bcmp 0.2.0

bcmp offers fast common substring enumeration for binary data


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bcmp is a simple crate which offers data comparison mechanisms which go beyond the simple equality. It only operates on byte slices, hence its name, and relies on efficiently finding common substrings between two blob of data. This is implemented using HashMap which should offer linear time operation provided the MatchKey is large enough.


Iterating over the common substrings of two strings:

extern crate bcmp;
use bcmp::MatchIterator;

fn main() {
    let a = "abcdefg";
    let b = "012abc34cdef56efg78abcdefg";
    let match_iter = MatchIterator::<u16>::new(a.as_bytes(), b.as_bytes());

    for m in match_iter {
        println!("Match: {:}", &a[m.first_pos..m.first_end()]);