bbox 0.11.2

Managing axis aligned 3d Bounding Boxes.
//! bbox is crate for managing axis aligned 3d Bounding Boxes.
//! Bounding Boxes can be created, dilated, transformed and joined with other Bounding Boxes using
//! CSG operations.
//! Finally you can test whether or not a Bounding Box contains some point and what approximate
//! distance a Point has to the Box.
//! # Examples
//! Intersect two Bounding Boxes:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use nalgebra as na;
//! let bbox1 = bbox::BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(0., 0., 0.),
//!                                           &na::Point3::new(1., 2., 3.));
//! let bbox2 = bbox::BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(-1., -2., -3.),
//!                                           &na::Point3::new(3., 2., 1.));
//! let intersection = bbox1.intersection(&bbox2);
//! ```
//! Rotate a Bounding Box:
//! ```rust
//! use nalgebra as na;
//! let rotation = na::Rotation::from_euler_angles(10., 11., 12.);
//! let bbox = bbox::BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(0., 0., 0.),
//!                                          &na::Point3::new(1., 2., 3.));
//! let rotated_box = bbox.transform(&rotation.to_homogeneous());
//! ```
//! Is a point contained in the Box?
//! ```rust
//! use nalgebra as na;
//! let bbox = bbox::BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(0., 0., 0.),
//!                                          &na::Point3::new(1., 2., 3.));
//! let result = bbox.contains(&na::Point3::new(1., 1., 1.));
//! ```
//! Calculate approximate distance of a point to the Box:
//! ```rust
//! use nalgebra as na;
//! let bbox = bbox::BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(0., 0., 0.),
//!                                          &na::Point3::new(1., 2., 3.));
//! let distance = bbox.distance(&na::Point3::new(1., 1., 1.));
//! ```
use nalgebra as na;
extern crate approx;

use approx::{AbsDiffEq, RelativeEq};
use num_traits::Float;
use std::fmt::Debug;

/// 3D Bounding Box - defined by two diagonally opposing points.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct BoundingBox<S: 'static + Debug + Copy + PartialEq> {
    /// X-Y-Z-Minimum corner of the box.
    pub min: na::Point3<S>,
    /// X-Y-Z-Maximum corner of the box.
    pub max: na::Point3<S>,

fn point_min<S: 'static + Float + Debug>(p: &[na::Point3<S>]) -> na::Point3<S> {
        na::Point3::<S>::new(S::infinity(), S::infinity(), S::infinity()),
        |mut min, current| {
            min.x = min.x.min(current.x);
            min.y = min.y.min(current.y);
            min.z = min.z.min(current.z);
fn point_max<S: 'static + Float + Debug>(p: &[na::Point3<S>]) -> na::Point3<S> {
        na::Point3::<S>::new(S::neg_infinity(), S::neg_infinity(), S::neg_infinity()),
        |mut max, current| {
            max.x = max.x.max(current.x);
            max.y = max.y.max(current.y);
            max.z = max.z.max(current.z);

impl<S: Float + Debug + na::RealField + alga::general::RealField> BoundingBox<S> {
    /// Returns an infinte sized box.
    pub fn infinity() -> BoundingBox<S> {
        BoundingBox {
            min: na::Point3::<S>::new(S::neg_infinity(), S::neg_infinity(), S::neg_infinity()),
            max: na::Point3::<S>::new(S::infinity(), S::infinity(), S::infinity()),
    /// Returns a negatively infinte sized box.
    pub fn neg_infinity() -> BoundingBox<S> {
        BoundingBox {
            min: na::Point3::<S>::new(S::infinity(), S::infinity(), S::infinity()),
            max: na::Point3::<S>::new(S::neg_infinity(), S::neg_infinity(), S::neg_infinity()),
    /// Create a new Bounding Box by supplying two points.
    pub fn new(a: &na::Point3<S>, b: &na::Point3<S>) -> BoundingBox<S> {
        BoundingBox {
            min: na::Point3::<S>::new(
                Float::min(a.x, b.x),
                Float::min(a.y, b.y),
                Float::min(a.z, b.z),
            max: na::Point3::<S>::new(
                Float::max(a.x, b.x),
                Float::max(a.y, b.y),
                Float::max(a.z, b.z),
    /// Create a CSG Union of two Bounding Boxes.
    pub fn union(&self, other: &BoundingBox<S>) -> BoundingBox<S> {
        BoundingBox {
            min: point_min(&[self.min, other.min]),
            max: point_max(&[self.max, other.max]),
    /// Create a CSG Intersection of two Bounding Boxes.
    pub fn intersection(&self, other: &BoundingBox<S>) -> BoundingBox<S> {
        BoundingBox {
            min: point_max(&[self.min, other.min]),
            max: point_min(&[self.max, other.max]),
    /// Transform a Bounding Box - resulting in a enclosing axis aligned Bounding Box.
    pub fn transform(&self, mat: &na::Matrix4<S>) -> BoundingBox<S> {
        let a = &self.min;
        let b = &self.max;
        let corners = [
            mat.transform_point(&na::Point3::<S>::new(a.x, a.y, a.z)),
            mat.transform_point(&na::Point3::<S>::new(a.x, a.y, b.z)),
            mat.transform_point(&na::Point3::<S>::new(a.x, b.y, a.z)),
            mat.transform_point(&na::Point3::<S>::new(a.x, b.y, b.z)),
            mat.transform_point(&na::Point3::<S>::new(b.x, a.y, a.z)),
            mat.transform_point(&na::Point3::<S>::new(b.x, a.y, b.z)),
            mat.transform_point(&na::Point3::<S>::new(b.x, b.y, a.z)),
            mat.transform_point(&na::Point3::<S>::new(b.x, b.y, b.z)),
        BoundingBox {
            min: point_min(&corners),
            max: point_max(&corners),
    /// Dilate a Bounding Box by some amount in all directions.
    pub fn dilate(&mut self, d: S) -> &mut Self {
        self.min.x -= d;
        self.min.y -= d;
        self.min.z -= d;
        self.max.x += d;
        self.max.y += d;
        self.max.z += d;
    /// Add a Point to a Bounding Box, e.g. expand the Bounding Box to contain that point.
    pub fn insert(&mut self, o: &na::Point3<S>) -> &mut Self {
        self.min.x = Float::min(self.min.x, o.x);
        self.min.y = Float::min(self.min.y, o.y);
        self.min.z = Float::min(self.min.z, o.z);
        self.max.x = Float::max(self.max.x, o.x);
        self.max.y = Float::max(self.max.y, o.y);
        self.max.z = Float::max(self.max.z, o.z);
    /// Return the size of the Box.
    pub fn dim(&self) -> na::Vector3<S> {
        self.max - self.min
    /// Returns the approximate distance of p to the box. The result is guarateed to be not less
    /// than the euclidean distance of p to the box.
    pub fn distance(&self, p: &na::Point3<S>) -> S {
        // If p is not inside (neg), then it is outside (pos) on only one side.
        // So so calculating the max of the diffs on both sides should result in the true value,
        // if positive.
        let xval = Float::max(p.x - self.max.x, self.min.x - p.x);
        let yval = Float::max(p.y - self.max.y, self.min.y - p.y);
        let zval = Float::max(p.z - self.max.z, self.min.z - p.z);
        Float::max(xval, Float::max(yval, zval))
    /// Return true if the Bounding Box contains p.
    pub fn contains(&self, p: &na::Point3<S>) -> bool {
        p.x >= self.min.x
            && p.x <= self.max.x
            && p.y >= self.min.y
            && p.y <= self.max.y
            && p.z >= self.min.z
            && p.z <= self.max.z

