(i, (key, insert()));
                    self.last_inserted = Some((i, key));
        match self.values.binary_search_by_key(&key, |(k, _)| *k) {
            Ok(i) => {
                update(&mut self.values[i].1);
            Err(i) => {
                self.values.insert(i, (key, insert()));
                self.last_inserted = Some((i, key));

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

impl<Scalar: PrimeField> Default for LinearCombination<Scalar> {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<Scalar: PrimeField> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
    pub fn zero() -> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
        LinearCombination {
            inputs: Default::default(),
            aux: Default::default(),

    pub fn from_coeff(var: Variable, coeff: Scalar) -> Self {
        match var {
            Variable(Index::Input(i)) => Self {
                inputs: Indexer::from_value(i, coeff),
                aux: Default::default(),
            Variable(Index::Aux(i)) => Self {
                inputs: Default::default(),
                aux: Indexer::from_value(i, coeff),

    pub fn from_variable(var: Variable) -> Self {
        Self::from_coeff(var, Scalar::one())

    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Variable, &Scalar)> + '_ {
            .map(|(k, v)| (Variable(Index::Input(*k)), v))
            .chain(self.aux.iter().map(|(k, v)| (Variable(Index::Aux(*k)), v)))

    pub fn iter_inputs(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&usize, &Scalar)> + '_ {

    pub fn iter_aux(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&usize, &Scalar)> + '_ {

    pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Variable, &mut Scalar)> + '_ {
            .map(|(k, v)| (Variable(Index::Input(*k)), v))
                    .map(|(k, v)| (Variable(Index::Aux(*k)), v)),

    fn add_assign_unsimplified_input(&mut self, new_var: usize, coeff: Scalar) {
            .insert_or_update(new_var, || coeff, |val| *val += coeff);

    fn add_assign_unsimplified_aux(&mut self, new_var: usize, coeff: Scalar) {
            .insert_or_update(new_var, || coeff, |val| *val += coeff);

    pub fn add_unsimplified(
        mut self,
        (coeff, var): (Scalar, Variable),
    ) -> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
        match var.0 {
            Index::Input(new_var) => {
                self.add_assign_unsimplified_input(new_var, coeff);
            Index::Aux(new_var) => {
                self.add_assign_unsimplified_aux(new_var, coeff);


    fn sub_assign_unsimplified_input(&mut self, new_var: usize, coeff: Scalar) {
        self.add_assign_unsimplified_input(new_var, -coeff);

    fn sub_assign_unsimplified_aux(&mut self, new_var: usize, coeff: Scalar) {
        self.add_assign_unsimplified_aux(new_var, -coeff);

    pub fn sub_unsimplified(
        mut self,
        (coeff, var): (Scalar, Variable),
    ) -> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
        match var.0 {
            Index::Input(new_var) => {
                self.sub_assign_unsimplified_input(new_var, coeff);
            Index::Aux(new_var) => {
                self.sub_assign_unsimplified_aux(new_var, coeff);


    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
        self.inputs.len() + self.aux.len()

    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.inputs.is_empty() && self.aux.is_empty()

    pub fn eval(
        mut input_density: Option<&mut DensityTracker>,
        mut aux_density: Option<&mut DensityTracker>,
        input_assignment: &[Scalar],
        aux_assignment: &[Scalar],
    ) -> Scalar {
        let mut acc = Scalar::zero();

        let one = Scalar::one();

        for (index, coeff) in self.iter_inputs() {
            let mut tmp = input_assignment[*index];
            if coeff != &one {
                tmp *= coeff;
            acc += tmp;

            if let Some(ref mut v) = input_density {

        for (index, coeff) in self.iter_aux() {
            let mut tmp = aux_assignment[*index];
            if coeff != &one {
                tmp *= coeff;
            acc += tmp;

            if let Some(ref mut v) = aux_density {


impl<Scalar: PrimeField> Add<(Scalar, Variable)> for LinearCombination<Scalar> {
    type Output = LinearCombination<Scalar>;

    fn add(self, (coeff, var): (Scalar, Variable)) -> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
        self.add_unsimplified((coeff, var))

impl<Scalar: PrimeField> Sub<(Scalar, Variable)> for LinearCombination<Scalar> {
    type Output = LinearCombination<Scalar>;

    fn sub(self, (coeff, var): (Scalar, Variable)) -> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
        self.sub_unsimplified((coeff, var))

impl<Scalar: PrimeField> Add<Variable> for LinearCombination<Scalar> {
    type Output = LinearCombination<Scalar>;

