[][src]Struct base_url::BaseUrl

pub struct BaseUrl { /* fields omitted */ }

Any Url which has a host and so can be supplied as a base url


impl BaseUrl[src]

pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str[src]

Return the serialization of this BaseUrl

This is fast, since internally the Url stores the serialization already


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, Url, TryFrom };

let url_str = "https://example.org/";
let host = BaseUrl::try_from( url_str )?;

assert_eq!( host.as_str( ), url_str );

pub fn into_string(self) -> String[src]

Return the serialization of this BaseUrl

This consumes the BaseUrl and takes ownership of the String


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, Url, ParseError, TryFrom };

let url_str = "https://example.org/";
let host = BaseUrl::try_from( url_str )?;

assert_eq!( host.into_string( ), url_str );

pub fn origin(&self) -> OriginTuple[src]

Returns the BaseUrl's scheme, host and port as a tuple


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, OriginTuple, Host, TryFrom };

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "ftp://example.org/foo" )?;

assert_eq!( url.origin( ),
            ( "ftp".into( ),
              Host::Domain( "example.org".into( ) ),
              21 ) );

pub fn scheme(&self) -> &str[src]

Returns the scheme of the given BaseUrl, lower-cased, as an ASCII string without the ':' delimiter


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org" )?;

assert_eq!( url.scheme( ), "https" );

pub fn strip(&mut self)[src]

Strip out any present username, password, query and fragment information from this BaseUrl


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "http://brady:hunter3@example.org/foo?query=1#fragment=2" )?;

url.strip( );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "http://example.org/foo" );

pub fn make_host_only(&mut self)[src]

Strips a BaseUrl down to only the host and scheme.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "http://brady:hunter3@example.org:8080/foo?query=1#fragment=2" )?;

url.make_host_only( );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "http://example.org/" );

pub fn set_scheme(&mut self, scheme: &str) -> Result<(), ()>[src]

Set the BaseUrl's scheme

Does nothing and returns Err() if the specified scheme does not match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]+


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "http://example.org/" )?;

url.set_scheme( "https" );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "https://example.org/" );

pub fn username(&self) -> &str[src]

Return the username for this BaseUrl. If no username is set an empty string is returned


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://brady@example.org/foo" )?;

assert_eq!( url.username( ), "brady" );

pub fn set_username(&mut self, username: &str)[src]

Change the username of this BaseUrl.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "http://example.org/" )?;

url.set_username( "brady" );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "http://brady@example.org/" );

pub fn password(&self) -> Option<&str>[src]

Optionally returns the password associated with this BaseUrl as a percent-encoded ASCII string.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://brady:hunter3@example.org/" )?;
assert_eq!( url.password( ), Some( "hunter3" ) );

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://brady@example.org" )?;
assert_eq!( url.password( ), None );

pub fn set_password(&mut self, password: Option<&str>)[src]

Change the password of this BaseUrl. Use None to remove the password field.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "http://brady@example.org/" )?;

url.set_password( Some( "hunter3" ) );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "http://brady:hunter3@example.org/" );

url.set_password( None );
assert_eq!( url.password( ), None );

pub fn host_str(&self) -> &str[src]

Returns the domain or IP address for this BaseUrl as a string.

See also the host() method


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "http://brady@example.org/foo" )?;
assert_eq!( url.host_str( ), "example.org" );

pub fn host(&self) -> Host<&str>[src]

Returns the host for this BaseUrl in an enumerated type.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom, Host };
use std::net::Ipv4Addr;

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "http://example.org/" )?;
assert_eq!( url.host( ), Host::Domain( "example.org" ) );

let ip = BaseUrl::try_from( "" )?;
assert_eq!( ip.host( ), Host::Ipv4( Ipv4Addr::new( 127, 0, 0, 1 ) ) );

pub fn set_host(&mut self, host: &str) -> Result<(), ParseError>[src]

Changes the host for this BaseUrl. If there is any error parsing the provided string no action is taken and Err() is returned. Host cannot be removed as in the rust-url crate as without a host a url cannot be a base.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "http://example.org/" )?;

assert!( url.set_host( "rust-lang.org" ).is_ok( ) );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "http://rust-lang.org/" );


If the provided host string cannot be parsed a ParseError variant is returned.

pub fn set_ip_host(&mut self, address: IpAddr)[src]

Change this BaseUrl's host to the given Ip address.

Compared to calling set_host( ), which can also work with ip address strings this method saves a call to the parser.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };
use std::net::{ IpAddr, Ipv4Addr };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/" )?;

url.set_ip_host( IpAddr::V4( Ipv4Addr::new( 127, 0, 0, 1 ) ) );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "" );

pub fn domain(&self) -> Option<&str>[src]

Return's the domain string of this BaseUrl. Returns None if the host is an Ip address rather than a domain name.

Note the lack of trailing '/' in the example, that is the path component not the domain.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let ip = BaseUrl::try_from( "" )?;
assert!( ip.domain( ).is_none( ) );

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://www.example.org/" )?;
assert_eq!( url.domain( ), Some( "www.example.org" ) );

pub fn port(&self) -> Option<u16>[src]

Optionally return's the port number of this BaseUrl. Note that whenever a known default port is included in a url that port is elided. If you require an API which returns port information including known default port information use port_or_known_default( )


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "http://example.org/" )?;
assert!( url.port( ).is_none( ) );

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org:42/" )?;
assert_eq!( url.port( ), Some( 42 ) );

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org:443/" )?;
assert!( url.port( ).is_none( ) );

pub fn port_or_known_default(&self) -> Option<u16>[src]

Return's the port number of this BaseUrl. If no port number is present a guess is made based on the scheme, if no guess can be made None is returned.