impl<T: Float> AbsDiffEq for BoundingBox<T>
    <T as AbsDiffEq>::Epsilon: Copy,
    T: AbsDiffEq + Debug,
    type Epsilon = <T as AbsDiffEq>::Epsilon;

    fn default_epsilon() -> Self::Epsilon {
        <T as AbsDiffEq>::default_epsilon()

    fn abs_diff_eq(&self, other: &Self, epsilon: Self::Epsilon) -> bool {
        na::Point3::abs_diff_eq(&self.min, &other.min, epsilon)
            && na::Point3::abs_diff_eq(&self.max, &other.max, epsilon)

impl<T: Float> RelativeEq for BoundingBox<T>
    <T as AbsDiffEq>::Epsilon: Copy,
    T: RelativeEq + Debug,
    fn default_max_relative() -> <T as AbsDiffEq>::Epsilon {
        <T as RelativeEq>::default_max_relative()

    fn relative_eq(
        other: &Self,
        epsilon: <T as AbsDiffEq>::Epsilon,
        max_relative: <T as AbsDiffEq>::Epsilon,
    ) -> bool {
        na::Point3::relative_eq(&self.min, &other.min, epsilon, max_relative)
            && na::Point3::relative_eq(&self.max, &other.max, epsilon, max_relative)

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn simple_box() {
        let bbox =
            BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(0., 0., 0.), &na::Point3::new(1., 2., 3.));
        assert!(bbox.contains(&na::Point3::new(0., 0., 0.)));
        assert!(bbox.contains(&na::Point3::new(0., 1., 0.)));
        assert!(bbox.contains(&na::Point3::new(1., 0., 1.)));
        assert!(bbox.contains(&na::Point3::new(1., 1., 1.)));
        assert!(!bbox.contains(&na::Point3::new(2., 2., 2.)));
        assert!(!bbox.contains(&na::Point3::new(-1., -1., -1.)));

    fn transform() {
        let bbox =
            BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(0., 0., 0.), &na::Point3::new(1., 1., 1.));
                &na::Rotation::from_euler_angles(::std::f64::consts::PI / 2., 0., 0.)
            BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(0., -1., 0.), &na::Point3::new(1., 0., 1.),)
            bbox.transform(&na::Translation3::new(1., 2., 3.).to_homogeneous()),
            BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(1., 2., 3.), &na::Point3::new(2., 3., 4.),)

    fn boolean() {
        let bbox1 =
            BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(0., 0., 0.), &na::Point3::new(4., 8., 16.));
        let bbox2 =
            BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(2., 2., 2.), &na::Point3::new(16., 4., 8.));
            BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(0., 0., 0.), &na::Point3::new(16., 8., 16.),)
            BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(2., 2., 2.), &na::Point3::new(4., 4., 8.),)

    fn dilate() {
        let mut bbox =
            BoundingBox::<f64>::new(&na::Point3::new(0., 0., 0.), &na::Point3::new(1., 1., 1.));
            &mut BoundingBox::<f64>::new(
                &na::Point3::new(-0.1, -0.1, -0.1),
                &na::Point3::new(1.1, 1.1, 1.1),
            &mut BoundingBox::<f64>::new(
                &na::Point3::new(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
                &na::Point3::new(0.6, 0.6, 0.6),