bee-message 0.2.0

Implementation of the IOTA protocol message layouts
// Copyright 2020-2021 IOTA Stiftung
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//! Core data types for messages in the tangle.

#![deny(missing_docs, warnings)]

extern crate alloc;

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
mod serde;
mod error;
mod message;
mod message_id;

/// A module that provides types and syntactic validations of addresses.
pub mod address;
/// A module that contains constants related to messages.
pub mod constants;
/// A module that provides types and syntactic validations of inputs.
pub mod input;
/// A module that provides types and syntactic validations of milestones.
pub mod milestone;
/// A module that provides types and syntactic validations of outputs.
pub mod output;
/// A module that provides types and syntactic validations of parents.
pub mod parents;
/// A module that provides types and syntactic validations of payloads.
pub mod payload;
/// A prelude for the `bee-message` crate.
pub mod prelude;
/// A module that provides types and syntactic validations of signatures.
pub mod signature;
/// A module that provides types and syntactic validations of unlock blocks.
pub mod unlock;

pub use self::{
    message::{Message, MessageBuilder, MESSAGE_LENGTH_MAX, MESSAGE_LENGTH_MIN},
    message_id::{MessageId, MESSAGE_ID_LENGTH},