bellframe 0.11.5

Fast and idiomatic primitives for Change Ringing.
//! A representation of a stage, with human-friendly `const`s and display names.

use std::{
    fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter},
    ops::{Add, Sub},

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde_crate::{
    de::{Error, Visitor},
    Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer,

use crate::{RowBuf, SameStageVec};
// Imports used solely by doc comments
use crate::{Bell, Method, Row};

/// A newtype over [`u8`] that represents a stage.  All `Stage`s must contain at least one
/// [`Bell`]; zero-bell `Stage`s cannot be created without using incorrect `unsafe` code.
/// To create a new `Stage`, you can either create it directly with [`Stage::try_from`] (which
/// returns a [`Result`]) or with [`Stage::new`] (which panics if passed `0`).
/// If you want a specific small `Stage`, then you can use the constants for the human name for
/// each `Stage`:
/// ```
/// use bellframe::Stage;
/// // Converting from numbers is the same as using the constants
/// assert_eq!(Stage::SINGLES, Stage::new(3));
/// assert_eq!(Stage::MAJOR, Stage::new(8));
/// assert_eq!(Stage::CINQUES, Stage::new(11));
/// assert_eq!(Stage::SIXTEEN, Stage::new(16));
/// // We can use `Stage::from` to generate `Stage`s that don't have names
/// assert_eq!(Stage::new(100).num_bells(), 100);
/// assert_eq!(Stage::new(254).num_bells(), 254);
/// ```
/// `Stage`s with human-friendly names are [`Display`]ed as their names:
/// ```
/// # use bellframe::Stage;
/// #
/// assert_eq!(Stage::MAXIMUS.to_string(), "Maximus");
/// assert_eq!(Stage::new(9).to_string(), "Caters");
/// assert_eq!(Stage::new(50).to_string(), "50 bells");
/// ```
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct Stage(u8);

impl Stage {
    /// Creates a new `Stage` representing a given number of [`Bell`]s.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `num_bells` is zero.
    pub fn new(num_bells: u8) -> Stage {
        Self::try_from(num_bells).expect("Can't create a `Stage` of zero bells")

    /// The number of [`Bell`]s in this [`Stage`].  This is guaranteed to be non-zero.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use bellframe::Stage;
    /// assert_eq!(Stage::DOUBLES.num_bells(), 5);
    /// assert_eq!(Stage::MAXIMUS.num_bells(), 12);
    /// ```
    pub fn num_bells(self) -> usize {
        self.0 as usize

    /// The number of [`Bell`]s in this [`Stage`] as a [`u8`].  This is guaranteed to be non-zero.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use bellframe::Stage;
    /// assert_eq!(Stage::DOUBLES.num_bells(), 5);
    /// assert_eq!(Stage::MAXIMUS.num_bells(), 12);
    /// ```
    pub fn num_bells_u8(self) -> u8 {

    /// Returns the highest numbered [`Bell`] in this `Stage`
    pub fn tenor(self) -> Bell {

    /// Gets an [`Iterator`] over the [`Bell`]s contained within this `Stage`, in increasing order.
    pub fn bells(self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = Bell> {

    /// Returns `true` if a given [`Bell`] is contained in this `Stage`.
    pub fn contains(self, bell: Bell) -> bool {
        bell.number() <= self.num_bells_u8()

    /// Returns true if this `Stage` denotes an even number of [`Bell`]s
    pub fn is_even(self) -> bool {
        self.num_bells() % 2 == 0

    /// Creates a [`Stage`] from the lower case version of the human-friendly name (e.g.
    /// `"royal"`, `"triples"` or `"twenty-two"`).
    pub fn from_lower_case_name(name: &str) -> Option<Stage> {
        Some(match name {
            "one" => Stage::ONE,
            "two" => Stage::TWO,
            "singles" => Stage::SINGLES,
            "minimus" => Stage::MINIMUS,

            "doubles" => Stage::DOUBLES,
            "minor" => Stage::MINOR,
            "triples" => Stage::TRIPLES,
            "major" => Stage::MAJOR,

