Function bearssl::br_ssl_engine_set_suites [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn br_ssl_engine_set_suites(
    cc: *mut br_ssl_engine_context,
    suites: *const u16,
    suites_num: usize

\brief Set the list of cipher suites advertised by this context.

The provided array is copied into the context. It is the caller responsibility to ensure that all provided suites will be supported by the context. The engine context has enough room to receive all suites supported by the implementation. The provided array MUST NOT contain duplicates.

If the engine is for a client, the "signaling" pseudo-cipher suite TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV can be added at the end of the list, if the calling application is performing a voluntary downgrade (voluntary downgrades are not recommended, but if such a downgrade is done, then adding the fallback pseudo-suite is a good idea).

\param cc SSL engine context. \param suites cipher suites. \param suites_num number of cipher suites.