bdrck 0.15.5

Generic common foundational utilities.
// Copyright 2015 Axel Rasmussen
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

use crate::error::*;
use failure::format_err;
use libc::{self, c_int};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;

/// Standard input / output streams.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Stream {
    /// Standard output.
    /// Standard error.
    /// Standard input.

impl Stream {
    fn to_writer(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn Write>> {
        Ok(match *self {
            Stream::Stdout => Box::new(io::stdout()),
            Stream::Stderr => Box::new(io::stderr()),
            Stream::Stdin => {
                return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format_err!(
                    "Cannot output interactive prompts on Stdin"

/// Return whether or not the given stream is a TTY (as opposed to, for example,
/// a pipe).
pub fn isatty(stream: Stream) -> bool {
    ::atty::is(match stream {
        Stream::Stdout => ::atty::Stream::Stdout,
        Stream::Stderr => ::atty::Stream::Stderr,
        Stream::Stdin => ::atty::Stream::Stdin,

fn to_io_result(ret: c_int) -> ::std::io::Result<()> {
    match ret {
        0 => Ok(()),
        _ => Err(::std::io::Error::last_os_error()),

// This struct handles a) disabling the echoing of characters typed to stdin,
// and b) remembering to reset the terminal attributes afterwards (via Drop).
struct DisableEcho {
    initial_attributes: MaybeUninit<libc::termios>,

impl DisableEcho {
    fn new() -> Result<Self> {
        let mut initial_attributes = MaybeUninit::uninit();
        let mut attributes = MaybeUninit::uninit();
        to_io_result(unsafe {
            libc::tcgetattr(libc::STDIN_FILENO, initial_attributes.as_mut_ptr())
        to_io_result(unsafe { libc::tcgetattr(libc::STDIN_FILENO, attributes.as_mut_ptr()) })?;

        // Don't echo characters typed to stdin.
        unsafe { *attributes.as_mut_ptr() }.c_lflag &= !libc::ECHO;
        // But, *do* echo the newline when the user hits ENTER.
        unsafe { *attributes.as_mut_ptr() }.c_lflag |= libc::ECHONL;
        to_io_result(unsafe {
            libc::tcsetattr(libc::STDIN_FILENO, libc::TCSANOW, attributes.as_ptr())

        Ok(DisableEcho {
            initial_attributes: initial_attributes,

impl Drop for DisableEcho {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

fn remove_newline(mut s: String) -> Result<String> {
    // Remove the trailing newline (if any - not finding one is an error).
    if !s.ends_with('\n') {
        return Err(::std::io::Error::new(
            "unexpected end of input",

    // If this is windows and so there's also a \r, remove that too.
    if s.ends_with('\r') {


/// Prompt the user for a string (read from Stdin) using the given output stream
/// (Stdout or Stderr) to display the given prompt message.
/// If `is_sensitive` is true, then the users characters will not be echoed back
/// (e.g. this will behave like a password prompt).
/// Note that it is an error for output_stream to be Stdin, or for this function
/// to be called when the given output stream or Stdin are not TTYs.
pub fn prompt_for_string(
    output_stream: Stream,
    prompt: &str,
    is_sensitive: bool,
) -> Result<String> {
    if !isatty(output_stream) || !isatty(Stream::Stdin) {
        return Err(Error::Precondition(format_err!(
            "Cannot prompt for interactive user input when {:?} and Stdin are not TTYs",

    let mut output_stream = output_stream.to_writer()?;
    write!(output_stream, "{}", prompt)?;
    // We have to flush so the user sees the prompt immediately.

        let _disable_echo = match is_sensitive {
            false => None,
            true => Some(DisableEcho::new()?),
        let mut ret = String::new();
        io::stdin().read_line(&mut ret)?;

/// Display a "<description> Continue?" confirmation. Returns true if the user
/// replies "yes" (or similar), or false otherwise.
pub fn continue_confirmation(output_stream: Stream, description: &str) -> Result<bool> {
    let prompt = format!("{}Continue? [Yes/No] ", description);
    loop {
        let original_response = prompt_for_string(output_stream, prompt.as_str(), false)?;
        let response = original_response.trim().to_lowercase();
        if response == "y" || response == "yes" {
            return Ok(true);
        } else if response == "n" || response == "no" {
            return Ok(false);
        } else {
            let mut output_stream = output_stream.to_writer()?;
            write!(output_stream, "Invalid response '{}'.\n", original_response)?;

/// Prompt for a string as per `prompt_for_string`, but additionally have the
/// user enter the value again to confirm we get the same answer twice. This is
/// useful for e.g. password entry.
pub fn prompt_for_string_confirm(
    output_stream: Stream,
    prompt: &str,
    is_sensitive: bool,
) -> Result<String> {
    loop {
        let string = prompt_for_string(output_stream, prompt, is_sensitive)?;
        if string == prompt_for_string(output_stream, "Confirm: ", is_sensitive)? {
            return Ok(string);

/// MaybePromptedString is a wrapper for getting user input interactively, while
/// also allowing the value to be specified at call time. This is useful e.g.
/// when we want to prompt users interactively, but want to predefine the values
/// in unit tests, or when users can specify a value either interactively or via
/// flags.
pub struct MaybePromptedString {
    value: String,
    was_provided: bool,

impl MaybePromptedString {
    /// Construct a new MaybePromptedString, either using the given value or
    /// prompting the user interactively with the given options.
    pub fn new(
        provided: Option<&str>,
        output_stream: Stream,
        prompt: &str,
        is_sensitive: bool,
        confirm: bool,
    ) -> Result<Self> {
        let prompted: Option<String> = match provided {
            None => Some(match confirm {
                false => prompt_for_string(output_stream, prompt, is_sensitive)?,
                true => prompt_for_string_confirm(output_stream, prompt, is_sensitive)?,
            Some(_) => None,

        let was_provided = provided.is_some();
        let value = provided.map_or_else(|| prompted.unwrap(), |s| s.to_owned());

        Ok(MaybePromptedString {
            value: value,
            was_provided: was_provided,

    /// Returns true if this string was provided, or false if it is the result
    /// of an interactive prompt.
    pub fn was_provided(&self) -> bool {

    /// "Unwraps" this structure into its underlying string.
    pub fn into_inner(self) -> String {