            "caters" => Stage::CATERS,
            "royal" => Stage::ROYAL,
            "cinques" => Stage::CINQUES,
            "maximus" => Stage::MAXIMUS,

            "sextuples" => Stage::SEXTUPLES,
            "fourteen" => Stage::FOURTEEN,
            "septuples" => Stage::SEPTUPLES,
            "sixteen" => Stage::SIXTEEN,

            "octuples" => Stage(17),
            "eighteen" => Stage(18),
            "nonuples" => Stage(19),
            "twenty" => Stage(20),

            "decuples" => Stage(21),
            "twenty-two" => Stage(22),

            _ => return None,

    /// Gets the human-friendly name of this [`Stage`], as would be used in [`Method`] names (or
    /// `None` if `self` is too big to have a name).
    pub fn name(self) -> Option<&'static str> {
        Some(match self.0 {
            1 => "One",
            2 => "Two",
            3 => "Singles",
            4 => "Minimus",

            5 => "Doubles",
            6 => "Minor",
            7 => "Triples",
            8 => "Major",

            9 => "Caters",
            10 => "Royal",
            11 => "Cinques",
            12 => "Maximus",

            13 => "Sextuples",
            14 => "Fourteen",
            15 => "Septuples",
            16 => "Sixteen",

            17 => "Octuples",
            18 => "Eighteen",
            19 => "Nonuples",
            20 => "Twenty",

            21 => "Decuples",
            22 => "Twenty-two",

            _ => return None,

    pub fn checked_add(self, rhs: u8) -> Option<Self> {

    pub fn checked_sub(self, rhs: u8) -> Option<Self> {
        let new_num_bells = self.0.checked_sub(rhs)?;
        (new_num_bells > 0).then_some(Self(new_num_bells))

    /// Returns a [`SameStageVec`] containing one copy of every [`Row`] possible in this [`Stage`]
    /// in some arbitrary order.
    // TODO: Make this an iterator
    pub fn extent(self) -> SameStageVec {
        let self_minus_one = match self.checked_sub(1) {
            Some(self_minus_one) => self_minus_one,
            // Base case: if stage is one, then there's only one possible row
            None => return SameStageVec::from_row_buf(RowBuf::rounds(self)),

        // Construct this extent recursively by taking every row of one stage lower and inserting
        // the new tenor into every position.  So, for example, converting 2 bells -> 3 bells:
        // ```
        // prev_row = 12 -> [3]12, 1[3]2, 12[3] -> 312, 132, 123
        // prev_row = 21 -> [3]21, 2[3]1, 21[3] -> 321, 231, 213
        // ```
        let mut new_extent_bell_vec = Vec::new();
        for prev_row in &self_minus_one.extent() {
            for split_idx in 0..self.num_bells() {
                let (bells_before, bells_after) = prev_row.slice().split_at(split_idx);
        // SAFETY: We generated the rows by inserting the new tenor into an already valid `Row`.
        unsafe { SameStageVec::from_bell_vec_unchecked(new_extent_bell_vec, self) }

/// User-friendly constants for commonly used `Stage`s.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use bellframe::Stage;
/// assert_eq!(Stage::MINIMUS, Stage::new(4));
/// assert_eq!(Stage::MINOR, Stage::new(6));
/// assert_eq!(Stage::TRIPLES, Stage::new(7));
/// assert_eq!(Stage::FOURTEEN, Stage::new(14));
/// assert_eq!(Stage::SEPTUPLES, Stage::new(15));
/// ```
impl Stage {
    /// A `Stage` with `1` 'working' bell
    pub const ONE: Stage = Stage(1);

    /// A `Stage` with `2` working bells
    pub const TWO: Stage = Stage(2);

    /// A `Stage` with `3` working bells
    pub const SINGLES: Stage = Stage(3);

    /// A `Stage` with `4` working bells
    pub const MINIMUS: Stage = Stage(4);

    /// A `Stage` with `5` working bells
    pub const DOUBLES: Stage = Stage(5);

