bdk_chain 0.1.0

Collection of core structures for Bitcoin Dev Kit.

This crate is a collection of core structures for Bitcoin Dev Kit (alpha release).

The goal of this crate is give wallets the mechanisms needed to:

  1. Figure out what data they need to fetch.
  2. Process that data in a way that never leads to inconsistent states.
  3. Fully index that data and expose it so that it can be consumed without friction.

Our design goals for these mechanisms are:

  1. Data source agnostic -- nothing in bdk_chain cares about where you get data from or whether you do it synchronously or asynchronously. If you know a fact about the blockchain you can just tell bdk_chain's APIs about it and that information will be integrated if it can be done consistently.
  2. Error free APIs.
  3. Data persistence agnostic -- bdk_chain does not care where you cache on-chain data, what you cache or how you fetch it.