beid_api 0.3.1

BeID common lib
//! Utility module to use in multi-threaded app on unix platform.

use std::io::ErrorKind;

use once_cell::race::OnceBool;
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use time::macros::offset;
use time::OffsetDateTime;
use time::UtcOffset;
use tz::{TimeZone, TzError};

/// Thailand utc offset (+07:00).
pub const THAILAND_UTC_OFFSET: UtcOffset = offset!(+7:00:00);

/// Get now in local timezone.
/// Please see [`local_utc_offset`] on how UtcOffset is determined.
pub fn local_now() -> OffsetDateTime {
    let now = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
    let unix_timestamp = now.unix_timestamp();
    let local_utc_offset = local_utc_offset_impl(Some(unix_timestamp));

/// Get local UtcOffset.
/// We do timezone caching by default because it is quite costly operation.
/// The effect of caching is that when timezone database file is updated, we don't get new
/// value until process is restarted. This is usually fine for place where local timezone
/// doesn't use daylight saving time.
/// To disable timezone caching, set `BEID_CACHE_TIMEZONE` environment variable to `false`.
pub fn local_utc_offset() -> UtcOffset {

fn local_utc_offset_impl(unix_timestamp: Option<i64>) -> UtcOffset {
    static TIMEZONE_IS_CACHED: OnceBool = OnceBool::new();

    let cache_timezone = TIMEZONE_IS_CACHED.get_or_init(|| {
        // Timezone is cached by default
            .map(|s| matches!(s.as_str(), "1" | "true" | "yes" | "on"))

    if cfg!(unix) {
        // Unix system can't use UtcOffset because of following issue.
        get_unix_local_utc_offset(cache_timezone, unix_timestamp)
            .expect("UtcOffset for unix platform")
    } else {
        UtcOffset::current_local_offset().expect("UtcOffset for non-unix platform")

fn is_io_not_found(error: &TzError) -> bool {
    matches!(error, TzError::IoError(err) if err.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound)

fn get_unix_timezone() -> Result<TimeZone, TzError> {
    if let Ok(tz_string) = std::env::var("TZ") {
        // We fallback if TZ is incorrect
        TimeZone::from_posix_tz(&tz_string).or_else(|_| TimeZone::local())
    } else {

/// find local time using pure Rust implementation from tz-rs crate
fn get_unix_local_utc_offset(
    cache_timezone: bool,
    unix_timestamp: Option<i64>,
) -> Result<UtcOffset, TzError> {
    static TIMEZONE: OnceCell<TimeZone> = OnceCell::new();

    let mut non_cached_timezone = None;
    let timezone_result = if cache_timezone {
        // We don't care about timezone file contents change
        // The first call will cache timezone information.
    } else {
        // I believe this is also affected by
        // Although the chance is very low on our system.
        get_unix_timezone().map(|v| &*non_cached_timezone.insert(v))

    let timezone = match timezone_result {
        Ok(val) => val,
        Err(err) if is_io_not_found(&err) => {
            // Fallback to UTC
            return Ok(UtcOffset::UTC);
        Err(err) => return Err(err),

    let local_time_type = match unix_timestamp {
        Some(unix_timestamp) => timezone.find_local_time_type(unix_timestamp)?,
        None => timezone.find_current_local_time_type()?,
    let seconds = local_time_type.ut_offset();
    Ok(UtcOffset::from_whole_seconds(seconds).expect("tz-rs returns valid utc offset seconds"))