    /// A `Stage` with `6` working bells
    pub const MINOR: Stage = Stage(6);

    /// A `Stage` with `7` working bells
    pub const TRIPLES: Stage = Stage(7);

    /// A `Stage` with `8` working bells
    pub const MAJOR: Stage = Stage(8);

    /// A `Stage` with `9` working bells
    pub const CATERS: Stage = Stage(9);

    /// A `Stage` with `10` working bells
    pub const ROYAL: Stage = Stage(10);

    /// A `Stage` with `11` working bells
    pub const CINQUES: Stage = Stage(11);

    /// A `Stage` with `12` working bells
    pub const MAXIMUS: Stage = Stage(12);

    /// A `Stage` with `13` working bells
    pub const SEXTUPLES: Stage = Stage(13);

    /// A `Stage` with `14` working bells
    pub const FOURTEEN: Stage = Stage(14);

    /// A `Stage` with `15` working bells
    pub const SEPTUPLES: Stage = Stage(15);

    /// A `Stage` with `16` working bells
    pub const SIXTEEN: Stage = Stage(16);

impl Debug for Stage {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        let const_name = match self.0 {
            0 => unreachable!(),
            1 => "ONE",
            2 => "TWO",
            3 => "SINGLES",
            4 => "MINIMUS",
            5 => "DOUBLES",
            6 => "MINOR",
            7 => "TRIPLES",
            8 => "MAJOR",
            9 => "CATERS",
            10 => "ROYAL",
            11 => "CINQUES",
            12 => "MAXIMUS",
            13 => "SEXTUPLES",
            14 => "FOURTEEN",
            15 => "SEPTUPLES",
            16 => "SIXTEEN",
            num_bells => return write!(f, "Stage({})", num_bells),
        write!(f, "Stage::{}", const_name)

impl Display for Stage {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match {
            Some(n) => write!(f, "{}", n),
            None => write!(f, "{} bells", self.0),

impl TryFrom<u8> for Stage {
    type Error = ZeroStageError;

    fn try_from(num_bells: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        match num_bells {
            0 => Err(ZeroStageError),
            _ => Ok(Stage(num_bells)),

/// An error created when attempting to create a [`Stage`] of zero [`Bell`]s.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ZeroStageError;

impl Display for ZeroStageError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Can't create a `Stage` of zero bells")

impl Add<u8> for Stage {
    type Output = Stage;

    fn add(self, rhs: u8) -> Self::Output {
            .expect("`u8` overflowed whilst adding to a `Stage`")

impl Sub<u8> for Stage {
    type Output = Stage;

    fn sub(self, rhs: u8) -> Self::Output {
            .expect("`u8` underflowed whilst adding to a `Stage`")

// `IncompatibleStages` //

/// An error created when a [`Row`] was used to permute something with the wrong length
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct IncompatibleStages {
    /// The [`Stage`] of the [`Row`] that was being permuted
    pub(crate) lhs_stage: Stage,
    /// The [`Stage`] of the [`Row`] that was doing the permuting
    pub(crate) rhs_stage: Stage,

impl IncompatibleStages {
    /// Compares two [`Stage`]s, returning `Ok(())` if they are equal and returning the appropriate
    /// `IncompatibleStages` error if not.
    pub fn test_err(lhs_stage: Stage, rhs_stage: Stage) -> Result<(), Self> {
        if lhs_stage == rhs_stage {
        } else {
            Err(IncompatibleStages {

    /// Compares an `Option<Stage>` to a [`Stage`], overwriting the `Option` if it's `None` but
    /// otherwise checking the [`Stage`]s for validity.  This is useful if you have a sequence of
    /// [`Row`]s and you want to verify that all the [`Stage`]s are equal without treating the
    /// first [`Row`] as a special case.
    pub fn test_err_opt(opt: &mut Option<Stage>, stage: Stage) -> Result<(), Self> {
        match opt {
            None => {
                *opt = Some(stage);
            Some(s) => Self::test_err(*s, stage),

impl Display for IncompatibleStages {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            "Incompatible stages: {} (lhs), {} (rhs)",
            self.lhs_stage, self.rhs_stage

impl std::error::Error for IncompatibleStages {}

/* Allow [`Stage`]s to be serialised and deserialised with `serde` */

// Serialise as a u64
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
impl Serialize for Stage {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,
        serializer.serialize_u64(self.0 as u64)