This method only knows the default port numbers for http, https, ws, wss, ftp and gopher.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "http://example.org/" )?;
assert_eq!( url.port_or_known_default( ), Some( 80 ) );

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "ssh://example.org/" )?;
assert_eq!( url.port_or_known_default( ), None );

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "foo://example.org:42" )?;
assert_eq!( url.port_or_known_default( ), Some( 42 ) );

pub fn set_port(&mut self, port: Option<u16>)[src]

Change this BaseUrl's port. Note that default ports (as known by port_or_known_default( ) ) are not reflected in Url serializations.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org" )?;

url.set_port( Some( 443 ) );
assert!( url.port( ).is_none( ) );

url.set_port( Some( 42 ) );
assert_eq!( url.port( ), Some(42 ) );

pub fn path(&self) -> &str[src]

Return's the path of this BaseUrl, percent-encoded. Path strings will start with '/' and continue with '/' separated path segments.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/index.html" )?;
assert_eq!( url.path( ), "/index.html" );

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org" )?;
assert_eq!( url.path( ), "/" );

pub fn path_segments(&self) -> Split<char>[src]

Return's an iterator through each of this BaseUrl's path segments. Path segments do not contain the separating '/' characters and may be empty, often on the last entry.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org" )?;
let mut path_segments = url.path_segments( );
assert!( path_segments.next( ) == Some( "" ) );
assert!( path_segments.next( ) == None );

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/foo/bar/index.html" )?;
let mut path_segments = url.path_segments( );
assert!( path_segments.next( ) == Some( "foo" ) );
assert!( path_segments.next( ) == Some( "bar" ) );
assert!( path_segments.next( ) == Some( "index.html" ) );
assert!( path_segments.next( ) == None );

pub fn set_path(&mut self, path: &str)[src]

Change this BaseUrl's path overwriting any other path information.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/something/foo.html" )?;

url.set_path( "/foobar" );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "https://example.org/foobar" );

pub fn path_segments_mut(&mut self) -> PathSegmentsMut[src]

Returns an object with chainable methods to manipulate this BaseUrl's path segments.

Note that unlike url's ::parse( ) and join( ), path_segments_mut( ) percent encodes '/' and '%' characters.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/" )?;

url.path_segments_mut( ).push( "sitemaps" ).push( "sitemap_1.xml" );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "https://example.org/sitemaps/sitemap_1.xml" );

url.path_segments_mut( ).clear( ).push( "foo/bar#fragment=no" );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "https://example.org/foo%2Fbar%23fragment=no" );

pub fn query(&self) -> Option<&str>[src]

Optionally return's this BaseUrl's percent-encoded query string.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/foo" )?;
assert_eq!( url.query( ), None );

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/foo?page=2" )?;
assert_eq!( url.query( ), Some( "page=2" ) );

pub fn query_pairs(&self) -> Parse[src]

Parse the BaseUrl's query string and return an iterator over all found (key, value) pairs.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };
use std::borrow::Cow;

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/foo?page=2&sort=newest" )?;
let mut queries = url.query_pairs( );

assert_eq!( queries.next( ), Some( ( Cow::Borrowed( "page" ), Cow::Borrowed( "2" ) ) ) );
assert_eq!( queries.next( ), Some( ( Cow::Borrowed( "sort" ), Cow::Borrowed( "newest" ) ) ) );
assert_eq!( queries.next( ), None );

pub fn set_query(&mut self, query: Option<&str>)[src]

Change this BaseUrl's query string.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/foo" )?;

url.set_query( Some( "page=2" ) );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "https://example.org/foo?page=2" );

url.set_query( None );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "https://example.org/foo" );

pub fn query_pairs_mut(&mut self) -> Serializer<UrlQuery>[src]

Returns an object with a method chaining API. These methods manipulate the query string of the BaseUrl as a sequence of (key, value) pairs.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/foo?page=2" )?;

url.query_pairs_mut( ).append_pair( "sort", "newest" );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "https://example.org/foo?page=2&sort=newest");

url.query_pairs_mut( ).clear( ).append_pair( "bar","baz" );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "https://example.org/foo?bar=baz");

pub fn fragment(&self) -> Option<&str>[src]

Optionally returns this BaseUrl's fragment identifier.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/index.html#about" )?;
assert_eq!( url.fragment( ), Some( "about" ) );

pub fn set_fragment(&mut self, fragment: Option<&str>)[src]

Change this BaseUrl's fragment identifier.


use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, TryFrom };

let mut url = BaseUrl::try_from( "https://example.org/foo?page=2" )?;

url.set_fragment( Some( "head2" ) );
assert_eq!( url.as_str( ), "https://example.org/foo?page=2#head2" );

Trait Implementations

impl From<BaseUrl> for Url[src]

impl PartialEq<BaseUrl> for BaseUrl[src]

impl Clone for BaseUrl[src]

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)1.0.0[src]

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl PartialOrd<BaseUrl> for BaseUrl[src]

impl Eq for BaseUrl[src]

impl Ord for BaseUrl[src]

fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self1.21.0[src]

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more

fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self1.21.0[src]

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more

fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self[src]

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clamp)

Restrict a value to a certain interval. Read more

impl Display for BaseUrl[src]

impl Debug for BaseUrl[src]

impl TryFrom<Url> for BaseUrl[src]

type Error = BaseUrlError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for BaseUrl[src]

type Error = BaseUrlError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl Hash for BaseUrl[src]

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H) where
    H: Hasher

Feeds a slice of this type into the given [Hasher]. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

impl Send for BaseUrl

impl Unpin for BaseUrl

impl Sync for BaseUrl

impl RefUnwindSafe for BaseUrl

impl UnwindSafe for BaseUrl

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T> ToString for T where
    T: Display + ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized