basic_xlsx_writer 0.1.0

Basic Excel Writer
use std::{
    fs::{self, File},
    io::{Error, ErrorKind, Read, Result, Write},
use zip::{self, ZipWriter};

///zip_files takes a path an zipps it's contents to an output file. It keeps
/// the folder structure intact. It uses CompressionMethod::Stored by default
pub fn zip_files(in_path: &str, output_file: &Path) -> Result<()> {
    let final_file = File::create(output_file)?;
    let mut zipwriter = zip::ZipWriter::new(final_file);

    // read the files in tmp_dir and add them to the zip archive
    zipper(&mut zipwriter, Path::new(&in_path), None)?;

/// Zipper walks the directory recursively and adds the files and folders found
/// to a zipwriter
fn zipper(writer: &mut ZipWriter<File>, base_path: &Path, prefix: Option<String>) -> Result<()> {
    let prefix = if let Some(prefix) = prefix {
        format!("{}", &prefix)
    } else {

    // Will not work with Bzip2 and excel
    let options =

    // read the directory
    let dir: fs::ReadDir = fs::read_dir(base_path)?;

    let mut buffer = vec![];
    for entry in dir {
        let entry: fs::DirEntry = entry.map_err(|e| Error::from(e))?;
        // set the current entry we are looking at
        let cur_entry = entry.path();

        let name: &str = cur_entry

        // add the prefix if any to the current path for the entry so we keep the
        // relative structure intact i.e. usr/dev/excel/tmp_dir/xl/file.xml =>
        // xl/file.xml
        let name = format!("{}{}", &prefix, &name);

        if cur_entry.is_file() {
            // add the file entry to the zip writer
            writer.start_file(name, options)?;
            // open the file
            let mut f = File::open(&cur_entry)?;
            // read the file into the buffer
            f.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?;
            // write the buffered content to the zip file
            // clear the buffer
        } else if cur_entry.is_dir() {
            // add prefix to the files in this dir
            let prefix = format!("{}/", name);
            // recursively add the files in the directory to the zipwriter
            zipper(writer, &cur_entry, Some(prefix))?;
