base-x 0.2.2

Encode/decode any base
# base-x

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This is a Rust fork of
And this my very first Rust project: please review the source code!

## Installation

Add this to `Cargo.toml` file:

base-x = "0.2.0"

## Usage

extern crate base_x;

fn main() {
    let decoded = base_x::decode("01", "11111111000000001111111100000000").unwrap();
    let encoded = base_x::encode("01", &decoded);
    assert_eq!(encoded, "11111111000000001111111100000000");

## Changelog

- 0.2.0

  Breaking change: alphabet has to be provided as an array of bytes instead of a string.

- 0.1.0

  initial version

## Contributors

- [Friedel Ziegelmayer]
- [Maciej Hirsz]