bcrypter 0.1.1

The bcrypt password hashing function in pure Rust. Supports no_std


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A pure rust implementation of the bcrypt hashing function based on the Blowfish cipher. Currently only running on nightly builds. Full API documentation can be found here


In your Cargo.toml file:

bcrypter = "0.1.1"


Basic hash

extern crate bcrypter;
use bcrypter::password;

let pw = "hunter2".to_string();
let result = password(pw).hash().unwrap();
let bcrypt_hash_string = result.hash_string;

Custom cost

let result = password(pw)

Custom salt

let salt = [0u8; 16];
let result = password(pw)

Verify password

let known_hash = "$2a$04$7eAf8viXin8zazyvaU2HLuZGEbvaHy/lsnlG.HFWkBST5irHhXKJO".to_string();
let correct_password : bool = password(pw)

Raw digest

let result = password(pw).hash().unwrap();
let digest_bytes : [u8: 24] = result.digest;


  • The default cost is 12

  • A random 16 byte array is used when no salt parameter is provided.

  • The maximum password input is 72 bytes, anything over that will be truncated rather than raise an error. If you need larger inputs consider hashing it beforehand.