bcfs 0.4.1

A virtual filesystem for Blockchain WASI
# Blockchain FileSystem (BCFS)

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This crate provides a blockchain filesystem for use in a WASI Wasm runtime.
The implementation is based on the [Blockchain WASI proposal](https://github.com/oasislabs/rfcs/pull/1) ([link to high-level blog post](https://medium.com/oasislabs/blockchain-flavored-wasi-50e3612b8eba)).

You can find examples of using BCFS in [`src/lib/tests.rs`](https://github.com/oasislabs/oasis/blob/master/bcfs/src/tests.rs#L79).

BCFS can be compiled to Wasm so that it can be used in integration tests.
Just build using `cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown`.
BCFS exposes [FFI bindings](https://github.com/oasislabs/oasis/blob/master/bcfs/src/ffi.rs) so that it can be called from, say, JavaScript in the browser.
To build the bindings, you'll want to pass `--features ffi`.