// SERDE //

// Stage by default will deserialise from either a name (i.e. a string) or a non-negative number.
// If types are not known (e.g. when using Bincode), it will deserialise as a u64 to make sure that
// deserialisation is always an inverse of serialisation.
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
struct StageVisitor;

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for StageVisitor {
    type Value = Stage;

    fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        formatter.write_str("a non-negative integer, or a stage name")

    fn visit_u8<E>(self, v: u8) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
        E: Error,
        try_parse_stage_u(v as u64)

    fn visit_i16<E>(self, v: i16) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
        E: Error,
        try_parse_stage(v as i64)

    fn visit_u16<E>(self, v: u16) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
        E: Error,
        try_parse_stage_u(v as u64)

    fn visit_i32<E>(self, v: i32) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
        E: Error,
        try_parse_stage(v as i64)

    fn visit_u32<E>(self, v: u32) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
        E: Error,
        try_parse_stage_u(v as u64)

    fn visit_i64<E>(self, v: i64) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
        E: Error,

    fn visit_u64<E>(self, v: u64) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
        E: Error,

    /// Attempt to parse a [`Stage`] from a string.  This matches standard [`Stage`] names on up to
    /// 16 bells, and is not case sensitive.
    fn visit_str<E>(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
        E: Error,
        let lower_str = v.to_lowercase();
            .ok_or_else(|| E::custom(format!("'{}' is not a stage name", v)))

/// Helper function to attempt to parse a [`Stage`] from a [`u64`]
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
fn try_parse_stage_u<E: Error>(val: u64) -> Result<Stage, E> {
    let val_u8: u8 = val
        .map_err(|_| E::custom(format!("stage is too large: {}", val)))?;
    Stage::try_from(val_u8).map_err(|_| E::custom("Can't have a Stage of zero bells"))

/// Helper function to attempt to parse a [`Stage`] from an [`i64`]
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
fn try_parse_stage<E: Error>(val: i64) -> Result<Stage, E> {
            .map_err(|_| E::custom(format!("negative stage: {}", val)))?,

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Stage {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Stage, D::Error>
        D: Deserializer<'de>,


use quickcheck::{Arbitrary, Gen};

impl Arbitrary for Stage {
    fn arbitrary(gen: &mut Gen) -> Self {
        let num_bells = u8::arbitrary(gen);
        // Convert all zero-size `Stage`s to `Stage::ONE`.  This means that `Stage::arbitrary` is
        // not uniform (since `Stage::ONE` will be generated twice as much as any other value) but
        // I think this is fine - the point here is not to be fair, but rather to generate useful
        // test cases.
        let num_bells = num_bells.max(1);

mod tests {
    use itertools::Itertools;

    use crate::{Row, RowBuf};

    use super::Stage;

    fn extent() {
        fn check(stage: Stage, exp_extent: &[&str]) {
            let mut extent = stage.extent().iter().map(Row::to_owned).collect_vec();
            let mut expected_extent = exp_extent.iter().map(|s| RowBuf::parse(s).unwrap()).collect_vec();
            // Sort both extents so that we guarantee they'll be in the same order
            assert_eq!(extent, expected_extent);

        check(Stage::ONE, &["1"]);
        check(Stage::TWO, &["12", "21"]);
        check(Stage::SINGLES, &["123", "132", "213", "231", "312", "321"]);
                "1234", "1243", "1324", "1342", "1423", "1432",
                "2134", "2143", "2314", "2341", "2413", "2431",
                "3124", "3142", "3214", "3241", "3412", "3421",
                "4123", "4132", "4213", "4231", "4312", "4321",