bbecs_tutorial 1.0.3

An ECS library made for a tutorial.

# Release Notes

## 1.0.3

Adding a test for a reported bug in the `with_component` method on `Entities`. The test is showing that the code is working as expected, the `inserting_into_index` property doesn't need to be incremented every time that `with_component` is called since the `inserting_into_index` property is the entity id and the `with_component` is grabbing different Vector from the HashMap of components each time.

## 1.0.2

Fixed a bug in the Entities where if the user deleted a component twice it would re-add the component.

## 1.0.1

A community member found a possible bug in the query. We wrote a test to verify the bug but couldn't replicate it.

That tests is remaining inside the [](src/entities/ file that is verifying that the query is only getting entities that have the components that are being queried for.

# Contributing

Feel free to pull request or add issues for anything. I have a vision for this project that it will be relatively simple and used for teaching purposes so if you're not sure if I would accept the PR please start a conversation in the issues.