bbclash 0.1.1

A robust, opinionated, performance-focused BBCode to HTML parser and compiler.


A robust, opinionated, performance-focused BBCode to HTML parser and compiler.

What is BBClash?

BBClash is the open-source version of the BBCode compiler being built for Penclash. Unlike most implementations, BBClash is not RegEx-based. It functions like a compiler, tokenizing, lexing, and then constructing compliant HTML from an AST-like object. This makes it robust and good at handling even improperly-formatted input.

General Usage:

bbclash = "1.0.0"
use bbclash::bbcode_to_html;

assert_eq!(bbcode_to_html("I'm [i]italic[/i] and [b]bold![/b]"), 
		"<p>I&#x27m <i>italic</i> and <b>bold!</b></p>");

BBClash also comes ready out-of-the-box for use as WASM or with other languages via C bindings.

Custom Usage:

Because this package was built for an existing application, and because it is performance-focused, BBClash's BBCode implementation is entirely hard-coded. Because of this, it is reccommended that you download a local copy and modify it to suit your needs. Note: currently requires Rust Nightly to build. Relevant issue: 54727

Building is as simple as running $ cargo build. Tests and benchmarks can be run with $ cargo test and $ cargo bench, respectively.


This version of BBClash is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.