Expand description

A prelude for the bee-message crate.


pub use crate::address::Address;
pub use crate::constants::IOTA_SUPPLY;
pub use crate::input::Input;
pub use crate::output::Output;
pub use crate::parents::Parents;
pub use crate::parents::MESSAGE_PARENTS_RANGE;
pub use crate::payload::indexation::IndexationPayload;
pub use crate::payload::milestone::MilestonePayload;
pub use crate::payload::milestone::MILESTONE_SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
pub use crate::payload::receipt::ReceiptPayload;
pub use crate::payload::transaction::TransactionPayload;
pub use crate::payload::transaction::TransactionPayloadBuilder;
pub use crate::payload::treasury::TreasuryTransactionPayload;
pub use crate::payload::Payload;
pub use crate::signature::SignatureUnlock;
pub use crate::unlock::UnlockBlock;
pub use crate::unlock::UnlockBlocks;


An Ed25519 address.

An Ed25519 signature.

Represent the object that nodes gossip around the network.

A builder to build a Message.

A message identifier, the BLAKE2b-256 hash of the message bytes. See https://www.blake2.net/ for more information.

Describes funds which were migrated from a legacy network.

A milestone identifier, the BLAKE2b-256 hash of the milestone bytes. See https://www.blake2.net/ for more information.

A wrapper around a u32 that represents a milestone index.

Essence of a milestone payload. This is the signed part of a milestone payload.

The identifier of an Output.

An indexation payload index padded with 0 up to the maximum length.

An UnlockBlock that refers to another unlock block.

A transaction regular essence consuming inputs, creating outputs and carrying an optional payload.

A builder to build a RegularEssence.

A SignatureLockedDustAllowanceOutput functions like a SignatureLockedSingleOutput but as a special property it is used to increase the allowance/amount of dust outputs on a given address.

An output type which can be unlocked via a signature. It deposits onto one single address.

Represents a tail transaction hash of a legacy bundle.

A transaction identifier, the BLAKE2b-256 hash of the transaction bytes. See https://www.blake2.net/ for more information.

TreasuryInput is an input which references a milestone which generated a TreasuryOutput.

TreasuryOutput is an output which holds the treasury of a network.

Represents an input referencing an output.


Error occurring when creating/parsing/validating messages.

A generic essence that can represent different types defining transaction essences.


The number of bytes in an Ed25519 address. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EdDSA#Ed25519 for more information.

The length of a message identifier.

The maximum number of bytes in a message.

The minimum number of bytes in a message.

The length of a milestone identifier.

Length of a milestone merkle proof.

Length of a milestone public key.

The length of an OutputId.

The length of a tail transaction hash.

The length of a transaction identifier.