bdk 0.28.2

A modern, lightweight, descriptor-based wallet library
<div align="center">

  <img src="./static/bdk.png" width="220" />

    <strong>A modern, lightweight, descriptor-based wallet library written in Rust!</strong>

    <a href=""><img alt="Crate Info" src=""/></a>
    <a href=""><img alt="MIT or Apache-2.0 Licensed" src=""/></a>
    <a href=""><img alt="CI Status" src=""></a>
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    <a href=""><img alt="API Docs" src=""/></a>
    <a href=""><img alt="Rustc Version 1.57.0+" src=""/></a>
    <a href=""><img alt="Chat on Discord" src=""></a>

    <a href="">Project Homepage</a>
    <span> | </span>
    <a href="">Documentation</a>

## About

The `bdk` library aims to be the core building block for Bitcoin wallets of any kind.

* It uses [Miniscript] to support descriptors with generalized conditions. This exact same library can be used to build
  single-sig wallets, multisigs, timelocked contracts and more.
* It supports multiple blockchain backends and databases, allowing developers to choose exactly what's right for their projects.
* It's built to be cross-platform: the core logic works on desktop, mobile, and even WebAssembly.
* It's very easy to extend: developers can implement customized logic for blockchain backends, databases, signers, coin selection, and more, without having to fork and modify this library.

## Examples

### Sync the balance of a descriptor

use bdk::Wallet;
use bdk::database::MemoryDatabase;
use bdk::blockchain::ElectrumBlockchain;
use bdk::SyncOptions;
use bdk::electrum_client::Client;
use bdk::bitcoin::Network;

fn main() -> Result<(), bdk::Error> {
    let blockchain = ElectrumBlockchain::from(Client::new("ssl://")?);
    let wallet = Wallet::new(

    wallet.sync(&blockchain, SyncOptions::default())?;

    println!("Descriptor balance: {} SAT", wallet.get_balance()?);


### Generate a few addresses

use bdk::{Wallet, database::MemoryDatabase};
use bdk::wallet::AddressIndex::New;
use bdk::bitcoin::Network;

fn main() -> Result<(), bdk::Error> {
    let wallet = Wallet::new(

    println!("Address #0: {}", wallet.get_address(New)?);
    println!("Address #1: {}", wallet.get_address(New)?);
    println!("Address #2: {}", wallet.get_address(New)?);


### Create a transaction

use bdk::{FeeRate, Wallet, SyncOptions};
use bdk::database::MemoryDatabase;
use bdk::blockchain::ElectrumBlockchain;

use bdk::electrum_client::Client;
use bdk::wallet::AddressIndex::New;

use base64;
use bdk::bitcoin::consensus::serialize;
use bdk::bitcoin::Network;

fn main() -> Result<(), bdk::Error> {
    let blockchain = ElectrumBlockchain::from(Client::new("ssl://")?);
    let wallet = Wallet::new(

    wallet.sync(&blockchain, SyncOptions::default())?;

    let send_to = wallet.get_address(New)?;
    let (psbt, details) = {
        let mut builder = wallet.build_tx();
            .add_recipient(send_to.script_pubkey(), 50_000)

    println!("Transaction details: {:#?}", details);
    println!("Unsigned PSBT: {}", base64::encode(&serialize(&psbt)));


### Sign a transaction

use bdk::{Wallet, SignOptions, database::MemoryDatabase};

use base64;
use bdk::bitcoin::consensus::deserialize;
use bdk::bitcoin::Network;

fn main() -> Result<(), bdk::Error> {
    let wallet = Wallet::new(

    let psbt = "...";
    let mut psbt = deserialize(&base64::decode(psbt).unwrap())?;

    let _finalized = wallet.sign(&mut psbt, SignOptions::default())?;


## Testing

### Unit testing

cargo test

### Integration testing

Integration testing require testing features, for example:

cargo test --features test-electrum

The other options are `test-esplora`, `test-rpc` or `test-rpc-legacy` which runs against an older version of Bitcoin Core.
Note that `electrs` and `bitcoind` binaries are automatically downloaded (on mac and linux), to specify you already have installed binaries you must use `--no-default-features` and provide `BITCOIND_EXE` and `ELECTRS_EXE` as environment variables.

## Running under WASM

If you want to run this library under WASM you will probably have to add the following lines to you `Cargo.toml`:

getrandom = { version = "0.2", features = ["js"] }

This enables the `rand` crate to work in environments where JavaScript is available. See [this link]( to learn more.

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0
 * MIT license

at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

## Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)

This library should compile with any combination of features with Rust 1.57.0.

To build with the MSRV you will need to pin dependencies as follows:

# log 0.4.19 has MSRV 1.60.0
cargo update -p log --precise "0.4.18"
# tempfile 3.7.0 has MSRV 1.63.0
cargo update -p tempfile --precise "3.6.0"
# required for sqlite feature, hashlink 0.8.2 has MSRV 1.61.0
cargo update -p hashlink --precise "0.8.1"
# required for compact_filters feature, regex after 1.7.3 has MSRV 1.60.0
cargo update -p regex --precise "1.7.3"
# zip 0.6.3 has MSRV 1.59.0 but still works
cargo update -p zip --precise "0.6.3"
# base64ct 1.6.0 has MSRV 1.60.0
cargo update -p base64ct --precise "1.5.3"
# rustix 0.38.0 has MSRV 1.65.0
cargo update -p rustix --precise "0.37.23"
# tokio 0.30.0 has MSRV 1.63.0
cargo update -p tokio --precise "1.29.1"
# cc 1.0.82 is throwing error with rust 1.57.0, "error[E0599]: no method named `retain_mut`..."
cargo update -p cc --precise "1.0.81"