bee-crypto 0.3.0

Cryptographic primitives of the IOTA protocol
// Copyright 2020-2021 IOTA Stiftung
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//! This module contains logic to convert an integer encoded by 243 trits to the same integer encoded by 384 bits (or 48
//! signed bytes, `i8`).
//! At the core of this a slice of binary-coded, balanced trits is interpreted fanned out `t243`, where `t243` is used
//! analogous to `i64` or `u64`. If the latter are 64-bit signed/unsigned integer types, then `t243` is a 243-trit
//! integer type. Analogous to fanning out a `u64` into 64 individual bits, `t243` is fanned out into 243 trits, each
//! (rather inefficiently) represented by one `u8`.

mod constants;

pub use constants::{BTRIT_0, BTRIT_1, BTRIT_NEG_1, UTRIT_0, UTRIT_1, UTRIT_2, UTRIT_U384_MAX, UTRIT_U384_MAX_HALF};

use crate::ternary::bigint::{
    binary_representation::{U32Repr, U8Repr},
    endianness::{BigEndian, LittleEndian},
    I384, T242, U384,

use bee_ternary::{Btrit, ShiftTernary, T1B1Buf, Trit, TritBuf, Utrit};

use std::cmp::Ordering;

def_and_impl_ternary!(T243, 243);

impl<T: Trit> T243<T> {
    /// Converts the `T243` to a `T242`.
    pub fn into_t242(self) -> T242<T> {
        let mut trit_buf = self.into_inner();

impl T243<Utrit> {
    /// Converts a big-endian `u32` represented `U384` to an unbalanced `T243`.
    pub fn from_u384(value: U384<BigEndian, U32Repr>) -> Self {
        let mut u384_value = value;
        let mut u384_inner_slice = &mut u384_value.inner[..];

        let mut trit_buf = T243::<Utrit>::zero().into_inner();
        unsafe {
            for trit in trit_buf.as_i8_slice_mut() {
                let mut rem = 0;

                // Skip the most significant digits if they are 0.
                let mut first_digit = 0;
                for (i, digit) in u384_inner_slice.iter().enumerate() {
                    first_digit = i;
                    if *digit != 0 {
                u384_inner_slice = &mut u384_inner_slice[first_digit..];

                // Iterate over the digits of the bigint, starting from the most significant one.
                for digit in u384_inner_slice.iter_mut() {
                    let digit_with_rem = (u64::from(rem) << 32) | u64::from(*digit);
                    // `digit_with_rem` is already truncated and `digit_with_rem % 3` is an integer modulo 3
                        *digit = (digit_with_rem / 3u64) as u32;
                        rem = (digit_with_rem % 3u64) as u32;
                #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] // `rem` is an integer modulo 3.
                    *trit = rem as i8;


impl<T: Trit> From<T242<T>> for T243<T> {
    fn from(value: T242<T>) -> Self {

impl From<I384<BigEndian, U8Repr>> for T243<Btrit> {
    fn from(value: I384<BigEndian, U8Repr>) -> Self {
        let be_u32 = Into::<I384<BigEndian, U32Repr>>::into(value);
        let le_u32 = Into::<I384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>>::into(be_u32);

impl From<I384<BigEndian, U32Repr>> for T243<Btrit> {
    fn from(value: I384<BigEndian, U32Repr>) -> Self {
        let value_little_endian: I384<LittleEndian, U32Repr> = value.into();

impl From<I384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>> for T243<Btrit> {
    fn from(value: I384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>) -> Self {
        let u384_value = value.shift_into_u384();
        let t243_unbalanced = T243::<Utrit>::from(u384_value);

impl From<U384<BigEndian, U32Repr>> for T243<Utrit> {
    fn from(value: U384<BigEndian, U32Repr>) -> Self {

impl From<U384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>> for T243<Utrit> {
    fn from(value: U384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>) -> Self {
        let value: U384<BigEndian, U32Repr> = value.into();