    fn add(self, other: Variable) -> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
        self + (Scalar::one(), other)

impl<Scalar: PrimeField> Sub<Variable> for LinearCombination<Scalar> {
    type Output = LinearCombination<Scalar>;

    fn sub(self, other: Variable) -> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
        self - (Scalar::one(), other)

impl<'a, Scalar: PrimeField> Add<&'a LinearCombination<Scalar>> for LinearCombination<Scalar> {
    type Output = LinearCombination<Scalar>;

    fn add(mut self, other: &'a LinearCombination<Scalar>) -> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
        for (var, val) in other.inputs.iter() {
            self.add_assign_unsimplified_input(*var, *val);

        for (var, val) in other.aux.iter() {
            self.add_assign_unsimplified_aux(*var, *val);


impl<'a, Scalar: PrimeField> Sub<&'a LinearCombination<Scalar>> for LinearCombination<Scalar> {
    type Output = LinearCombination<Scalar>;

    fn sub(mut self, other: &'a LinearCombination<Scalar>) -> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
        for (var, val) in other.inputs.iter() {
            self.sub_assign_unsimplified_input(*var, *val);

        for (var, val) in other.aux.iter() {
            self.sub_assign_unsimplified_aux(*var, *val);


impl<'a, Scalar: PrimeField> Add<(Scalar, &'a LinearCombination<Scalar>)>
    for LinearCombination<Scalar>
    type Output = LinearCombination<Scalar>;

    fn add(
        mut self,
        (coeff, other): (Scalar, &'a LinearCombination<Scalar>),
    ) -> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
        for (var, val) in other.inputs.iter() {
            self.add_assign_unsimplified_input(*var, *val * coeff);

        for (var, val) in other.aux.iter() {
            self.add_assign_unsimplified_aux(*var, *val * coeff);


impl<'a, Scalar: PrimeField> Sub<(Scalar, &'a LinearCombination<Scalar>)>
    for LinearCombination<Scalar>
    type Output = LinearCombination<Scalar>;

    fn sub(
        mut self,
        (coeff, other): (Scalar, &'a LinearCombination<Scalar>),
    ) -> LinearCombination<Scalar> {
        for (var, val) in other.inputs.iter() {
            self.sub_assign_unsimplified_input(*var, *val * coeff);

        for (var, val) in other.aux.iter() {
            self.sub_assign_unsimplified_aux(*var, *val * coeff);


#[cfg(all(test, feature = "groth16"))]
mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use blstrs::Scalar;
    use ff::Field;

    fn test_add_simplify() {
        let n = 5;

        let mut lc = LinearCombination::<Scalar>::zero();

        let mut expected_sums = vec![Scalar::zero(); n];
        let mut total_additions = 0;
        for (i, expected_sum) in expected_sums.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            for _ in 0..i + 1 {
                let coeff = Scalar::one();
                lc = lc + (coeff, Variable::new_unchecked(Index::Aux(i)));
                *expected_sum += coeff;
                total_additions += 1;

        // There are only as many terms as distinct variable Indexes — not one per addition operation.
        assert_eq!(n, lc.len());
        assert!(lc.len() != total_additions);

        // Each variable has the expected coefficient, the sume of those added by its Index.
        lc.iter().for_each(|(var, coeff)| match var.0 {
            Index::Aux(i) => assert_eq!(expected_sums[i], *coeff),
            _ => panic!("unexpected variable type"),

    fn test_insert_or_update() {
        let mut indexer = Indexer::default();
        let one = Scalar::one();
        let mut two = one;
        two += one;

        indexer.insert_or_update(2, || one, |v| *v += one);
        assert_eq!(&indexer.values, &[(2, one)]);
        assert_eq!(&indexer.last_inserted, &Some((0, 2)));

        indexer.insert_or_update(3, || one, |v| *v += one);
        assert_eq!(&indexer.values, &[(2, one), (3, one)]);
        assert_eq!(&indexer.last_inserted, &Some((1, 3)));

        indexer.insert_or_update(1, || one, |v| *v += one);
        assert_eq!(&indexer.values, &[(1, one), (2, one), (3, one)]);
        assert_eq!(&indexer.last_inserted, &Some((0, 1)));

        indexer.insert_or_update(2, || one, |v| *v += one);
        assert_eq!(&indexer.values, &[(1, one), (2, two), (3, one)]);
        assert_eq!(&indexer.last_inserted, &Some((0, 1)));